Home is Where the Hard is
by Caraway Carter
genres Other4
years 2011
Lyssa's Call_A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure
by M. D. Cooper
series Sentience Wars Origins
genres Science
years 2018
The Bone Puppets: A Hard SciFi Zombie Soldier Story
by Doug McGovern
genres Other5
years 2017
Raven's Peak: Cold Hard Bitch
by Cole Savage
genres Other5
years 2018
Between Roc and a Hard Place
by Heather Graham
genres Mystery
years 2003
Star Wars Republic Commando: Hard Contact
by Karen Traviss
genres Thriller
years 2010
A Rocker and a Hard Place
by Keane, Hunter J.
genres Other6
years 2014
Stone Barrington 27 - Doing Hard Time
by Woods, Stuart
series Stone Barrington
genres Other6
years 2013
The Piranha Solution: A Hard Science Fiction Technothriller (Ace of Space Book 1)
by John Triptych
genres Other6
years 2017
Lyssa's Flight_A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure
by M. D. Cooper
series Sentience Wars_Origins
genres Science
years 2018
A Drop of the Hard Stuff
by Lawrence Block
series Matthew Scudder
genres Mystery
years 2011
Fat Man Blues: A Hard-Boiled and Humorous Mystery (The Tubby Dubonnet Series Book 9)
by Tony Dunbar
genres Other7
years 2016
Ralph Compton Ride the Hard Trail
by Ralph Compton
genres Other7
years 2008
The Mammoth Book of Hard Bastards (Mammoth Books)
by Robin Barratt
genres Other7
years 2011
A Learning Experience 2: Hard Lessons
by Christopher G. Nuttall
series A Learning Experience
genres Other7
years 2014
Magic and Mayhem: Witchin' Hard (Kindle Worlds Novella)
by Claudy Conn
genres Other7
years 2016
Chaacetime: The Origins: A Hard SF Metaphysical and visionary fiction (The Space Cycle - A Metaphysical & Hard Science Fiction Saga)
by A. I. Zlato
genres Other8
years 2018
Rough Riders 01 - Long Hard Ride
by Lorelei James
genres Romance
years 2008
The Nuclear Druid: A Hard Science Fiction Adventure With a Chilling Twist (Extinction Protocol Book 2)
by Felix R. Savage
genres Other8
years 2017
Lyssa's Call - A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure (The Sentience Wars - Origins Book 4)
by M. D. Cooper
genres Other8
years 2018