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story of two lost souls in a rather eccentric fish bowl.

are gone and bloody good riddance to the lot of them. The planet,
left barren and lifeless by the long extinct species, has since been
inherited by their own creations. Now all that roams the hollow
cities and landscapes of man are the various machinations left
bestowed with intelligent (or in some cases barely functional)
programming, including the likes of janitorial robots, violently
affectionate androids, and one very unfortunate stuffed rabbit.

by distance and time, two unlikely soul mates, Usu and Rain have been
rekindled by fate only to struggle once again to hold onto their
fragile union. To save a friendship that has stretched across
lifetimes they must trek across a land as exotic as it is
unforgiving, joined in their adventure by cleaning droids, cannibal
robots, and holograms from an era long past. Fighting against time,
forgotten memories, and their own design at the hands of their former
creators, they will find a way to be together forever, at any cost.

is a heartwarming sci-fi adventure from the mind of South African
writer Jayde Ver Elst that tells the tale of two very dear friends; a
stuffed rabbit and his android girl.