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Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4)

Page 3

by Laura Ann

  Kinsley couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from between her lips at the thought of the large man working in the stalls. Her amusement, however, was drowned out by the loud guffaw coming from Quentin.

  “I think I’d pay to see that,” Quentin said with a wide smile.

  Sawyer pointed a finger at Mr. Gruffman. “You first.”

  Quentin laughed louder. “I was raised with horses.” He winked. “Been there and done that.”

  Sawyer shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. The move brought Kinsley’s attention to his large biceps, and she found her mouth drying out at the thought of Sawyer Lockwood using a shovel. Those beautiful muscles would bunch and gleam as he hefted hay bales and...Oh my gosh! Kinsley! Get a grip! You don’t know him, and he’s been nothing but a jerk since you arrived! No swooning over the Neanderthal.

  Harlan sighed and ran a hand through his short hair. “The only other story I can think of is you playing her boyfriend. If parents can attend, I would assume a significant other can as well.”

  “No!” Kinsley shouted, far too loudly. Every head in the room jerked toward her and she felt her cheeks begin to burn.

  “Well, I guess that puts an end to that,” Garrett whispered.

  Kinsley didn’t look at her father, but she could hear a hint of amusement in his voice. Crud. Now he’s going to think I’m hiding some weird attraction to the muscleman, when in reality I don’t want the media to pick it up. Ugh. The mess that would cause would be of epic proportions.

  SAWYER FELT A TRICKLE of disappointment run down his spine at Kinsley’s adamant answer, but he wasn’t sure why. Playing the doting boyfriend to the horse princess wasn’t exactly his idea of a good time. However, her immediate refusal stung his masculine pride, and before he could think better of it, he leaned forward. “You don’t even know me,” he said with a smirk. “I’d probably be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.”

  Slowly, Ms. Storm raised a single eyebrow. She put her hands on the table and leaned forward to meet his aggressive stance. “Considering your behavior here, I think we both know that you’d be far from the best. I’ve never been one to enjoy know-it-all jerks who think the world revolves around them.”

  A barking laugh came from down the table, quickly followed by a cleared throat, but Sawyer ignored it. “Well, I hate to break it to you, princess, but I’m not going to be mucking out stalls. If you want my help, you’re going to have to step down off your little pedestal long enough to slum it with the likes of me.”

  Her eyes widened before she quickly regained control of her face. “I’m not a princess and I’ll thank you not to speak to me like that.”

  Sawyer opened his mouth, but Harlan interrupted. “Sawyer. Stand down.” The command was so ingrained in Sawyer that he immediately snapped his jaw closed and sat back in his seat.

  Sawyer looked to his brother, who appeared tired, and it immediately made Sawyer feel guilty for pushing the boundaries. Geez, what am I doing? This woman is a client and I’m acting like a caveman. He shook his head. “Sorry, Har.”

  Harlan nodded his acceptance before turning to the Storms and Quentin. “I apologize that we got off on the wrong foot. I brought Sawyer in today because I felt he was the best man for the job. Despite the manners he’s been displaying, he really is good at digging to the bottom of a mystery and is definitely someone you want on your side if you’re fighting for your life.”

  Kinsley gasped. “Do you think it will come to that?”

  Sawyer noticed all the blood had drained from her face and he had to push back the desire to comfort her. He didn’t think this sounded like something that would threaten her life, but if they really were dealing with someone out to stop her, who knew how far the perp would go?

  Harlan put up his hand reassuringly. “Obviously, we’re a long way from that kind of threat, but if the problems are getting worse, we can never be too careful.” He shut his laptop. “Now...if you’re still willing to give us a chance—”

  Sawyer winced, knowing that any ill feelings were his fault.

  “Then I think using Sawyer as a fake boyfriend is your best bet. It puts him on the ground with you, and he’ll have all the clearance he needs to keep an eye on things. It also means he can be close to you in case of any type of danger. Nobody would think anything of a significant other following you around, but they might be suspicious of a stable boy at your side.”

  Sawyer watched Kinsley as she nodded stiffly. “I understand.” It was easy to see from the clench of her jaw that she wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but would go along with it.

