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Devi’s Distraction: Icehome Book 7

Page 18

by Dixon, Ruby

  I do not think I could leave her side anyhow. Right now, I am still fighting the urge to beat S’bren into the ground. Perhaps it is the new resonance that makes me so possessive. All I know is that if another male gets near my mate tonight, I will attack him.

  I rub my thumb over the back of Devi’s hand. “Are you hungry, my mate? Do you want to wait for the tidewalker to be cooked over the fire?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “Not in the slightest. I don’t want a bite of him. I just want to go somewhere quiet and lie down.” She blinks and then buries her face against my arm when H’nah giggles. “You know what I mean.”

  I do. I grin and tug her under my arm. “Let us go then. I would like to be alone, too.”

  H’nah waves. “You guys have fun!”

  J’shel just grins at me knowingly. “See you in the morning.”

  “Possibly,” H’nah giggles.

  “Well this is embarrassing,” Devi murmurs as we walk away. “I guess everyone has to go through it when they resonate, though.”

  “Does it bother you?” I ask her as we head toward the cliffs and J’shel’s hut nestled at the base, the hut that I slept in until he mated with H’nah. “That everyone knows we resonated?”

  “I suppose not?” She shrugs. “It’s just like any other marriage.” She smiles up at me, her expression sweet. “You were right, though. Or half right. You were going to resonate soon.”

  “I am glad I was only right about that part.” I think of B’shit and shudder. Not that she is revolting, but the thought of touching another female instead of Devi makes me sick. Some part of me has always known she was to be mine.

  We get to the hut and pull the screen aside. The interior is warm, the fire banked and a thick chunk of dried-out driftwood burning atop it. A large bowl has been set next to the fire, along with several smaller bowls of meat and H’nah’s precious fruit. Our furs are neatly piled together, and Devi moves to the bedding, where a small bag has been laid.

  “Fresh herbs,” she says, picking it up and sniffing. She smiles. “It’s almost like a honeymoon cottage. That was very sweet of Hannah.”

  “Sweet, yes,” I agree, unable to take my gaze off of her. Devi moves gracefully, and I am fascinated by her long limbs as she sits down next to the fire pit and dips a cloth into the water, washing her face and neck. The sight of her is glorious, and I am reminded of the first time we sat and truly talked…she watched me bathe.

  Now we have come full circle.

  “Do you mind if I wash up first?” she asks, her voice husky as she glances over at me. Her lovely face glistens with water. “I can’t bear to think what was in that cave that might have gotten on my skin.”

  “Do as you like. Only let me watch you.” I drop to one of the large rocks near the fire, used as seats, and ease my weight off of the false leg, then pull it off and rub my stump.

  “I’d be offended if you didn’t,” Devi says, smiling. She gets to her feet and peels off her clothing, her movements slow and deliberate. I watch with avid eyes as she kicks her boots aside, then eases her pants down her legs. Her tunic is the last to go, and then she is naked in front of me, utterly beautiful, her teats large and bouncy, the nipples dark.

  I rub the front of my loincloth at the sight of her, my khui singing a loud, demanding song. “You are lovely.”

  She says nothing, only smiles and picks up the cloth again. She adds a few of H’nah’s herbs to the water and then washes herself, moving over one arm and then the next. She washes her long legs and her thighs. She lifts her arms over her head and washes her back as best she can, then slides the cloth over her teats.

  And I rub my aching cock again.



  Devi moves the cloth over her nipples in an achingly slow tease, then wets it again and caresses the mound of dark fur between her thighs. I watch, hungry, as rivulets of water tease down her skin.

  “Do you want me to wash you, too?” she asks, her voice husky. “I can.”

  “I can wash myself.” Does she think me so incapable? I am surprised—and hurt.

  Devi chuckles. “I know you can, silly. I just thought it might be fun for me to do it.” She bites her lip and then wets the cloth, looking at me expectantly.

  Ahhhh. I am three times a fool. “Yes. I would like that.”

