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Red Room Press is extremely proud to present its fourth annual anthology featuring this year's hardcore corps of authors with the best extreme horror fiction of 2018 that breaks boundaries and trashes taboos. First up is "Vigil" by Chad Lutzke. Chad takes us into a neighborhood where a steady stream of decayed corpses are exhumed from a neighbor's cellar. Extreme olfactory horror at its best. Deborah Sheldon went under the knife for the inspiration of "Hair And Teeth," and the result is a tale of gynaecological body horror likely to terrify women and make most men squeamish. With "Rut Seasons" Brian Hodge makes a return to Year's-Best pages in a tale as chilling as it is heart-wrenching, inspired by a thousand-mile drive littered with roadkill and some personal tragedies. "Control" by Jeff Parsons introduces us to a meth addict stalking potential victims in Central Park to get money for the next score. Annie Neugebauer is back with "Cilantro,"...