Death in a Cold Hard Light
by Francine Mathews
genres Other8
years 1998
Lyssa's Flame - A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure (Aeon 14: The Sentience Wars: Origins Book 5)
by M. D. Cooper
genres Other9
years 2018
Lyssa's Flight - A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure (The Sentience Wars - Origins Book 3)
by M. D. Cooper
genres Other9
years 2018
Tanis Richards: Masquerade - A Hard, Military, Science Fiction Adventure (Aeon 14: Origins of Destiny Book 2)
by M. D. Cooper
genres Other9
years 2018
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact rc-1
by Karen Traviss
series Republic Commando
genres Thriller
years 2004
Pity the Billionaire: The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right
by Thomas Frank
genres Other10
years 2012
Lyssa's Run_A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure
by M. D. Cooper
series Sentience Wars_Origins
genres Science
years 2017
Lyssa's Flame_A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure
by M. D. Cooper
series Sentience Wars Origins
genres Science
years 2018
Bad Boy Valentine: The Hard and Dirty Holidays
by Aaron, Celia
genres Other10
years 2015
Lyssa's Dream - A Hard Science Fiction AI Adventure (The Sentience Wars - Origins Book 1)
by James S. Aaron
genres Other10
years 2017
Star Wars - Republic Commando - Hard Contact
by Karen Traviss
genres Thriller
years 1993
The Chemical Mage: Supernatural Hard Science Fiction (The Tegression Trilogy Book 1)
by Felix R. Savage
genres Other11
years 2017
Chaacetime_The Origins_A Hard SF Metaphysical and visionary fiction_The Space Cycle_A Metaphysical & Hard Science Fiction Saga
by A. I. Zlato
genres Other11
years 2018
A Burqa and a Hard Place
by Sally Cooper
genres Fiction
years 2009
You Can Leave Your Hard Hat On
by Stephanie Bond
genres Romance
years 2006
Soft Soap for a Hard Case
by Hall, Billy
genres Other12
years 2013
The Clouds of Venus: Hard Science Fiction
by Brandon Q. Morris
genres Other
years 2020
Joe Fury and the Hard Death
by Paul Anthony Long
genres Other12
years 2013
A Rock and a Hard Place
by George Zelt PhD
genres Other2
years 2019
The Year's Top Hard Science Fiction Stories 3
by Allan Kaster
genres Other2
years 2019