  She picks up the bowl and moves to my side, resting on her knees. She leans in, her teats enticing as they bob, and undoes the tie to the cloak at my neck. “Let’s get you naked, shall we?”

  “You undress me,” I say, reaching for her nipples. I brush my fingertips over one, finding it hard and tight with anticipation. I love the little moan she gives, and the way her arousal perfumes the air a moment later.

  My loincloth proves a challenge for both of us, but I help her tug it free and then I sit in front of her, naked and waiting. She runs the washcloth over each of my arms, her fingers caressing over my skin, each touch deliberately slow. Then she moves to my chest, the washcloth going lower and her gaze moves to mine.

  “You’re not too big for me, are you?” Devi asks, her fingers dancing over my cock.

  “Never. I will make sure you are wet and ready for me.”

  “I’m already wet,” she confesses, gliding the wet cloth over my cock and then down the inside of my thigh. “And I’m ready.”

  My mouth is dry at her blatant invitation. “You are sure?”

  She takes one of my hands and presses my knuckles to her chest, right against the steadily thrumming sound of her khui. “Do you feel this?”

  “I do.”

  She gets to her feet, rising slowly, and keeps my hand in hers. As our eyes meet, she takes our joined hands and moves them to her cunt. “Do you feel this?”

  I brush my fingers over the seam of her and find her soaked. A groan escapes me. “I do.”

  “Then shall we go to our furs?”

  I look over, and they seem very far away. I will either have to crawl or sit on my backside and slide over. “I have taken my leg off,” I admit. “I can think of no elegant way to get over there without making you feel as if you are mated to less of a hunter.”

  “Bullshit,” she says vehemently. “I don’t care if you grab me right here and fuck me in this spot. You saved me today. You came after me. You are the strongest man I have ever met and nothing you said or did could make me think you are ‘less’ somehow. I don’t care if you ass-scoot across the entire village—I will still find you sexy as fuck.”

  I lock an arm around her waist. I love how fierce she gets in my defense. If anything, it makes my cock harder. “You want me to take you right here?”

  “Right here,” she agrees firmly. “Or over there. Or wherever. I just want to be yours.” Her arms go around my neck once more and she leans in, kissing me. “All yours, in every way.”

  I kiss her back, hard, my tongue claiming her mouth. As I kiss her, I rub my fingers along the seam of her cunt and love that she shifts her weight, opening herself to me. I stroke my fingers deeper into her wet heat, pressing one into her core. She is tight and hot, and whimpers against my mouth when I push my finger into her at the same time I claim her mouth.

  “N’dek,” she breathes between kisses. “Thank you for being mine.”

  My heart aches at her sweet words. She is everything I have ever wanted, this beautiful, precious female. I nip at her mouth tenderly, and then pump my finger slowly into her heat again. “You have had my heart from the moment you looked at me.”

  She smiles, and her smile turns into a moan when I thrust my finger deep again, then slowly add a second one, stretching her. Ever since A’tam and B’shit have loudly had their disagreement all over camp, it has made me aware that human females are small and tight, and so I want her to be ready—juicy and slick—when I finally push into her. Her cunt sucks my fingers deep with every stroke, her thighs quivering around my hand. I ache so badly to be inside her.

  “Make me yours,” she whispers.

  I groan
and tug her forward. If she does not care where I take her, then I will take her right here. I drag her down, pulling her forward until she is between my thighs. “Straddle me,” I say, and put one hand on her thigh to tug it over my lap. I slide my fingers free from the heat of her cunt, tease her with one last caress, and then drag her against the head of my cock.

  She gasps, rocking against me. “This is my first time.”

  “Mine, as well.”

  “Then we’ll go slow?” she asks, her eyes full of questions. I nod as I pull her close, claiming her mouth one more time. I tease her with a lick, and when she whimpers, I rock the head of my cock against her cunt again, slicking it with her honey.

  “We will go as slow as you like,” I promise her. “Ease yourself down onto me, Devi.”

