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Her Champion Bodyguard (Lockwood Industries Book 4)

Page 4

by Laura Ann

  So...he’d done the only thing he could think of to preserve his manhood. He’d insulted her to make sure there was no chance the two of them would ever get close. Only it wasn’t working the way he wanted. Kinsley wasn’t a quiet dormouse who would simply turn up her nose and give him the silent treatment. No, she was proving to be much more willing to call out his idiocy.

  And it definitely was idiocy. No one is going to believe we’re dating if I keep driving her away. She’s right. I need to grow up and act like a professional instead of a teenager with no self-discipline. He ground his teeth.

  “Are we going to get to know each other? Or simply sit in brooding silence?” Kinsley broke into the thick tension in the car and Sawyer snapped out of his mental wanderings.

  “Uh...I suppose we should know a few basics heading into the restaurant, right?” He glanced at her. “What’s your full name?”

  A small grin tugged at the edge of those marvelous lips and Sawyer gripped the steering wheel harder. “Kinsley Storm.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “What? No middle name?”

  She shook her head.

  “Huh.” Sawyer stewed on that for a moment.

  “Do you?”

  He turned toward her for a split second, then back to the road. “What? Have a middle name?”

  Kinsley gave him a look of ‘duh’.

  Sawyer couldn’t help the chuckle that emerged. “Uh, yeah. I do.”

  There was a second of silence. “And?” she prompted.

  He sighed. I started it. Guess I should finish it. “Damien. Sawyer Damien Lockwood.”

  Kinsley pursed her lips and slowly nodded. “Nice. It sounds very masculine, which is obviously a good fit.” She waved a hand in his direction and Sawyer had to fight the temptation to puff up at her compliment.

  “Thanks,” he muttered. “How old are you?”

  Kinsley gasped and put a hand over her chest. “What? Didn’t you know asking a woman her age is a cardinal sin, Mr. Lockwood?” She was speaking in a heavily sarcastic, fake Southern accent. “We ladies do not answer to such a lack of manners.”

  Sawyer gave her a look. “Considering I think it’s something a boyfriend would know about a girlfriend, you’re going to have to get over your Southern indignation.” He raised an eyebrow as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. “Especially since you aren’t Southern.”

  Kinsley’s answering laughter floated through the car, and much to Sawyer’s surprise, it lifted some of the tension running through him. His chest loosened and he felt like he could breathe easier than he had since he had picked her up.

  “I’m twenty-five,” she finally admitted. “How about you?”

  Shoot. She’s young. “Thirty-two,” Sawyer shot out before stepping out of the car and closing the door. He didn’t want to hear anything she had to say about how old he was. He could already feel it every morning when he pushed himself out of bed.

  Following his role, Sawyer walked around and opened Kinsley’s door. He offered his hand, which she took, her long legs coming out first to land on the sidewalk. Sawyer tugged on his suddenly tight collar as they headed toward the restaurant. Control. You’re in complete control, he assured himself. And holding her hand is part of the act. It has nothing to do with her soft skin or how perfectly her fingers fit with yours. She’s a client and you’re her pretend boyfriend.

  Sawyer kept his lecture running as they went inside and were seated at their table. He could feel the patrons’ eyes on them as he held out Kinsley’s chair for her.

  “Thank you,” she murmured politely.

  Sawyer walked around and took his own seat, lifting the menu and glancing at the entrees. He whistled low in his mind. Good thing this is on the company tab. Restaurants like this are definitely not in my budget. He glanced at Kinsley as she studied the options. She’s probably not even looking at the prices. I’ll bet she’s eaten at a ton of places just like this.

  Shoving his resentment to the side, Sawyer forced himself to focus back on the task at hand. After their meals were ordered, he leaned his folded arms onto the table. “So...” He toyed with his water goblet.

  Kinsley smiled and leaned closer. “We’re quite the spectacle, right?”

  Sawyer’s eyes darted around and he had to agree. “I guess seeing the famous Kinsley Storm with some nobody is enough to pique anyone’s attention.”

