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An angel of Death in Los Angeles. A sociopath kills a young boy, a quiet teen, and then an entire family before turning his attention upon Pavel Trusnik, an elderly shut-in from across the street. Loneliness can drive a normal man to madness, and Pavel Trusnik is not a normal man. After committing a crime that leaves him shunned and isolated, Pavel has only the fading memories of his tragically flawed life, and his one great love. When the violent sociopath sets his murderous desires upon Pavel, only an ancient order that knows Pavel's secrets can intervene. But for the isolated old man, the vicious intruder is the only company he has had in decades... (Death's Order, Book #1)Review"...I have to say that [Alisa Tangredi] is now on my list of writers to watch. From the moment I cracked open the cover I was plunged into a world centuries old, with characters that I came to sympathize with and hate with a passion. They were richly developed and the settings and history completely engrossed me. Rare are the books that I read that can bring up such emotion from me..." Rachelle Gagne, The Novel Blog About the AuthorAlisa Tangredi is a native Californian, currently residing in Van Nuys with her husband and their dog. She has written all her life, though most things went into hiding in a drawer. She studied theatre and music at San Francisco State University and worked as a stage actress for 30 years, with sporadic employment in commercials and television. She was also an active participant in several Los Angeles based theatre companies and continues to support live theatre throughout the L.A. area. She has written several stage plays in addition to her novels. For more information, please visit her website and blog at