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Devi’s Distraction: Icehome Book 7

Page 17

by Dixon, Ruby

  But she smiles when she sees me. “N’d-d-dek!”

  “My mate,” I say, and slosh through the knee-high water to get to her. I stumble a little, but using my spear to balance myself helps. I grit my teeth as the tide comes in, spraying us with water once more.

  Devi gives a little cry of distress and moves toward me. She wraps herself around me, not caring that I am hunched against my spear for balance. She tucks herself against me and takes a deep, shuddering breath. “I knew you’d come for me.”

  She is freezing. The fingers that curl against the neck of my tunic are like icicles. I do not like the color of her lips—humans are not supposed to shift their colors like the People. “I am getting you out of here,” I tell her. “Right now.”

  “Yes, p-p-please.”

  I lift her into my arms, and my false leg threatens to buckle. I grit my teeth, because I need to help my mate, but I think of crossing the dangerous rocks outside and I do not know what to do.

  “I can carry D’vi,” S’bren offers, moving to my side.

  I snarl at him, my tail lashing wildly in anger. “You will not touch her.”

  “Let me,” J’shel says, touching my arm. “We will get to the beach and then figure out everything from there.”

  I nod, carefully handing my mate over to my most trusted friend. I hate that she whimpers and clings to me. I feel as if I am betraying her with my lack of strength, but the last thing I want is to lose my balance and drop her into the freezing water. J’shel carefully hauls Devi against him and then climbs out of the cave, and I cast S’bren another dark look before following after J’shel.

  I can choke the life out of S’bren once Devi is warm and safe on the beach.

  It seems to take forever to climb my way awkwardly back to the shore, where Gren and K’thar are waiting next to the slain tidewalker. To my relief, I see K’thar has dug out a small pit and is gathering materials to make a fire.

  I manage to make my way to the others, my stump squishing against the padding with every wobbling step. All of the straps will have to be replaced, the leather ruined. But J’shel sets Devi gently on her feet on the sand, and I forget about the inconvenience of my leg. I forget that he had to carry her to safety. I forget everything except for my Devi, and the sight of her as she puts her arms out and moves toward me, needing me.

  I take two steps, pull her against me, and then sink into the sand, curling around her. My mate. My sweet Devi. My wondrous, beautiful human with the bright, curious eyes and lovely smile. “You are safe,” I murmur into her wet mane.

  “So c-cold,” she tells me, shivering. Her hands pluck at my wet tunic, sliding underneath so she can put her icy fingers against my skin. “C-can’t get w-warm.”

  “I will warm you,” I tell her, hating that my leathers are as soaked as hers. I release her and strip my tunic and pants off as quickly as I can, and when it is not fast enough, I get my knife and cut through the stitches so my leggings fall off my body. Then, I take the knife to her leathers and cut them away from her shivering, quaking body.

  “I’m g-going to be n-naked in f-front of everybody,” she whimpers, hiding her face against my shoulder.

  “They will not look,” I tell the others with a glare.

  K’thar starts the fire and gets to his feet, even as I pull my now-naked female against my body and tuck her hands and feet between my thighs. I wrap all four arms around her, holding her close, and give her my warmth. K’thar watches me for a moment, then points down the long stretch of beach. “I will return to camp, tell them we need blankets and warm leathers for clothing, and a few more people to help us carry back tonight’s feast.” He moves to the dead tidewalker and slaps its unmoving flank. “We have caught enough food for many nights with this fine creature.”

  “D-does it have m-mammary glands?” Devi asks, lifting her head slightly. “C-can we look?”

  “Soon,” I tell her, rubbing a hand up her delicate spine. “It is not going anywhere.” I brush her wet mane away from her face. “You are safe? You are not injured anywhere?”

  “J-just rattled,” she admits, and tucks her face against my neck. “You’re so w-warm.” Her breath fans against my skin, and my cock would be rock hard if her ice-cold fingers were not curled around it.

  “I have you,” I murmur to her. “Just let me hold you and take care of you. I will keep you safe.” I lower my head, as if I can somehow transfer the heat from my body to hers by will alone.

