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In this sweeping saga set on Earth and intergalactic space, Robert Reginald envisions a detailed future world of Martians versus humans. In the first novel, War of Two Worlds, they attack without warning or mercy, slaughtering and harvesting humankind. An intrepid band of ordinary people refuse to accept what seems inevitable, vowing to fight to the death. The second novel, Operation: Crimson Storm, spreads the conflict to space as Earth goes on the offensive. Deep within the bowels of their own Red Planet, the aliens use many different weapons, not all of them military, to fight the human foes. In the final book, The Martians Strike Back!, war rages deeper into the solar system, with savage battles fought on land and sea. The planetoid Ceres holds the key — but will both races die before they can unlock it? Reginald’s gripping prose and rich narrative make these books worthy successors to Wells’ cosmic vision.