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Daria Wilkers appears to be a diligent, studious, high school student. However, no one would guess that her thoughts are clouded with infatuation. She appears to be taking notes in class, when she is only writing the name of her latest crush. Daria, is confronted by her Chemistry teacher, Mr. Beland, about her starry eyed gaze, as he is concerned she is failing his class...Most days start off as normal days. At least that’s what little Lenny Helzerman thinks. He thinks that there aren’t any good or bad days—it’s just the stuff that happens during the day that makes it good or bad or memorable or forgettable. Little Lenny Helzerman doesn’t expect anything more from one day than he does any other day and he doesn’t give anything more to one day than he does any other day. It is all the same. And this suits him just fine.

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