  Kinsley reached tentatively and touched his forearm. “Just because your face isn’t plastered on a billboard doesn’t mean you’re a nobody,” she said softly. “Serving our country and keeping people safe is far more noble than what I do.”

  When she began to remove her hand, Sawyer quickly covered it with his own. You’re playing with fire, he warned himself, but the words went unheeded. “Somebody has to do it,” he said just as softly.

  She smiled shyly. “Well...I’m glad it’s you.”

  Sawyer forced himself to smile back before he nodded his thanks. He wasn’t expecting such a nice compliment from her. His perception of her princess status began to look shaky. Is it it possible I was wrong about her?

  As a tingly warmth spread up his arm from where they were touching, Sawyer had to admit he was in trouble whether he was wrong about her or not.


  “Get your head in the game!” Coach Ritton shouted from the sidelines as Kinsley trotted Amadeus around the ring.

  She clenched her jaw and nodded, doubling her efforts to focus. Ever since her date a couple nights ago, Kinsley was having a terrible time keeping herself on task. The night started out as a nightmare. Sawyer had been rude, just as when they’d first met, and made presumptions about her that had no basis in fact.

  However, after they came to a truce, Kinsley had to admit the evening had been rather pleasant. She couldn’t categorize it as the best date she’d ever had, but it definitely wasn’t the worst. What made it stand out was the physical reaction she had to Sawyer every time they were close. She warmed whenever he was near, whether they were touching or not. When he would grab her hand, butterflies erupted in her stomach. Her nerve endings seemed completely tuned into him and any skin-on-skin contact would cause sparks to explode through her limbs.

  She’d never felt that with any other man before and wasn’t entirely excited it was happening now. Not only was it a terrible distraction, but Kinsley wasn’t sure she even liked Sawyer. Even though we called a truce, the fact of the matter is, he’s still a jerk.

  “Down! DOWN!” her coach shouted from the edge of the arena. “Put your heels down!” He growled and threw his hands up.

  Kinsley couldn’t hear what he said next, but it sent Tyrone scrambling out of his seat and rushing back to the stables.

  Guess I’m destined to be surrounded by jerks, Kinsley thought as she watched her friend hurry from the area. She sighed and pulled Amadeus to a halt. “Sorry, boy,” she murmured. “I’m a bit distracted today.” She leaned forward and rubbed a hand on his neck.

  Amadeus nickered and bobbed his head.

  Kinsley chuckled. “Good to know you forgive me. Now, if only I felt sure Coach Ritton would do the same.”

  “Have you decided to become a professional daydreamer?” Coach snarled as he stormed over to her.

  “Sorry, Coach.” Kinsley put on the best smile she could. “I’m having trouble concentrating today. But I’ll do better, I promise.”

  He shook his head in disgust. “You’ll never win nationals with that kind of work ethic. Amadeus can’t do it himself. He needs guidance and a strong hand.”

  Kinsley worked hard to keep her smile from drooping. Remember, you pay him for this because he’s the best, she reminded herself. Listen and learn. Listen and learn. “Got it.” Kinsley nodded.

  “Back to the beginning,” he grumbled. “Watch how you hold those reins and keep a steady pace. This isn’t some pony ride at the fair.”

  Kinsley held in the eye roll wanting to break free and again nodded. Touching her heels to Amadeu
s’s side, she pulled him to the left and headed back to the front of the arena. “All right, boy,” she murmured as they trotted back. “Time to put on our best. I can let my mind mull over the handsome but rude Sawyer Lockwood later.”

  Amadeus snorted and turned himself as they got to the right part of the ring.

  “Here we go,” Kinsley breathed. Taking a deep, deliberate breath, she pushed back her wandering thoughts and dug deep in order to put her mind where it belonged.

  A couple of hours later, she slid from the saddle with a groan. “Ooohh...I’m gonna feel that tomorrow,” she grumbled into Amadeus’s neck. She rubbed her lower back and stretched her legs. The inside of her thighs were trembling and her backside had thankfully gone numb.

  “Tomorrow, ten sharp,” Coach Ritton called from the other side of the ring. He spun on his heel and stomped away, shouting orders to the workers in the area, who all jumped to do his bidding.

