Book Read Free
To mark our 60th anniversary, the editors at Goose Lane have selected six tiny perfect stories from the sweep of our publishing history for your reading pleasure. ALDEN NOWLAN's "A Boy's Life of Napoleon," adapted from Nowlan's first novel, The Wanton Troopers. The beguiling "Woman Gored by Bison Lives" from DOUGLAS GLOVER's A Guide to Animal Behaviour. Giller Prize-winner LYNN COADY's Christmas story "The Three Marys," adapted from Strange Heaven. Commonwealth Prize winner SHAUNA SINGH BALDWIN's glittering story "Simran" from English Lessons and Other Stories. KATHRYN KUITENBROUWER's haunting "What Had Become of Us," from Way Up. The extraordinary "Knife Party" from MARK ANTHONY JARMAN’s Knife Party at the Hotel Europa. Short Stories, Literary Fiction, Canadian Author.