  Across from me, S’bren crouches by the fire. He holds his hands out to warm them. “I have never seen a tidewalker so big. He must have taken that cave as his den.”

  Rage blisters through me. I clench my jaw, staring at him with hatred. Does he not realize how he endangered Devi? Does he not care?

  “You’re growling,” Devi says in a low voice, and one hand slips up to my chest. “Why are you growling?”

  “Because,” I say, letting my anger bleed out into my voice as I glare at S’bren. “I am going to warm you, and then I am going to set you down in the sand and wrap my hands around S’bren’s throat.”

  “Me?” S’bren looks surprised. “What did I do?”

  I clench Devi closer to me. “You endangered her! You stole her from camp! She is not yours!”

  “N’dek,” Devi says, patting me on the chest. “Wait—”

  “I did not steal her,” S’bren says, getting to his feet. He glares down at me from his full height. “I kept her safe!”

  “You brought her here! You thought to steal her away from me!”

  S’bren jerks as if he has been hit. “I did no such thing!”

  “He was showing me bones,” Devi says, struggling against my grip. “He’s just being a friend, N’dek.”

  “I do not like it!” I roar. I am so loud my voice echoes off of the nearby cliff walls.

  Devi pushes at my chest, and when she looks up at me, there is anger and hurt on her face. “What the fuck?”

  “I am angry,” I say, trying to be calm. It is difficult when every time I look at S’bren, I see Devi in danger, Devi’s mouth purple with cold, Devi far too close to the tidewalker…and he took her in its lair.

  “I asked him to take me!”

  “I do not like it! You could have been killed! I could have lost you!”

  “But you were here to save me!”

  “And if I was not?”

  “But you were,” she reasons stubbornly.

  “But if I was not?” I demand, cupping her chin in my hand. How can she be so calm about this? How? I am wild-eyed with fear over the thought of losing her. “I should haul you back to my tent and never let you leave!”

  She shakes her head at me, frowning. “Why are you being so jealous? S’bren is just a friend. He likes someone else. He wasn’t stealing me away.” Devi rubs a hand on my shuddering chest. “He wasn’t doing anything other than being a friend. I asked him to show me where some bones were. We were just going to run in and come back. I wasn’t leaving you.” Devi clucks her tongue at me and runs her hands over my chest. “You’re so angry you’re shuddering, N’dek. It’s okay, really.”

  “It is not okay,” I manage, though the urge to get up and strangle S’bren remains strong. “It is not okay. You were hurt. You were in danger.”

  “This is a dangerous place. There will always be things that threaten our lives. Which is why I’m lucky I have you. I know you’ll keep me safe.” She smooths her hand along my collarbone. “Now calm yourself. I can feel you trembling.”

  “I am calm,” I say, though it sounds surly. “And I am not trembling. You are.” I squeeze her tighter, because I can feel the shudder running through her, the clacking of her teeth even though she smiles.

  “I am?” She looks down at her naked chest, her pretty brown teats, and puts a hand between them. “I…something feels strange, N’dek.”

  J’shel gets to his feet and grabs S’bren by the collar of his tunic. “Come. Let us take a walk. You too, Gren.”

k? Why?” S’bren asks, jerking out of J’shel’s grasp. “What is wrong?”

  I want to ask, too, but suddenly I know. I know why I am so panicked at the thought of Devi injured, why the thought of S’bren stealing her away fills me with just as much terror. I am not trembling, and Devi is not shuddering. The song in my chest grows louder by the moment, and my rage slows, then disappears.


  We are resonating to each other. Devi truly is mine.

  I am not surprised. Have I not known from the moment she smiled at me that she belonged at my side? She is perfect, the light to my shadow. She is eager to embrace this world, and I am just eager to embrace her.

  “My mate,” I murmur, touching her lovely face. “My Devi.”

  “Resonance,” she breathes, her gaze meeting mine with wonder. “I didn’t expect it would feel so…wow.”

  “Much wow.”

  Devi giggles, burying her face against my shoulder. “It’s so loud!”

  It is. Our khuis sing gladly to each other, thrumming their joy in such an insistent way that the sound fills my ears, drowning out even the roar of the nearby waves. I love the sound of it. I love hearing my khui call to hers and having hers answer. I love that everyone from now on will know that she is mine and only mine.