  “Geez,” Kinsley said through gritted teeth. “That man is crazy.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” a deep voice said from behind her.

  Kinsley squealed, causing Amadeus to jerk. “Sawyer!” She put her hand on her chest. “Oh my gosh. Don’t do that!” She patted Amadeus for reassurance. “Coming up behind a horse could get you killed.”

  Sawyer raised his eyebrows and glanced at the quiet stallion. “I didn’t come up behind.” He made a face. “Believe it or not, I’m not as stupid as I look.”

  “You don’t look stupid,” Kinsley quickly said, only to want to slap her forehead. Why the heck did I say that? I might as well wear a neon sign that says ‘Hey, Sawyer! I think you’re attractive!’

  Sawyer chuckled. “Good to know.” He eyed Amadeus. “So this is your horse?”

  Kinsley couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across her face. She stepped up and wrapped her arms around Amadeus. “Yep. He’s my favorite boy.” She brought their foreheads together. “Aren’t you, Addy?”

  Sawyer wrinkled his nose. “Addy?”

  “Short for his name, Amadeus.”

  “O-kay.” Sawyer held the word longer than normal.

  She rolled her eyes. “Non-horse people,” she grumbled good-naturedly. “You’ll never understand the bond.”

  Sawyer stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and shrugged. “To each their own, I guess.” His eyes wandered around the arena.

  “So...not that I mind, but what are you doing here?” Kinsley finally asked.

  Sawyer didn’t answer for a moment as he continued to survey the scene. Once he seemed satisfied, he stepped up close. “One, I thought it would look better if your boyfriend was around once in awhile.”

  A lump of concrete slammed into Kinsley’s stomach. Fake. Remember, Kins. This is all fake, no matter what he does to your headspace.

  “And two, I thought you could show me around, so I could get a feel for how a place like this is laid out. Maybe even do a little investigating.”

  Kinsley nodded, pushing her disappointment aside. “Of course. I need to take Amadeus back to his stall and put him away. You can come with me.” Kinsley turned and grabbed the horse’s reins, leading him out of the arena and down toward the stables.

  She did her best to not pay attention to the overpowering presence of Sawyer, but she seemed to lose all sense of self-control when she was with him. Good thing he doesn’t feel the same, or this situation would be a lot harder.

  SAWYER WALKED JUST to the side of Kinsley, slightly wary of the very large animal to her right. As far as horses went, Sawyer had to admit the animal was magnificent. Dark and shiny, strong and muscular. It was easy to see why anyone would be drawn to him, but Sawyer was unfamiliar with horses, and he didn’t trust the large beast not to kick him in the head.

  Kinsley looked over her shoulder. “He doesn’t bite, you know,” she teased.

  Sawyer shoved away the warm fuzzies that tried to form at her sweet smile. “That you know of.”

  Kinsley laughed and led them toward the opening of the barn. “Addy is just a big baby. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  Sawyer raised his eyebrows just as the horse swatted at something with his tail.

  Kinsley noticed the movement and shrugged with a sheepish grin. “Okay, maybe flies are bad news, but he likes people.” She took the horse to a stall and stepped inside, turning Amadeus around so he faced the hallway. “Ever been in a horse barn before?” she asked as she began to unbuckle the harness.

  “Uh...nope.” Sawyer looked around, noticing a few workers scattered around, doing various jobs. “Don’t you have a worker who does that kind of stuff for you?” he asked without thinking about how his words sounded.

  Kinsley’s face went stony, and Sawyer immediately regretted his question.

  He rubbed his hands down his face. “Sorry. I promised a truce, and I didn’t mean to break it.” He sighed. “I’m just...surprised,” he admitted, waving an arm in her direction. “I had you pegged as someone who would drop your horse off and walk away without ever getting your hands dirty.”

  Kinsley raised a challenging eyebrow. “Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I’ve done everything from washing Amadeus to mucking out his stall. He’s my horse, and I take care of him.” She slammed the halter down in the side of the stall and marched over, resting her folded arms on top of the gate. “You could try to get to know me instead of making judgments, you know. I would think someone in your line of work would know from experience that not everything is what it seems.”

