Mokie and Bik
by Jonathan Bean
From Mokie & Bik:Mokie and Bik lived on a boat called Bullfrog. They lived in it, on it, all around it—monkeying up ladders and down ropes, over the wheelhouse and across the cabin floor. "Twins!" their mother shouted, because the lines of her Art jiggled and jarred when Mokie and Bik played bumpboats. "Get out from underfoot!"So Bik bumped Mokie out the door—splat!—into nanny Ruby's bucket as she was sploshing the deck."Twins!" shouted Ruby. "Get out from underfoot!" So they sunned like seals on the wheelhouse roof for about twenty hours till Ruby finished sploshing. Meet a pair of twins that will monkey their way into your heart!Mokie is bigger but Bik is faster. They are twins, and they have a nanny Ruby that looks after them while their mom is Arting and their dad is on his ship at sea. Whether they're helping Erik the Viking splosh his decks or learning to swim fast as fisk, these two are...