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She’s at it again! In this fourth installment in the Whiskey Mattimoe series, Magnet Springs is in a frenzy over multiple sightings of dead mayor Gil Gruen and the self-induced exile of their resident Seven Suns of Solace adviser, Noonan Starr, just when she’s needed most. While opportunity knocks at Whiskey’s door in the form of a sexy Scotsman with real estate agent potential, a charming karma-obsessed self-help author with dating potential, and Whiskey’s ex-husband, who possesses the potential to drive her out of her mind, mayhem abounds. When one of Whiskey’s tenants is found murdered on the shores of Lake Michigan and the children in the young woman’s charge disappear, it’s up to canine-challenged Whiskey to rescue Magnet Springs from a scandal unlike any other it’s ever known. Can Whiskey help the town discover the truth about Twyla Rendel's death and lay Gil Gruen to rest for good before it’s too late?