  Sawyer couldn’t help but study her as they spoke. It really shouldn’t be that hard to be close to someone like her. She’s stunning, but her personality is going to take some patience. Can I do my job if I’m constantly having to put out fires for a spoiled little girl?


  Sawyer snapped his head around, his thoughts scattering as he realized Harlan had asked him a question. The back of his neck heated up and he refused to look at the rest of the table, knowing they had probably all caught him ogling Ms. Storm.

  Harlan raised his eyebrows.

  “Sorry. You’ll have to repeat the question,” Sawyer admitted.

  Harlan’s eyebrows slowly rose. “Do you think you can behave like a gentleman long enough to play the part of boyfriend while still scouting out who the saboteur is?”

  “Of course,” Sawyer assured him immediately. Inside he was dying. Sawyer hadn’t been this embarrassed by his own behavior since he’d been caught in the closet with Missy Perkins his junior year in high school. At least that embarrassment was tempered by a kiss.

  He forced his eyes not to travel to Kinsley’s lips at the thought. He’d already noticed them, much to his own chagrin, and he had to admit to himself that if they ended up having to kiss, it definitely wouldn’t be a hardship. He tried to play it cool. He’d been stupid enough for one day.

  Harlan nodded and turned back to the group. “Good. Then it’s settled. Kinsley, Sawyer, congrats on your relationship.”

  A small twitch pulled at the edge of Harlan’s mouth and Sawyer realized his brother was enjoying his discomfort.

  “Kinsley, I’m sorry to say it, but since you have a decent public persona, I think it might be best for the two of you to be seen in public.” Harlan scrunched up his face. “I know we don’t have a huge paparazzi scene around here, but if you went out to dinner at a high-end restaurant, it should at least catch someone’s eye. That way, when Sawyer starts showing up with you in the arena, it won’t look like something happened suddenly.”

  Kinsley turned her stoic gaze to Sawyer. “If that’s what we need to do.”

  Sawyer nodded curtly, determined to be professional about the situation. “I’ll make reservations and pick you up on Friday at six.”

  “Can we please do six-thirty?” Kinsley asked, tilting her head to the side. “My lesson doesn’t end until five-thirty and I doubt you want me smelling of horses when you’re trying to eat.”

  Sawyer barely contained his surprise at her asking rather than demanding a different time. “If that’s what works best.”

  Kinsley nodded. “Thank you.” She stood. “Dad? You ready to go?”

  Garrett Storm’s eyes were dancing as he looked at Sawyer. “Sure thing, hon.” He stood and put a hand on the small of her back, leading her out of the room.

  Quentin stayed in his seat, his eyes narrowed at Sawyer. Once the Storms were gone, Sawyer turned to the large man and raised his eyebrows. “Yes?”

  “I realize this is fake, but only a blind man would miss the spark between you two.”

  Sawyer started to protest, but Quentin put up a hand to stop him.

  “Don’t try to insult my intelligence. I’m around Goldie and Finley far too much to have you try and convince me otherwise. Your family seems to have a knack for creating fires.”

  Sawyer closed his mouth, but didn’t speak. He knew there had been a spark,
but Sawyer wasn’t quite ready to admit it was a good spark. I’ve never been drawn to spoiled women, and no matter how gorgeous she is, I’m not going to start now.

  “I just want you to know that Kinsley is like a little sister to me.” Quentin leaned onto the table. “I expect nothing but the highest professionalism from you. I realize as her boyfriend, you’ll have to be close, but please don’t do anything stupid. I’d hate to tell my sister-in-law that I killed her brother.”

  Sawyer clenched his jaw to keep from giving a smart aleck response. Quentin was right. Any spark fanned right could burst to flame. “You have my word,” he said stoically.

  Quentin nodded. “Then I know it’ll be done.” He stood and walked to the head of the table. “Harlan...always a pleasure.” He shook Harlan’s hand and nodded to Sawyer once more. “Have a good day, gentlemen.”

  Sawyer relaxed a little after the man had left.

  “Can you do it?”

