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Motor Matt's Make-and-Break; or, Advancing the Spark of Friendship

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2016

Motor Matt's Submarine; or, The Strange Cruise of the Grampus

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt's Double Trouble; or, The Last of the Hoodoo

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2016

Motor Matt's Hard Luck; or, The Balloon-House Plot

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt's Mandarin; or, Turning a Trick for Tsan Ti

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2016

Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2014

Motor Matt Makes Good; or, Another Victory For the Motor Boys

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt in Brazil; or, Under The Amazon

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt's Defiance; or, Around the Horn

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt on the Wing; or, Flying for Fame and Fortune

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2016

Motor Matt's Air Ship; or, The Rival Inventors

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2015

Motor Matt's Clue; or, The Phantom Auto

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2014

Motor Matt's Reverse; or, Caught in a Losing Cause

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2016

Motor Matt's Race; or, The Last Flight of the Comet

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other3

years 2014

Motor Matt's Quest; or Three Chums in Strange Waters

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other4

years 2015

Motor Matt's Peril; or, Cast Away in the Bahamas

by Stanley R. Matthews


genres Other4

years 2015

Warring States

by Susan R. Matthews

series Jurisdiction Universe

genres Other4

years 2014

Angel of Destruction

by Susan R. Matthews

series Jurisdiction Universe

genres Other6

years 2014

Love in the Air: Lopez Island Series #2

by Jamie E. Matthews


genres Other8

years 2018

Hour of Judgement

by Susan R. Matthews

series Jurisdiction Universe

genres Other9

years 2014

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