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Smooth Kisses

Page 7

by Ella Goode

  “She’s always got a plan for everything. Maybe it’s a property you want. Maybe it’s some priceless belonging.” There’s a ring of pain in her voice that says she’s speaking from experience. “Who knows with her, but it’s always something.”

  “Then I’ll fire her.”

  “No. Just leave. Take her and your plot and go.”

  “Good morning, darling.” A new voice rings out from across the room.

  We both turn to see Sara at the doorway. Dressed in a white suit and looking fresh off the plastic surgeon’s table, she strolls across the stone floor with a briefcase clutched in one hand and a phone in the other. When she reaches us, she leans forward to give her daughter a kiss. Smooth averts her face. Unperturbed, Sara pats her daughter’s face with the back of her hand that’s curved around her phone.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, moving a little closer to Smooth. Whether she realizes it or not, whether she accepts it or not, I’m here for her.

  “When I saw the name on the contract, I knew I had to be here for the formal signing and induction of my dear girl into the Lennox family.” She pulls out the chair that Smooth had occupied and takes a seat. “I see the contract is here. Have you signed it yet?”

  Smooth shakes her head. Her mother’s appearance has frozen her tongue.

  “Well, perfect timing then.” Sara cranes her neck. “Shouldn’t there be a staff person here to clear these dirty dishes away and bring out a new place setting?” She clucks her tongue. “I realize you are only barely out of school, but surely being able to have adequate staff on hand is one of the first things you could work out.”

  “I asked for a private room as I wanted time with Smooth without interruptions. I didn’t anticipate guests.”

  Sara doesn’t take the hint. “Well, I’m here now. Selena, be a dear and get me a fresh cup of coffee. And an avocado on toast.”

  “That’s not on our menu,” Smooth says.

  “Everything should be on your menu.” Sara whips a napkin across her lap. “It’s your job to see to that. If you can’t provide your customer with simple requests, what good are you?”

  Smooth sucks in a hurt breath and that’s enough for me. “You need to go, Ms. Witten.”

  Smooth’s mom jerks her head in my direction as if she’d forgotten I was here. “Andrew. I came down to help you. You must’ve learned Selena is my daughter, but trust me, you do not have to employ her to keep me happy. The contract between my office and the Lennox family is iron clad. I won’t be leaving you.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  The older woman blinks, surprised at my tone or my presence. She must’ve forgotten I was here.

  “Of course not, Andrew. Why would I threaten you? We’re business partners after all. I’m paid a handsome fee to ensure the Lennox family makes no mistakes.” She nods her head toward Smooth. “Darling, the coffee, please. I’m dying here.”

  I reach over and take Smooth’s hand, which has turned ice cold. “I’ll send someone in with your coffee and toast. Smooth and I have things to discuss.”

  “Don’t forget your contract.” Sara waves the sheaf of paper in the air.

  “We won’t need it.” I drag Smooth after me as I stomp out of the solarium.

  “So you’re firing me,” Smooth says when we reach the hallway leading out of the solarium into the dining room.

  I halt abruptly, causing her to stumble into my arms. “Why would you say that? Of course I’m not firing you. You’re replacing Anna.”

  “For a year. The contract is for a year,” Smooth bursts out.

  “All of the contracts are for a year.” Does she want a longer one? Because I had thought about a life contract until Sara told me that those weren’t legal.

  “And when Anna is back, then where do I go? My job here will be filled. Will you send me to another hotel where I have to start all over again, gaining the trust of my co-workers, learning all new staff members? I don’t want that kind of life. I want to stick in one place.” Smooth shakes free. “I’m happy here. I was happy here. Just take your contract and your promotions and my mother and leave me the hell alone!”



  I push on his chest but I go nowhere. He doesn’t let his hold on me go. In fact he tightens it. “Then we’ll stay here,” he reassures me. I swallow, still trying to fight my emotions. I tell myself not to care about my mother but it still stings when she treats me with such disregard. I really mean nothing to her. I think a part of me is still trying to prove that I am good at something. That is never going to happen. I need to accept that and move on. My mother will never see me as successful. She is so self-centered and cruel that no matter what I do, it will never be enough.

  “She’s gone from our lives. I promise you that.” Andrew's jaw is tight and I can tell he’s fighting his anger. His suit is still a little rumpled from our fast lovemaking. No, that was fucking, I remind myself so I don’t get all mushy about what happened between us. I realize now that I was chasing a fantasy. It’s my own fault that I got carried away. I know better than to expect more. The only person I can truly depend on is myself. Andrew made me forget that for a minute but this thing with my mother is a stark reminder of that fact.

  “It’s not that easy.” I tell him. That’s the truth. If you could will caring for someone to be gone, I would do it. I’d never think of my mother again.

  “I know that, but remember, that’s what makes you different from her. You hate that you care what she thinks but it’s what sets you apart from being her.” I stiffen for a moment. I’ve never thought about it that way.

  “I can’t make her care but I sure as fuck can get her out of our lives. I wanted nothing more than to rip her apart in there but what good would that really do? You might not think I know you very well, Selena, but I know you’re compassionate . Your mother might lack it but you don’t. If I tore her apart you would inevitably feel bad about it later even if you shouldn't.” He is right. That is how it would have played out. My heart is soft and I never intentionally hurt anyone.

