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'Faster! Faster!' is a novel that tells of the mid-life crisis of Claudia Winsloe, who finds herself trapped by the dual responsibilities of her career and her family. The harder she pushes herself the more she becomes out of touch and increasingly isolated.About the AuthorBorn to Count Henry de la Pasture and his novelist wife, Delafield (1890-1943) was brought up according to strict Late Victorian precepts, but failing to ensnare a husband, she entered a convent in Belgium the moment she was 21. Having recovered from this experience she became a VAD, (voluntary nursing for the war effort) and wrote her first novel. Delafield started publishing in her mid twenties and the year her fourth novel Consequences was published, she married Paul Dashwood, a civil engineer turned land agent; three years in Malaya was followed by life in rural Devon. Many of her novels and short stories are semi-autobiographical or stem from her experiences living abroad and in the rural countryside.