High Country : A Novel
by Willard Wyman
2005 The packer's business is guidingmule trains into mountains where wagons can't travel. It's a life of danger,long days, and low pay. But for those wedded to the wilderness and inaccessiblehighcountry, it is the only life there is. During the Great Depression,young Ty Hardin is sent from his family's failing Montana ranch to learn fromthe last of the great packers, Fenton Pardee, legendary in the Montana Rockiesfor his packing adventures across the Swan Range all the way to the Big Divide.HighCountry follows Ty through this apprenticeship and into World War II, where hewatches trucks and jeeps replace the army's mules. Wounded and shipped home, Tyrecovers by packing into the Montana mountains he loves. After his mentor dies,Ty leaves Montana for the Sierra Nevada--the highest country of all--where hebecomes a legend in his own right.