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Miranda is petite and beautiful, with a beauty that has something almost ethereal about it. Her long golden hair shimmers down her back, and her eyes are like reflective pools of crystal blue water. Her skin is pale, yet never burns or tans. But deep within her is a sexual fire too powerful for normal men.She knew she was different, but she could never have imagined that she would be abducted and taken far across the Galaxy. Her mate awaits, a huge warrior who, surely, cannot be right for her. There are other forces at work, and Miranda unknowingly holds secrets of the Celestial Ancients, lost for millennia but now ready to surface once more. Few would have believed that the key could be in her mating, in her deep sexuality and, although she would never have believed it, in the intense coupling with that huge, muscle-bound warrior who must possess her totally – just as she must possess him.