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Macey has just landed herself a new family after being on the run from people trying to force her in to an unneeded rehab and being kidnapped. Now she has to try to maneuver in a new family and try to come to terms of her being in love with the family guardian.Macey is misunderstood and on the run. People are hunting for her so her parents can put her in a rehab center. Even though it wasn't her fault for coming home high, someone had spiked her drink. She thought she was doing well pick pocketing off of strangers as they passed by, nothing serious just a little wrong. When she is captured along with two other hostages she thinks her time has finally come up. That is until she's saved by the other two girl's family. She is accepted and taken in as part of the family, now Macey has to worry about being found and staying out of the way of one of her new sister's hate. All at the same time as figuring out her feelings for the family's hot guardian. Join Macey in the wild ride of her new family and her new life.