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In a world where dipterans have hunted most species to extinction, James is a Sprayer. He has had a hard life and he deserves to die in peace. If only, he weren't dying so young. It isn't all gloom and doom though, sharing his world are air-pirate heroines, metallic Gorillas and Horses that run on steam. Oh and airships!Anti-war poems and poems of social commentary by greedycrook. The human race has been intelligent enough to streamline the organisation of money, taxes and infrastructure to serve our needs but not intelligent enough to stop psychopaths and criminals taking control of it. Wealth in the hands of criminals gives power to evil and inevitably causes suffering to humanity. Governments led by psychopaths and sociopaths have the power to oppress and tyrannise entire populations Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler to name a few. In the 21st century we have a network of criminals in power in governments worldwide with their UN ‘Agenda 21’ which is an agenda for ‘sustainable development’ which is a euphemism for eugenics. Over 11000 children have been reportedlymurdered in Syria in a so called 'war'; this is blatant population reduction by the worldwide network of satanic criminals in power. Together politicians, and the 'elite' (scum) who rule them, stage 'wars' between countries with false flags and then sell weapons to both sides to make money and to reduce the population. The criminals in power also reduce human population using methods as well as war and famine such as: biological weapons; weather weapons; chemtrails; contaminated vaccines and austerity. The evil can’t be voted out of power in a so called democracy. All the leaders of the main parties have the same agenda just different names and faces with a different spin on the lies. In the UK for example all the main political party leaders are EU and Bilderberg Group controlled: they are all 'Common Purpose' the criminal network intent on destroying society as we know it for New World Order. In the US the equivalent is The Senior Executive Service. The world is in the grip of satanic fascism; we are living through a very dark period in human history. The good news is that the time of the warmongers and crooks in office is coming to an end: their evil and low energies will not survive in the Age of Aquarius.Queen and Country I will not buy your weapons.I will not kill or die for you.God is my authorityAnd God says, ‘Thou shalt not kill!’From poem 'Should I?' greedycrook

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