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An unwitting pact with the devil transforms a hapless, lonely woman into a babe with everything she ever wanted – until the Faustian bill comes due in this hilarious be-careful-what-you-wish-for tale.Florida real estate agent Barbara Chessner is down on her luck, up several dress sizes, drowning herself in Bloody Marys — and, worst of all, has just been dumped by her husband for a blonde TV weatherperson. Tired of living the life of a woman in a "before" ad, Barbara stumbles outside in the midst of a thunderstorm and beseeches heaven to help her — unaware that someone diabolical might be listening. Instantly, the storm vanishes and the sky fills with stars, one of which actually seems to be winking at her. Barbara wakes up with golden hair (not her own premature gray), perfect pitch (she's tone deaf), a strange black dog (registered to her), no double chin, a waistline ... and definite cleavage! Talk about a good night's sleep!Even more bizarre...