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Nathan Foster's life has been turned upside down and he wants answers. Now he is face to face with the only one who has the answers; Jesus Christ himself. A mix of fantasy and reality force him to choose his way or a new way. But will he apply what he has learned to his own life or was it just a meaningless illusion?How many of us wouldn't want the opportunity to ask God why he took a loved one or what is the meaning of life? What if you got your answers and realized that they are far simpler than you ever imagined. How would you use that information? For one man, Nathan Foster, his anger, depression and frustration have lead him on a miraculous journey to find out who he is and who he is meant to be; by getting face to face with the only one with the answers he needs. He will have to leave his old life behind and begin a new one, but that means learning to let go of his depression and anger. American author, K.T.Martina has resisted tired old cliche's by taking a new look at his own beliefs which has birthed a new novel about being more than who you thought you were, and becoming the kind of person that doesn't just survive life, but finally begins to live with a purpose. I do not recommend for readers under 16 due to some violence.