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Wife of a presidential candidate, Grace Alexander knows the sacrifices required in a race for the office. In a future where candidates face deadly attacks, she reluctantly embraces a new technology that allows her to remotely interact with her family. But when she finds that her husband is bent on wiping out a third of the population, she must choose between her family, and the entire country.Grace Alexander supports her husband in his bid for President of the Peoples Republic of America, with high hopes that his win will return religious freedom to the nation, and once and for all, stop the tragic terrorist attacks that have claimed so many Christian lives.After a bomb explodes at the convention, and her family narrowly escapes assassination, she sends them away to safety, and reluctantly embraces a new virtual reality technology to stay in touch with Bradlie, her beloved granddaughter.But when she discovers that her husband has masterminded a conspiracy that will wipe out the country's Muslim population, she must choose between the man she once loved, the lives of her family, and doing whatever it takes to stop the coming Holocaust.