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Volume 2 in the Secrets Serials by NY Times Bestselling Author H.M. WardSexy thoughts about Cole fill Anna's dreams. Every detail burns brightly in her mind; the way his hands feel on her bare skin, the soft brush of his lips against hers, and the way their bodies fit perfectly together. Anna awakes breathless, tingling as if it really happened. What caused her to think about Cole like that? It was completely forbidden.And Anna didn't feel that way about him, at least she didn't think she did. Cole was fun to flirt with, that's all, and the sexual tension between them was normal, right? Everyone has that from time to time with some super-hot guy. It made sense. Her mind was just telling her that she needs a boyfriend.But what if Cole's the right guy? What if he's right there and Anna lets him slip through her fingers?  Cole's more than she bargained for, with enough sex appeal to make Anna realize everything she's been missing.   *Warning: This volume has sexually explicit content*Each volume tracks a different stage of Anna and Cole's relationship. Vol. 1-5 are on sale now.Genre: New Adult Romance/ Mature YA