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*can be read as a standalone*Welcome to 1985...If there were a preppy Olympics, Russell James would medal.If Heather Knowles stepped in front of an open flame her head would burst into flames from the sheer amount of Aqua Net she's shellacked it with.Big hair, leg warmers, bitchin' music, and the Brat Pack—what's not to love about the 80's? Head back to 1985 in Tainted Love (A Totally 80's Romance 2)!September 1985Senior year is really shaping up to be something. A week before school starts, I get accused of shoplifting right in front of my crush, Russell James, aka The Preppy Prince. He makes my entire body weak as water, and I hate that he has that effect on me. He's totally not my type, and I refuse to be ruled by a few wayward hormones. Only he seems sort of cool, and, well, he looks pretty hot in his football uniform. But who am I kidding? He's got Amanda Prescott his preppy match making a grab for his jersey. Russell could never be into someone like me. We're from totally...