  I cup her face in my hand and claim her mouth in a hot, hard kiss. She moans, wrapping her arms around my neck and her tongue flicks against mine, teasing and tempting me. Her hip rests against my cock, which has stirred to life and now aches, hard and fierce and ready to claim her. “You are mine forever.”

  “Yours.” She gazes at me, her fingers tracing my mouth. “Entirely yours, just like you’re mine.”

  “All yours,” I agree, liking that thought. I belong to Devi, and Devi belongs to me. “Give me your sweet mouth again, my Devi, so I can taste all of you before I claim you.” I nip at her fingertips, my body on fire with need for hers.

  She does not agree, though. Instead, she ducks her head and glances shyly around. “Right here on the beach? In front of everyone?”

  My cock aches at the realization it will not be sated soon. “You wish to wait to go back to the tent? Very well.”

  “We can kiss,” she says hopefully, smiling up at me. “Until we go back?”

  “No,” I admit, rueful. “If we do, I will be unable to walk properly. I will wait. And then I will lick you everywhere, as you should be licked.”

  “I should wash first.” She grimaces. “I’m covered in salt and grime. That cave was nasty. I think I lost my jawbone, too.” When I touch her face, she shakes her head. “No, not my jawbone, the one I was holding. I wanted to study it.”

  “I will get you more,” I promise her. “I will teach you to hunt and then we will go out and kill our own meat and you can take it apart however you like.”

  Devi goes still against me. “You mean that?”

  “Why would I not?”

  “You don’t want me to just sit by the fire and, like, make babies?” Her tone is light and joking, but I can see a hint of worry in her eyes.

  “I want you to do what makes you happy, my sweet mate.” I caress her cheek, wanting to touch her all over, to claim her soft mouth, and forcing myself to wait. “I will wake up early and go on the shore with you if you like. I will hunt many animals so you can have their skins to write upon. I will do whatever you need. I love your curious mind and how you wish to learn everything. Why would I change any of that?”

  She buries her face against me, sighing happily. “You really are the perfect man.”

  “I will build you a hut, too,” I say, stroking her back. “Closer to the water, so you can be one of the first to the shore every morning. I will make a place for you to store your skins, and a pleasant nest of furs so we can curl by the fire together.” I touch her belly. “And room for a kit.”

  “Oh. A baby.” Devi looks dazed. “I didn’t even think about that, but you’re right. We’re going to have a baby, aren’t we?” She gazes at me, worried. “Do you want to be a father?”

  I chuckle. “Does it matter? I shall be.” When she does not smile back, I tip her chin and cannot resist another quick kiss. “Yes, I wish to be a father. But more than anything, I wish to be Devi’s mate.”

  “Good, because you’re going to be changing a lot of leather diapers,” she teases, patting my chest. “I get easily distracted, so you’re going to have to pick up the slack.”

  “Then I will distract you right back,” I promise.



  Eventually, others come up the beach to meet us. I hold my Devi in my arms and give her my warmth as we sit near the fire, and I tuck a blanket around her body when R’jaal passes one to me. All of Tall Horn has arrived to help Strong Arm bring the tidewalker back. They look at me as I hold Devi, open curiosity on their faces and envy on many. I almost feel guilty for my anger at S’bren.

  Almost. He still endangered my mate, and that will take time to forgive. But he did not do it out of malice or an intention to steal her. From what Devi murmurs to me, he is interested in P’nee. That will be a challenge, because I think O’jek is interested in her as well.

  L’ren arrived on the beach with fresh clothing and food for my mate and I, and the three of us sit near the fire while the other hunters dress the kill. I should get up and join them, but I cannot seem to let Devi go. L’ren gives me fresh leather for my false leg, and I make crude straps that should last long enough for us to return to the tribe.

  “The games are ended,” R’jaal says as the hunters work on the tidewalker. “First Old Grandfather, and now this great menace.” He shakes his head. “It is clear we are not the only ones that fled from the island, and we must be prepared for more such creatures to show up.”

  “You are just mad because your team is losing,” M’tok teases.