  Sawyer glanced sideways. “You doubt me?”

  Harlan shrugged. “You’ve been extra uptight lately. I just don’t want to put you in a bad situation.”

  Sawyer shook his head. “I’m good. We’ll get this figured out.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.” Harlan stood. “Thank you.” With that, he walked out the door, leaving Sawyer to his thoughts, which were much too full of a certain beautiful woman to be easy company.


  Kinsley looked at the mirror to touch up her lipstick as she waited for Sawyer to arrive for their date. Her nerves were twitching with excess energy and her heart felt like it couldn’t keep a steady rhythm. Putting her hands down on the bathroom counter, she hung her head. “What is wrong with me?” she whispered. “I’m going on a fake date with a guy who’s only here to protect me, and I’m acting like a teenage girl headed to senior prom!”

  She glanced at her appearance, taking in the sleek dress and careful make-up. “You’re not sixteen anymore, Kins,” she said firmly. “You’re a grown woman, and you are absolutely in complete control of yourself.” Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she worked to center herself, just like she did before every competition.

  She shoved her dancing nerves in a little box and locked it tight. She flexed her hands, working to rid them of the tension radiating through her body, and stretched her neck from side to side. After one more deep lungful, Kinsley blew out the air she held in a slow, steady manner.

  “There.” She nodded to herself. “Tonight is no big deal. Just act natural and it’ll go off without a hitch.” She pushed out a long breath as she walked to the front room of her house. “As long as Broody Britches doesn’t pull out the jerk card.”

  Sawyer’s comments about her needing a housekeeper still stung, and Kinsley was struggling to get rid of the snarky comebacks that she’d thought of since their meeting a few days ago.

  She jerked when the doorbell sounded and put a hand over her heart. “Crud, that scared me.” She let her breathing settle. “Here we go, I guess.” Kinsley threw back her shoulders and stood straight as a poker as she walked over and threw open the door.

  Every bit of confidence and calm she had mustered fizzled into nothingness as Sawyer’s light blue eyes traveled from her head to her peep-toe shoes and back again.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  Kinsley fought the desire to put a hand on her fluttering belly. “Hey, yourself,” she said back. Good one. Way to act like an adult. Dressed in a dark button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, Sawyer looked absolutely delicious. His jeans were dark with just enough fading to be fashionable, and his curly hair fell lazily all over his head, just begging a woman to play with the curls.

  Sawyer stepped back. “You ready to go?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, showing off the muscles on the back of his large arms.

  Geez. Why can’t he be as nice as he looks? There should definitely be a warning label for men who act one way but look another. “Sure.” Kinsley locked her door, then followed Sawyer to his car. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow as they arrived at a sleek luxury vehicle. “I wouldn’t have guessed this was yours. You look more like a monster truck kind of guy.”

  Sawyer snorted and opened her door. He still hadn’t answered her by the time he walked around to the driver’s side, and Kinsley felt ridiculous. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut all night. Make him work for the conversation. Jerk.

  Sawyer got settled and pulled out of the parking lot. “Truth is, this isn’t mine. Quentin loaned it to me.”

  Some of Kinsley’s embarrassment faded as he began talking. “Q loaned it to you? Why?”

  Sawyer kept his eyes on the road while he spoke. “ truck isn’t exactly the picture we’re trying to send the media, now is it?”

  Aaaannnnd, he’s back. Kinsley hadn’t even considered what kind of picture they were trying to create, other than one where they were together. “I guess not,” she said softly.

  “If I’m dating a princess, I need to act the part of prince,” Sawyer said with a smirk in her direction.

  Kinsley’s temper flared immediately. “I am not a princess, so please stop calling me that. There’s no way I’m going through with this...whatever this thing is between us, with you being horrible the whole time, so just...grow up!”

  Sawyer’s jaw tightened and Kinsley could see a muscle twitching near his temple. Good. Let him stew a bit. I haven’t done anything to aggravate him, yet he’s insulting me left and right.

  “First off, let’s get something straight,” Sawyer said in a tight voice. “There is no thing between us. This is all play-acting, and when this case is over, I’ll be running for the hills, so don’t be letting your heart get involved.”

