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Seven sources of power, demons, unknown heroes and an all-powerful religion clash in a titanic struggle. The Fortress has been reduced to rubble, the Taurans swept aside and the snarling K'ran's head banner flies in secret pride. A strange signal is received, a vast Tauran Fleet assembled and Walters and his men must again stand against both religious intolerance and Dark Magic.The Next Top Model gets new contestants. Tara gets more than she bargained for when the stunning, alarmingly beautiful women of Bleach's Soul Society (and Hueco Mundo) show up. Swords down and beauty on the line, who has the alluring looks, best walk, and attitude to make the final cut? Is it all bounce and flair? Curves and shapes? Cattiness on the catwalk? Something more?Pick your favorite.Judges to include favorite and most-hated entities from both sides of the spiritual realms.