Savannah by the Sea
by Denise Hildreth Jones
First, I had to lie to my boss. (Sort of.) Then my parents had a fight. (They never fight.) The pint–sized lapdog that is treated better than I am has thrown up. (Twice.) This vacation hasn't even started...and I'm ready to go home.No one in her right mind would actually choose to spend a week at the beach with a steel–Magnolia drama queen, a tragically disappointed diva–in–training, and a yapping, hurling, supremely annoying little canine princess. But I love Seaside, so I came. Then I ran into the gorgeous, exasperating Joshua North...and watched my good sense slide rapidly south. Which goes to show that even with a tan and (maybe) a new man in my life––I'm still the same old Savannah...from Savannah.