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Decodes the message inscribed on the Great Cross of Hendaye in France• Uses the work of 20th-century alchemist Fulcanelli to predict the date of the fatal season of the apocalypse• Shows how periodic galactic alignments may cause catastrophes on Earth• Examines how the secret of the center of the galaxy reveals the true location of the lost civilization of Atlantis• Reveals the alchemical secret of the imperishable Light Body of ancient Egypt deep within our DNAThe Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye reveals one of Western occultism's deepest secrets: The alchemical transformation of base metal into gold is also the transformation of the current Iron Age into the Golden Age. Based on the work of the enigmatic 20th-century alchemist Fulcanelli, authors Weidner and Bridges show how the greatest alchemical secret is that of time itself and that coded into an obscure monument in southwestern France—the cross in the town square...