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After years of moral decay brought about by a corrupt government and society, many felt that it was time to take America in a new direction; a “back to roots” approach to governing in which the fundamental values, beliefs, and constitutional principles under which the country was formed would be restored.It was with this feeling that, in 2044, Americans moved outside of their comfort level and political arena to elect, Ahmad Abbas, an American born of Jordanian descent, and the first Muslim to hold the highest office. In the subsequent 3 years life, as most Americans knew it, changed dramatically. Feeling that he had a mandate from the people, the newly elected president took advantage of his first term in office, and a congress that was sympathetic to his radical quasi-democratic policies, to change a culture that he believed needed a dramatic makeover. Just three short years after his inaugural address shook the nation, a growing segment of society, many of whom had voted for the president, began to realize what his extremist views meant to their freedoms and decided that it was time for a change. It had taken years for the political climate in the US to accept the many Muslims who served in congress and to elect a Muslim president. Many of the members of the clergy, military, and concerned citizens believed that the country could not wait patiently for change via democratic means. More drastic measures were needed. In South Philly, Angela Mastronardo, a former corporate executive would become a catalyst among the Christian Community. In New York City Rabbi Saul Rudzinsky would be the spiritual leader while his son, Aaron, would take a more active role. In Boston, Qasim and Makim Khalid, two orphans from Syria, would put culture and religion aside to join the Christians and Jews in their pursuit of freedom. And the glue that holds this diametrically opposed group together is recently retired Major General Josh Redmond, a man with superior military credentials and a history as a winner on and off the battlefield. It is the general who is tasked with melding these people into a cohesive unit needed to carry out his strategic and daring plan.“Acts of Sedition” is a gripping account of the change that occurred in the US under the first Muslim president. It is the story of the tense struggle between the democratically elected commander in chief and the leaders of a resistance movement that grew out of the frustrations of people of free will who finally decide that enough is enough. Are their actions those of patriots or traitors?