  Devi moans, and I grip her soft buttocks with my hands, supporting her. She pushes down against me, the head of my cock rubbing against her core briefly before she eases up again. With a little gasp, she hitches her hips a little lower, sinking onto me.

  We both groan at the sensation.

  “You’re so big,” she pants, eyes closed. “Oh…N’dek…this is…too much.”

  “Should we stop?” It is torture to even ask, but she is my mate. The last thing I want is to harm her.

  “God, no,” she moans, rocking her hips against me again and taking me into her a little deeper. “Just give me time.”

  I lean in and nip at the teats that jiggle so enticingly close, toying with her nipple with a free hand. Devi moans and rocks harder against me, and slowly, excruciatingly slowly, I sink deeper and deeper into the hot, tight warmth of her.

  When I am about halfway in, she rocks against me once more. “Are…” She gasps. “Are you in all the way?”

  “No.” I reach between us and caress her folds, trying to ease her tight body into allowing me deeper. “There is still more to go.”

  A look of frustration crosses her face. “How much?”

  “A lot.”

  She pants, then arches against me when I tease her teats. “You do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Push in all the way. Get it over with.” She wriggles atop me. “I’m not sure I can do it.”

  I frown at that. “I do not want to hurt you, Devi. This is about pleasure.”

  “I know, but I don’t think I can go further.”

  “Then we will go this far,” I reassure her, and find her clit. If she tenses up, we will never get anywhere. Already she clenches me so tightly my cock throbs with the need to release. I rub the pebble of her clit, determined to wring more pleasure out of her.

  She moans, her hips jerking in response.

  “My Devi,” I murmur, even as she rocks down on me with every touch I give her clit. “Let me make you come.”

  “Oh,” she pants, her hands squeezing tight on my shoulders. “You’re so…I’m so…I feel so…” She shudders, and this time when she rocks against me, I drag her down a little harder, trying to pull her deeper. Devi moans again, her body trembling. “That feels so good.”

  I cup her face, glad I have four hands to hold her and work her lithe body. My fingers greedily work her clit even as I brace her thighs, easing her gently down on my aching length. Nothing has ever felt so right as the tight clasp of her cunt as she slowly takes me into her. My khui’s song grows louder by the moment, until I feel as if I am vibrating from the sheer force of it.

  “I have you,” I tell my mate as she sinks lower onto my cock. “I have you, my Devi.”

  My sweet human mate whimpers against me as she rocks lower, and then impossibly, she is seated entirely upon my shaft. My spur pushes against the fingers I have against her clit, and I move my hand, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her against me for another kiss.

  “So full,” she pants against my mouth. “So very full.”

  “But good?” I want to know.

  When she gives me a jerky, distracted nod, I lift her hips with my hands and then slowly ease her back down on my length. She moans, her head going back, her eyes fluttering shut.

  “Still good?”


  I surge into her, slamming my cock deep.

  She gasps, clinging to me. “Oh!”

  I move my fingers to her clit, determined to pleasure her through the next drive into her tight cunt, but I discover that as I do, my spur drags against it and a shudder racks through her. Ah, it will do the work for me. Perfect. Now I know why the human females always titter and make jokes about spurs. It hits them right in the pebble.

  I give Devi another hard thrust, and her cunt clenches around me. She moans with need, her nails digging deep. I thrust again, then begin a rhythm, determined to make this last. I rock into her with careful, precise motions, thrusting deep and then dragging her up my cock, only to surge once more and sink to the hilt.

  Devi rocks atop me, in time with my motions, her teats jiggling with every thrust. She makes little noises of pleasure, but over time, those noises become louder, more insistent, until she is whimpering every time I drag her hips down onto my cock. “So good,” she chants, repeating the words over and over under her breath as she rides me. “So good. So good.”

  I feel the tightness in my sac too quickly, a sign that I am about to lose control. My need ramps up, my movements becoming jerky. I need her to come, want her to cry out as I am deep inside her. I pump harder into my mate, dragging her hips up and down with more enthusiasm even as she moans again. I reach up and tease her nipple, toying with the tip as my spur does its work on her clit.