  Sawyer felt his cheeks flush, and he had to nod. I have absolutely no control when I’m around this woman. If I’m not careful, she’s gonna go somewhere else and I’ll have cost Harlan a good job. Get it together! “You’re right. I’m sorry. Again. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. Can we start again?”

  Kinsley relaxed. “Does that mean our date the other night didn’t count? Because we started over then, too.”

  Sawyer chuckled. “Yeah, I guess we shouldn’t throw away that progress, huh?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “How about we just pretend I’m not such a jerk and move on?”

  She paused and straightened from her work. “Would you like to come in and help me, then?” she asked softly. “I’ll show you the ropes, so to speak.” She chewed on her lip and Sawyer’s eyes immediately went to the movement.

  He groaned internally. Is she trying to kill me? I’ve never in my life been interested in anything to do with horses, and now I find myself wanting to let her teach me everything about them. “Uh...”

  “Hey, Kins!”

  Sawyer jerked toward the sound, frowning when he saw a man approaching the pen.

  “Hey, Tyrone!” Kinsley answered back just as enthusiastically. She raised up on her tiptoes, glancing down the walkway. “You been working?”

  Tyrone flushed a deep red and nodded. Sawyer’s frown deepened. Who’s this guy?

  “Hey, Ty, let me introduce...” Kinsley paused for a second before finishing, “Sawyer Lockwood. My b-boyfriend.” She stumbled slightly over the word, but Sawyer found himself proud she said it nonetheless.

  Tyrone’s eyes widened and he backed up a little when he looked at Sawyer.

  That’s right, buddy. Might as well get that little crush out of your system. Kinsley is taken. He slapped himself mentally. What has gotten into you? You and Kinsley are not together! It’s fake! Keep it that way!

  “Tyrone is one of the stable hands,” Kinsley explained with an indulgent smile. “He helps keep the place shipshape.”

  Sawyer tilted his chin up in greeting, then offered his hand, forcing a pleasant smile for the worker. “Nice to meet you, man.”

  Tyrone eyed Sawyer’s hand like it held a dozen diseases before giving a quick head nod in return. “Nice to meet you, too.” He turned to Kinsley. “I didn’t know you anyone.”

  Kinsley shrank back a little. “’s all fairly new.”

  Sawyer let his hand drop to his side as he studied the young man further. He appeared to be out
of high school, but still a little younger than Kinsley. The fact that he obviously had a crush on her automatically put him on Sawyer’s suspect list. Add to that the fact that he had access to everything in the barn, and Sawyer was even more curious.

  Tyrone’s nose scrunched up. “Is he,” he tilted his head toward Sawyer, “gonna be around all the time now?”

  Sawyer raised an eyebrow as Kinsley stuttered.

  “Ty! That wasn’t...I mean...”

  “Sure does,” Sawyer interrupted, stepping closer to the gate. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned back so he was close to Kinsley. “I love to watch Kinsley in her element. That means I’ll be around a lot.”

  Tyrone’s eyes narrowed and Sawyer puffed out his chest a little. “Don’t you have a job or anything?” Tyrone asked with a sarcastic hint in his voice. “Or are you just freeloading from Ms. Storm here?”

  Sawyer ignored Kinsley’s gasp and straightened to his full height, which was several inches taller than the small stablehand. Stepping away from the gate, he stood right in front of the other man, purposefully tightening his muscles to be as intimidating as possible. “I work freelance, which allows my schedule to be flexible.” He smirked. “Very flexible. I have every intention of being here for anything Kinsley needs me for.”

  Tyrone swallowed hard and he backed up. Dropping Sawyer’s gaze, he looked over at Kinsley and smiled shakily. “You looked great out there today.” His eyes darted to Sawyer, then back. “I have work to do, so I’ll leave you alone with your...friend.”

  Sawyer watched Tyrone go, not moving until the boy had disappeared into a stall. Once he felt it was safe to do so, Sawyer turned and walked over to Kinsley, who looked furious. Here we go, Sawyer thought with a groan. Girls just don’t get it.



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