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You never know, when it happens, what's going to change your life, what's going to bounce you out of the rut you've been in, send you flying off in some new direction.Manny's latest score left him with more money than he's ever dreamed of, but with money comes danger -- from his partner, Rosey, who might get greedy, and from the Russian mobsters they stole it from. Worse, if he's busted again, he'll go back to prison for life, leaving his motherless five-year-old son, Nicky, still trapped in the foster care system.With the kind of guts born of panic and desperation, Manny grabs his son and heads for the wilds of Maine. When he discovers that the bad guys are on his trail, his impulse is, as usual, to run. But the people he's met in Maine -- including the local police chief -- have become his unlikely friends and an unlikely surrogate family to his boy. Now they're all in danger, and it's because of him. Does Manny have what it takes to change his...