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Search for the term “playboy” online and chances are you’ll find a picture of John Klinger. John enjoys the idea of never settling down, but as his teammates fall in love around him, he has to wonder if there isn’t something more for him out there. When a famous actress known for her wild ways makes an outrageous bid on him in a bachelor auction, it couldn’t come at a better time to help get the crazy ideas of settling down out of his head. Jasmine Truedel was always taught that a woman didn’t need a man in her life to have everything she wanted. Her mother and grandma are proof of that, and Jasmine is more than happy to continue on with the family tradition. Or at least she was until a life-altering revelation has her scrambling to find someone she can convince to play her boyfriend. What she isn’t expecting from John Klinger is an instant connection that scares her almost as much as being named to the worst-dressed list. Will John and Jasmine find a way to put their lifestyles and fears aside to make a relationship work? Or will their ruse of a relationship fizzle before it even starts?**