  Kinsley’s jaw dropped at his audacity, but he wasn’t done.

  “Secondly, you're a pretty, little rich girl, who’s had everything handed to you on a silver platter, so don’t deny the fact that you’re a princess.” He glanced at her sideways before going back to the road. “Some of us have actually had to work for a living instead of playing with horses and getting our picture taken.”

  “Turn the car around,” Kinsley said through gritted teeth. Her hands were in tight fists and she could actually feel her short fingernails digging into her palms, but she ignored the pinch.

  “Excuse me?” Sawyer asked.

  “I said...Turn. The. Car. Around.”

  “We have a reservation,” Sawyer argued, not changing direction at all.

  “I don’t care,” Kinsley spat. “You have done nothing but insult me ever since you met me.” She was seething inside and her voice rose in her anger. “You have no idea what my life has been like. All you’re seeing is the package that’s displayed to the public, and if you’re dumb enough to think that’s all there is to me, then I definitely don’t think you’re smart enough to catch whoever is causing me problems.”

  Sawyer’s face turned red and he turned on a blinker. Turning onto a side street, he pulled over and put the car in park, then shifted in his seat, one arm on the steering wheel so he could face Kinsley head on. “You have no idea what I’m capable of,” he ground out.

  “Exactly!” Kinsley said, throwing her arms in the air. “You don’t know what I’m capable of either. You don’t rise to the top of anything without dedication and hard work, both of which I have given in spades as a horsewoman and model.” She pointed a finger at him. “You have no right to judge me. We came to your firm because Quentin is a trusted family friend, and he said you were the best. However, all I’m seeing at the moment is a bratty kid who’s wasting time insulting his client instead of trying to solve the problem. It seems to me my father and I would be better off with a different firm.”

  Sawyer continued to glare at her, but didn’t respond. His breaths were heavy, his chest moving rapidly up and down.

  Not that I would notice his chest, Kinsley assured herself. Nope. I’m definitely not noticing how he fills out that shirt or how hard his muscles look.

sp; Finally, Sawyer nodded firmly. “Fair enough. How about we make a deal?”

  Kinsley narrowed her eyes. “What kind of deal?”

  “I’ll lay off with the princess comments and you agree not to fire us. If we’re going to pretend to date, we’re going to have to get to know each other well enough to convince people it’s real.” He took a deep breath, filling that marvelous chest again. “I’ll try to be open-minded if you’ll be the same.”

  Kinsley tilted her head. “I can agree to that, but if you so much as hint that I’m a spoiled brat again, I’ll be gone.”

  Sawyer nodded and held out his hand, which Kinsley took. She jerked a little when their palms met, as warmth cascaded up her arm and straight into her upper body. Heaven help me.

  SAWYER DID HIS BEST not to react to the odd, but far from unpleasant sensation that ran through him when he and Kinsley shook on the deal. Keeping his face emotionless, he turned back in his seat and restarted the car. The engine purred to life and Sawyer nearly purred with it. He was loving driving this thing and was going to have a hard time giving it back when the case was over.

  He held in a snort. When this case is over. Stupid! It was nearly over right now! How would that look for Harlan’s business if you drove off a client because you can’t control your attraction to her? This firm is the best thing that’s happened to Harlan since he got home, and you almost blew it.

  He subtly shook his head. Kinsley Storm was messing with his mind. Starting with the fact that he didn’t think she needed protection. However, once he added in the fact that she was stunningly gorgeous and he had to get close to her in order to do his job? Sawyer felt as if his foundation was completely gone.

  When she’d opened her door, Sawyer had nearly swallowed his tongue. Her trim legs looked like they were a mile long even though her dress came to just above her knee caps. It hugged her slim, tall body and definitely let anyone know that she was all woman. Her dark hair was a flowing river and her red lipstick made her mouth look like a ripe cherry. Most men would have been ecstatic for the chance, even the fake chance, to go on a date with Kinsley Storm. However, the only thing Sawyer could think of was how their firm had turned into some kind of matchmaking service, and he wanted no part of it.


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