  “You really are a smooth operator.” I think back to him having put that in as his name in my phone.

  “I only want to operate you,” he corrects. “And it’s not in the way you’re thinking.” I search his face, trying to understand this man. He’s too good to be true. I think I am so used to being pushed aside and my needs put behind others that I’m not accustomed to this. “I need you, Wildflower, and I’m kind of banking on you needing me too. I want to be that someone that takes care of you even if you don’t think you need it. I’m not trying to mess up the life you’ve created, I only want you to let me be a part of it.”

  Holy hell. That was sweet. Really freaking sweet. He wants to take care of me. Maybe I have this all wrong and he has truly fallen for me like I have for him. This could be more for both of us.

  “I need to think.” I lick my dry lips. “This is a lot to take in.”

  “Take all the time you need. Not going anywhere.” Before I can respond, he kisses me. It’s deep and hard. I know it’s his way of telling me he really isn't going anywhere. He has no idea what that means to me. It will be the first time someone has made a commitment to me and actually kept it. My heart swells, thinking that a future with Andrew is a real possibility.

  Seeing my mother always messes with my head. He pulls back from the kiss. “I promise you I had no idea she was related to you. I’d even pushed the document Sokolov gave me about you away because I wanted to discover every part of you myself.” His eyes beg me to believe the words that are coming from him.

  “I believe you,” I say, because I do. He doesn't have a reason to lie to me at this point. What would he gain in this moment by lying?

  “Go think. I’ll try and give you space.” I fight a smile at his emphasis on the word try. I lean up, kissing him this time before he finally releases his hold on me. I turn, walking away from him. I don’t play it cool. I have to look back to steal a
glance at him. He watches me go until I turn a corner, almost running into Violet. She was likely waiting for me.

  “Was that your mother I saw before?” She narrows her eyes, looking ready to battle. I’d told her about my mother one night when we were lying on the beach together. I was trying to get her to open up. Violet is soft and sweet but a hard nut to crack when it comes to getting information about her past. She loves to chatter about things that go on in our day-to-day lives, but when it comes to personal stuff about her, she is quiet.

  “I don’t want to talk about her.” I sigh. My mother has caused enough heartache in my life and I am not willing to continue that pattern. She can’t cause any more if I don’t allow her to.

  “You need a drink.” She gives a firm nod, sliding her arm into mine.

  “I shouldn't. It’s not even dark out.”

  “If you haven't noticed, people drink at all times around here.”

  “I’ve noticed.” I laugh. It’s hard not to.

  “I know just the place.” She beams, happy that I’m giving in and not just going back to work. I let her guide me across the resort to one of the bars that isn't too busy. She motions for two drinks to be brought over to us. The bartender nods and begins to make some sort of concoction.

  “Spill,” she demands as the drinks land in front of us. So I do. I don’t tell all of it because some of it’s truly personal. I leave the spanking and other dirty bits out. I get down to the heart of it.

  “You love him too.” Violet lets out a long happy sigh when I’m done talking.

  “I never said that he loves me,” I point out. I don’t correct her on me not loving him because I’m not sure what this is.

  “Well, duh he loves you.” She looks around to see if anyone is in ear shot before she whispers to me, “I might have done some online stalking.” Her cheeks pinken. I should have done the same but I'd followed the same path Andrew did when it came to acquiring information about one another. I wanted to learn about him as we went. “I also got more information out of Victor,” she adds in there quickly, keeping her voice low.

  “He doesn't talk.” I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “He talks.” She sits up a bit straighter, coming to his defense, but her face blushes even more. “If you’re willing to pay the price.” She tries to make the last part sound scary but I think she’s paying him with more of those kisses. I’d dick-punch the guy if it wasn't kind of adorable. I know Violet is enjoying it so he is safe for now.

  “He can’t love me already.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince her of that or myself. That’s impossible. She ignores my denial.

  “Sure. Whatever you say, Smooth.” She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at me. “Since I know you’re not going to ask I’m just going to tell you.”

  I take a sip of my drink and wait for her to spill it. The bar has gotten busier. I should check my watch. There are things that need to be done but for once I’m going to let it wait. I’m not going to run off and bury myself in my work. I think I use that tactic as a way to forget about the reality of things. I could end up hurting Andrew if he really is in this for more than some short affair. He laid everything out for me today and I accepted that he was telling the truth. I know in my heart that his intentions are genuine. Plus, I want to know what Violet found out. She loves a little bit of gossip and I know she will always have it if I need it.

  “This isn't normal Andrew Lennox behavior. I went digging and found nothing. My online searches didn’t discover strings of on-again-off-again girlfriends or anything long-term. To be honest, it didn’t produce anything to make me think he did this sort of thing on the regular.”

  “So he’s discreet. He’s built his whole company around that. If he can’t hide his own affairs then no one would believe he could keep their private moments that happen in his luxury hotels under wraps.”