  R’jaal shakes his head. “No, brother. Something bad will happen if we are not vigilant. There are too many females to protect. We must be careful when we send out hunters, and we must be watchful even on the beach.” He gestures at the tidewalker. “Perhaps I am wrong, but time will tell. Until then, I will speak to R’hosh. No females should leave the camp until we are certain all is safe.”

  “Even the hunters?” M’tok asks, frowning.

  “Even those.”

  “You tell them,” he mutters.

  R’jaal frowns at him. “I shall. Wait and see. If they have a problem with it, they can come to me.”

  “That is what I am hoping,” M’tok says with a shake of his head.

  K’thar moves away from the others as they heft the kaari tied to the shoulder poles, and jogs over to our side, where we sit with L’ren. He touches his mate’s cheek and then comes to where I cradle my sleeping female in my lap. “Shall we go back? Or did you want to stay out here for privacy?”

  I shake my head. It is not safe here, as evidenced by the tidewater kaari. “I want to go back to the camp,” I say. “It is safest for her there.”

  My female yawns and smacks her lips, nestling closer to me. My cock stiffens, but it will need to wait. I cannot take her on this beach, in front of everyone. She needs a warm cup of tea, soft furs to wrap herself in, and a place where we can be uninterrupted for the entire night.

  So when Devi awakens, I help her dress, and then put on a loincloth and throw a cloak over my shoulders. L’ren and K’thar walk with us as we head back to the tribe. We walk even slower than those that bring back the tidewalker—my false leg does not fit properly with the new straps, and Devi is tired. I suggest carrying her, but she gives me such an indignant look that I know she will not tolerate the idea. We walk slowly, and L’ren and K’thar talk of how F’rli and M’dok went out to bring A’tam back and the trouble that caused earlier today when he returned.

  Our strange village is full of many fiery personalities, it seems.

  Even so, it feels like home. I am relieved when I see the familiar cliffs rising in the distance and our stretch of shore with the san
dy beach nestled between rocky outcroppings. I like the sight of all the huts and tents together, and the warm, familiar faces gathered around the central fire. Devi waves shyly to a few of the females, clinging to my hand, and then leans against my arm.

  At times like this, I do not even mind the cold.

  H’nah bounds up to us, her face all smiles. She puts up a hand in the air. “Before you two head off, I just want you to know that I thought you might like a real floor for your special night. J’shel came back and told me what happened, and so I took the liberty of moving your furs to our hut tonight and starting you a fire. I also set out some fresh food, the last of the fruit, and a full waterskin, plus some water to wash with. I’m sure you don’t feel like hanging out, so I thought you could retreat there and relax. J’shel and I will stay with Lauren and K’thar tonight.” She clasps her hands together. “Which means we start on your hut tomorrow, of course. There’s room next to ours. I’m not saying you have to, I’m just throwing it out there.”

  “H’nah,” J’shel says, moving to his mate’s side and looping his arms around her waist. He grins, burying his face against her mane. “Are you being bossy?”

  “Me? Not at all!” She flushes, still smiling. “I just thought I’d point out a few options.” She looks to Devi, and then to me. “I’m very happy for the both of you and just wanted to say so.”

  I nod. “That is…kind.” I am not sure how I feel about J’shel’s mate moving our things without us knowing.

  I look to Devi. She is smiling at H’nah, pleased. “That was so kind of you. Thank you.” She holds her hand out.

  H’nah squeezes it. “It’s almost like we’re sisters-in-law, you know?” When J’shel nudges her again, she releases Devi’s hand. “Right. Okay. I’m not going to talk your ear off. Your stuff’s in our hut, and if that was too intrusive, I’m very sorry. I just thought you might want to not pick sand out of your crack tonight.”

  Devi laughs. “It is very thoughtful. We appreciate it.”

  The idea of furs and relaxing by the fire—alone—with my mate sounds very good. I look at the group gathering by the fire, and there’s an equal crowd nearby butchering the tidewalker. Off to one side, A’tam stands next to R’hosh, and he does not look pleased to be back. Overall, the mood is happy, and it looks like there will be a happy crowd around the fire tonight. Devi might wish to stay and enjoy herself. If so, I will stay at her side and endure.


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