  “Ah!” she cries out suddenly, and her entire body goes stiff. Her legs tighten against my sides, and her mouth opens in a silent cry as she digs her nails into me. I feel her cunt shiver and then clench tight around my cock, gripping me like a fist.

  I let out an explosive breath and drive into her even as her sweet cunt floods with wet release. “My mate,” I grit out. “Did I make you come?”

  “So hard,” she whimpers. “You made me come so hard, N’dek.”

  With a low groan, I shudder, emptying my seed deep into her soft body. I come into her, over and over, my cock so full of seed as it has never been before. By the time I am done filling my mate’s womb, we are both sticky from my release, our bodies joined in dampness.

  Devi brushes her fingers lightly over my face, her eyes smiling into mine. “My heart,” she murmurs.

  “Mine,” I say, and kiss the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  * * *

  I wake up from a deep sleep to something tickling my thigh.

  For a moment I remain utterly still, trying to determine what it is that brushes so gently over my stump. The feeling is light and feathery, but it is dark inside the hut, the fire long since gone out.

  Then, Devi giggles, and her hot mouth presses against my skin. “Did I wake you up?”

  My cock–already hard–thickens in an instant at her sultry laugh. “Is something wrong? Can you not sleep?”

  “Oh, I can sleep,” my mate says. “But I dreamed I was kissing you all over and I woke up and wanted to make it a reality.” Her hands gently slide up my thighs, and her mouth is close to my groin. The soft thing tickles my skin again and I realize it is her mane, falling over her shoulders and onto my body as she bends over me.

  And even though it is dark, my mind fills with all sorts of images. “Devi…”

  “Lie back and let me taste you like you tasted me,” my perfect, gorgeous female says. One hand steals around my cock, holding me tight, and I close my eyes in the darkness, enjoying the sensation. Nothing is more perfect than Devi’s grip, and I wait for her mouth to press more kisses on my thighs even as my mind flashes to other places. But no. That is a male’s pleasure to give to a female. A female does not need to prove to a male that she can pleasure him. She—

  Devi’s mouth closes over the head of my cock.

  The breath hisses out from between my teeth. All rational thought leaves my mind. Her mouth is on my c
ock. My cock. I make a choked groan when her tongue dances along the ridges and she trails it up and down my length, as if she must learn me with the tip of her tongue alone.


  This is…beyond perfection. “Devi.”

  “If you don’t like it, I’ll stop,” she murmurs between licks. Her hot little tongue swirls around my cockhead, and she makes a sound of pleasure in her throat. “You’re so salty.”

  “Devi—” I clench my hands at my sides, wanting desperately to touch her but afraid to interrupt. “My mate. My resonance. Why…”

  Her glorious mouth lifts. She stops, and I could weep with frustration. “What do you mean, why?”

  “Why do you taste me?” I manage to rasp out. I pant with need and frustration, and I want nothing more than to drag her mouth back to my cock so she can finish what she started—but I have never heard of such things being done. “A male tastes his female. It is not the other way around.”

  “What? Why not?”

  Why not, indeed? “I…you want to do this?”

  She chuckles into the darkness, and she holds me at the base of my shaft. A moment later, her tongue slicks up the underside of my cock, making my entire body jerk in response. My sac tightens, and I am so close to coming already. “If I didn’t want to do this, I wouldn’t have my mouth all over you, N’dek.” Her wicked tongue moves lower and teases at the sensitive skin of my sac, forcing a groan from my throat. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Never,” I admit, breathless. “It is too good.”

  “That’s how it feels when you go down on me,” she admits, her soft lips brushing over my sac once more before I feel her mouth close over the head of my cock. “And you taste amazing.” Her tongue tickles along the underside of my cockhead before I hear her speak again. “You can touch me, you know. I won’t stop until you come all over my face.”


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