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The 'Thousand Years War,' between the nature worshiping Abrhaani species, and the warlike Eniila has ended. While they fought each other the ancient evil Nethera gained strength. Soon the Nethera they will unleash their secret plan. They will ignite a new conflict, enslave both species, and transform Aarda into a living hell.Rehaak, the Abrhaani Scholar, on a quest for knowledge, exiled as a Heretic, will face the Nethera alone if he can't find allies.Laakea, a young Eniila Warrior, is marked for death. While escaping his abuser, he uncovers a mystery. He and Rehaak must rise above centuries of hatred and solve the mystery to stop the Nethera.Isil, an older Abrhaani woman has suffered a horrific loss and escaped abuse. Life has left her scarred in body and spirit. She must bind the outcasts together and combine their skills to defeat the demonic Nethera.Their wish to find their purpose and save Khel Braah's inhabitants links these outcasts. It thrusts them into conflict with corrupt leaders and deadly enemies.