  “I thought the same thing so...” She trails off. She glances over her shoulder and I see Sokolov across the room. He isn't alone either. Andrew is sitting with him. They both have their eyes on us. Andrew looks to be carrying on about something while a mute Sokolov just nods his head at whatever he’s saying.

  “You gave out kisses.”

  She turns three shades of pink. You’d think I was telling her that she did something more scandalous. It’s probably a good thing that I left the whole spanking thing out of our earlier conversation about Andrew. I’m not embarrassed by it but it is something that I choose to keep private. He gave me what I needed in that moment. Never in a million years would I have thought it was a spanking that I desired but as soon as his hand landed on me, I knew that was exactly what my body wanted.

  “Victor has never been asked to keep tabs on a woman for Andrew before. He normally only guards him when needed.”

  “You sure about that?” I glance back to them. Neither have moved and they are still doing the same thing as before. “He watches you,” I say with a small smile on my lips.

  He might be tasked with keeping an eye on me but his eyes are always on Violet. He looks capable of multitasking. I picture him killing someone with his hands tied behind his back while wearing a blindfold. He definitely looks as if no one should mess with him. He’s gigantic and stoic yet he steals kisses from sweet Violet. It is going to be fun to watch their relationship unfold. Violet can try to keep it hush hush but there is no denying the attraction between these two.

  “Hey! Stay on topic. I know what you’re doing. This is about you for once. No changing the subject,” she scolds me. Or does her best to sound stern. “If you paid more attention to yourself you’d see that man is crazy about you.” She points over her shoulder toward Andrew. “He’s always paying all his attention to you. He’s stayed way longer than he was supposed to and doesn't look to be leaving anytime soon. He made a freaking office in his suite.”

  “I don’t want to leave here. I finally feel like I have roots.” Not to mention I already had a hard time pulling myself from bed this morning. If I take the job he’s offering I’ll be busier than ever. It is a double-edged sword.

  “You said he’d stay.” She reminds me of Andrew’s words.

  “But isn't that the same thing? I’m sure he has roots somewhere else.”

  “I think you’re his roots now, Smooth.” She’s been reading too many of her romance books. I can’t blame her. I watch too many people get married and say words of love to each other each week. Those sentiments have always been foreign for me until Andrew came along. I’m not usually the one receiving them.

  I should just ask him what he’s looking for in a marriage.

  “Can I get you ladies a drink?” I look to my left to see two men slide up to the bar next to us. They’re only wearing swim trunks. I can tell from their glassy eyes they’ve had a few themselves already. Both Violet and I look over to where the guys are sitting as we politely decline. “Come on, just have one.” One of them forces himself into both mine and Violet’s space. Then all hell breaks loose. I know I’m not going to be able to smooth this one over. Oddly, I don’t really care. I probably shouldn’t enjoy seeing my man lose it over another guy hitting on me but I am. If he wants to take care of me I am going to let him.



  “After you escort Sara Witten off the premises, I’ll need—what the fuck?” I cut my list of instructions to Sokolov short as I see two drunk asses sidle up to Smooth. Beside me, Sokolov growls. We both take off. I reach the group first and haul the first man off of Smooth. Sokolov is there a half second later to take care of the second man.

  “No blood inside the property,” I remind him.

  “Hey. Hey. What’s going on?” says the man in my grip as I march him outside. “I’m a paying guest here,” he proclaims loudly. “I have rights.”

  “You lost those rights the minute you laid a finger on Smooth.”

  “Smooth? Who the hell is Smooth?”

  “Me,” chirps my woman.

  We look over to see Selena
trailing behind us with a drink in her hand.

  “Go back inside,” I order. I don’t need her to see me go feral on this dude.

  “I’m curious about how you’re going to take care of this,” she says.

  I pull up at the terrace, one hand twisting the man’s arm behind his back and the other clamped around his shoulder. Is she telling me that I should do something else like comp this man’s drink and send him to another bar?

  “Brother, are we really fighting over a piece of pussy? There’s plenty to go around.”

  I spin him around and plant my fist in his face before the last syllable drops from his mouth. He falls to the ground with a crash.

  “You’re still inside,” Smooth points out.

  “He’s not bleeding.” At least I don’t think he is.

  “Not yet, but soon probably.” She peers over him, a little liquid spilling out of her cup and splashing onto his face.

  I am about to comment that since no blood is technically on the property, I haven’t violated any rules when we both hear the crash of glass. To my left, a sheepish Sokolov looks at the shattered glass at his feet. He extends his hands, starfishing his fingers, and says, “I don’t know my strength.”

  Violet comes up and pats him on the head. “Anyone would’ve made the same mistake. Come here and let me patch you up.”

  Sokolov immediately brightens. “With kisses?”

  Violet’s head dips down in embarrassment and she shyly responds, “We’ll see.”

  I release a sigh as she leads him away.

  “What’s wrong?” Smooth asks.

  “I’m losing him.” He’s been my bodyguard for almost a decade but when you see the person who you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with, there’s not anything you can do. Oh, I guess you could fight fate but you’d only end up miserable. And there’s no point in having every material thing in the world if you don’t have someone special to share it with.


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