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Vanessa Capri is living the life a million girls would envy: she’s the acting tour manager for her producer father’s fledgling boy band. Except that living in a tin can (even a luxuriously outfitted tin can) with a bunch of boys isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. Not only does she sleep in a bunk in what the boys affectionately (and scarily accurately) call the morgue, but she has to share a tiny bathroom with nine other people, works ridiculous hours doing everything for the band, and has had to put her own life on hold. From arranging meals and buying toothpaste, to settling squabbles and tearing down stages, she’s the go-to girl for the band. Even though she has her best friend, Sandrine Thibeault, with her as the band’s in-house vlogger and social media manager, being on tour is not the easy and relaxing summer in the Hamptons she’d planned on.Still, Vanessa takes her role very seriously and is committed to doing a...