The Clarkl Soup Kitchens
by Mary Carmen
Clarkl is a planet of cold days and even colder nights. Although Clarkl's star is not visible from Earth, Clarkl's advanced technology allows its natives to visit Earth and take Earthlings back to Clarkl for work. In the early 2070s, the American government entered into a contract with the people of Clarkl to manage and staff farms and kitchens to feed some of the large numbers of Clarkl natives who are faced with the planet's ever-present famine. The American government received certain critical minerals from Clarkl, and the Clarklians received the services of farmers and cooks. This novel presents the diaries of five Americans who went to Clarkl for work in the dining rooms. They left troubling problems on Earth to go to Clarkl for a guaranteed monthly income and a decade of hard work. The diaries discuss the ugly Clarkl natives, with all seven sexes described. Three imaginative illustrations by Lance Jackson show these natives.About the AuthorMary Carmen is a management consultant based near Cheyenne, Wyoming. She manages projects for information technology departments of large financial and governmental organizations, traveling from engagement to engagement with a Russian Blue cat, Fyodor.Ms. Carmen has worked as a computer programmer, programming department manager, systems analyst, and technical writer. Before studying computer programming, Ms. Carmen taught English in a public school in Georgia in the year that school integrated. Ms. Carmen received a B.A. degree in journalism from Pennsylvania State University and an M.B.A. degree from St. Mary's College of California.