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Special Limited Time Discount Price for eBook...Will Soon Be Increased Retail: $3.99In Hills of Wheat, readers will learn more about quiet Sylvia Lapp, the youngest of the Lapp  daughters. She is quiet and reserved, eager to help her parents around the farm. Her love of God and dedication to the Amish faith is unquestioned, even when she has to work at the dreaded Farmers' Market and deal with the pesky Englische tourists. When he shows up at the Farmers' Market and rescues her from dealing with an especially aggressive Englischer tourists, the wheels are in motion for more than just directions.  In balancing her Amish roots with his English past, Sylvia learns more than she bargained for about the sins of worldliness.An Amish Christian Romance that will leave you breathless and wanting more. Sarah Price, bestselling author of Amish Christian Romances, brings her twenty-five years of experience living among the Amish and from growing up Mennonite to the pages of her novels and novellas, in order to present a truly authentic Amish experience just for her readers. Best-selling author of Amish Christian Romances, Sarah Price takes her readers on a journey to the world of the Amish in Hills of Wheat, the second book in her Amish of Lancaster Series, a series of Amish Christian Romances that are based on her twenty-five years living among the Amish in Lancaster County, PA.Sarah Price provides a real look inside the often secret life of the Amish. Readers will not be disappointed.ReviewFIVE STAR REVIEWJake swept me away. What a romantic story. I loved it. As an Englisher he had a past. The end of the story did surprise me and will bring a tear to your eye.On Amazon