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The third book from the author of Badger and Crab's Adventure and Badger and Crab to the Rescue.Focuses on the significance of teamwork, problem-solving and the importance of friendship.For 7-9 year olds – contains entertaining illustrations from Shrewsbury artist Carol Davies. Life is hard in the woods. Spring should have sprung but day after day and night after night it has been raining. Worms are hard to find; they've buried themselves deep down in the ground. Badger has to roam away from his normal territory to find food for himself and his family. Fox cannot find enough to feed himself either and Tawny Owl cannot hunt in the rain. On the beach all is well. Rain doesn't matter. The seaside animals are in no danger of starvation. However, the stream on the beach has flooded and Badger is stranded on the wrong side. He can't get home before daybreak. It takes great courage and ingenuity from Crab to find a solution. But Badger is...

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