Double Happiness
by Joe Bennett
In this bitingly funny new book, Joe Bennett lays bare the techniques behind the bullshit that surrounds us and shares examples from New Zealand and around the world. Bullshit has always been with us but as a result of the proliferation of media in the last century we are now awash with it, drowning in it. It has become so accepted a part of the human landscape that bullshitters can not only make a living from bullshit and achieve power, prestige and wealth - they can even win prizes for it. Unironic prizes. Bullshit seems to be fundamental to human society. If we were to strip bullshit from our conversations, our televisions, newspapers and airwaves, we would barely recognise what remained. the aim of this book is to unpack examples of bullshit from our everyday life and lay bare the techniques behind it. these techniques are surprisingly simple. there are two possible consequences of this exposure. One is that bullshit will be laughed out of existence forever. the other is that...