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Much to her surprise, foster care survivor Madison Rose has finally found a family of her own. Unconventional as it may be, living and working as a live person within the Los Angeles vampire community has given Madison a sense of belonging and of being loved that she hasn’t felt since she was a small child. But when she discovers a dead body floating in the Dedham pool, she isn’t sure what to do. Because of risk to the vampires, she can’t very well call the local police, and the Dedhams and the other vampires won’t be available until sundown. Turning to the one live person who can help, Detective Mike Notchey, Madison puts out an emergency call. But when the dead body begins to move, Notchey can’t get there fast enough. The body in the pool isn’t just dead, it’s undead, belonging to Keleta, a young vampire who has been nearly killed and dumped into the lap of the Dedhams. Keleta doesn’t remember much about what happened to him and convalesces under the watchful eye of the local vampire council. When another body is dumped into the Dedham pool, this vampire isn’t so lucky. He doesn’t make it and his death kicks the council into high gear to find out just who or what is murdering vampires. And why are the victims being discarded at the Dedham home? The only clue linking them is a brand at the small of the back of both Keleta and the dead vampire – a brand also worn by Doug Dedham and Colin Reddy. The brand is the calling card of Ann Hayes, the femme fatale vampire who branded them just before turning them into vampires centuries before. Found and brought before the local vampire council, Ann Hayes declares her innocence with flair and disdain for their authority, claiming she “stopped branding when the Prince of Wales married Wallis Simpson.” But can they believe her? Has Ann returned with a hidden motive, that of reclaiming Doug Dedham? Or is Ann being set up by someone else? And if so, is the perpetrator a vampire with a grudge or a beater, a living person, who knows too much about the vampires? When Samuel La Croix, the head vampire, calls on Madison to help the council with the investigation, she runs afoul of both Detective Notchey and Colin and uncovers the truth behind Notchey’s personal grief.