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A Barnes and Noble Mystery Book Club Summer Reading Pick!"Dewey is a seriously weird dude, obsessed with Purell...and generally trying to survive in a world that's been unraveled from manifold disasters...Whiplash prose, teeth-gnashing dialogue and post-civilization concepts that make a crazy (amateur) librarian in a pitch-black world a hall of a lot of fun...A good time for fans of the likes of Charlie Huston and Charles Stross."—Kirkus Reviews"A taut, action movie-violent mystery that will appeal to fans of Larson's earlier novel as well as those who like dystopian literature."—Library Journal"Larson's vividly imagined world and his quirky narrator are likely to win him a cadre of loyal fans."—Publishers Weekly"This doubleheader, the 'soft apocalypse' noir thrillers The Dewey Decimal System and The Nervous System by former Shudder To Think guitarist Nathan Larson, turns out...