Once In Awhile
by Kendra G. Johnson
The Merry Band of Misfits have returned home after a harrowing adventure in the desert of Egypt. But their lives have been forever changed. Danny MacKenzie (Danny Mac) is recovering from a gunshot wound by taking a bullet meant for Angelo, his former enemy. Angelo is now his closest ally and marveling as to why Danny Mac would do that. Danny Mac points him to the man from Galilee. Danny Mac's greatest focus is getting Kenann to trust him and agree to be his wife. His patience is stretched to the limit when she is again attacked by their enemy. Kenann feared she was having a mental breakdown. She was hearing voices and losing time. But when the enemy finally showed their hand, the Merry Band of Misfits springs back into action.Granny James calms her granddaughter's fears at giving her whole heart to Danny Mac. Mrs. Gage, the incredible International Woman of Mystery, pulls off an impromptu wedding extraordinaire. Andy, CIA operative, and Judy, Kenann's best friend,...