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Smooth Kisses

Page 8

by Ella Goode

  “Maybe you’re gaining Violet,” challenges Smooth. Her chin’s up and ready to fight for her friend. How adorable.

  “Maybe I am.” I take her arm. “Let’s get some security staff over here to clean up the mess.”

  “I’m already on it.”

  “Oh, smooth. I like it.” I wink at her.

  She gives me a perturbed look in return. “Are you ever going to stop with the puns on my name?”

  “Never. It’s half the reason I love you.”

  I’m halfway across the room before I realize I’ve lost her. She’s stopped moving. I backtrack and pull her close. “See something you don’t like?”

  “You love me?” she says, the question coming out high-pitched and faint.

  “Of course.” I blink at her in surprise. “Why would I go to all this trouble if I didn’t love you?”

  Her expression turns from shock to skepticism. “Are you saying that because you want me to sign the contract?”

  This adorable girl makes my heart ache. What did her mother do to her to cause her to question anyone’s love? Too bad I can’t punch Sara Witten in the face like I did that drunk. I can punch her wallet, though, and that might hurt more than a physical blow. I gather Smooth under my arm and lead her over to the elevators.

  “As much as I want to have this conversation, we better go upstairs because by the end of it, I’m going to need to take your clothes off, kiss every bare inch of your body, and then fuck you until we’re both too tired to move.” I jab the up button.

  She’s silent in the elevator and on the way to my suite. When I open the doors, her mouth drops open. I’d forgotten she hasn’t seen it since I made a couple of changes.

  “Why do you have two desks in here?”

  “One is for Anna until she leaves and one is for me.” I shut the door and nod to Anna, who rises to greet us.

  “This will be your desk soon,” Anna cries happily. “Of course, you can pick out a new one.”

  “No...this is fine.” Smooth walks into the entry and takes in the living space where two sofas used to sit but which is now an office with two desks—Anna’s and mine. Between them is a coffee table and two black leather chairs. “You’ve only been here a few days. Why have you done this?”

  “Oh, as much as I want to stay and watch, I’d better go,” Anna interjects. “I did take care of the lawyer issue.”

  “Thank you.”

  Anna leaves quietly but I don’t think that Smooth even notices. She sinks into one of the black leather chairs in front of my desk.

  “I did this because I’m staying here.” I don’t add the until because there is no until. It’s just me and Smooth forever.

  “Until I sign the contract.”

  I cross the room and kneel down next to the chair. I cup the back of her head and slowly turn her so she looks into my eyes. “There is no more until for us. It’s not until you sign the contract because I won’t leave you even if that line is blank until the paper disintegrates. It’s not until you decide to love me back because my love won’t waver. It’s not until death do us part because my soul will follow yours from this life into the next. Nothing that happens will change my mind.”

  “How can you know this? We just met. It’s only been days.” Her voice is soft, full of wonder and of hope. I swipe my thumb across her cheek.

  “How do you know how to breathe? How do you know how to walk? How do you know anything? It just is. I knew when I saw you that my heart beat for one person. You.”



  My body is exhausted from a long night of lovemaking. A smile forms on my lips remembering all the dirty things that Andrew and I did throughout last night and into the wee hours of this morning. His whispered words of love brought me to climax more times than I could count. My face drops a little when I shift and realize that Andrew isn’t in bed wrapped around me.

  My eyes fly open. The insecurities slowly start to creep in that he’s not here. Did he regret last night? I shake my head of those negative thoughts and sit up, wrapping the sheet around my naked body. My eye catches on a folded piece of paper that’s lying on his pillow. I pick it up, taking a deep breath before I open it.

  “Wildflower, I’ll miss you.” My heart drops after reading the first line. Tears prick my eyes with the thought of him leaving me. I force myself to continue reading the note because I just can’t believe he’d leave me after last night. “I’ve been sitting here for ten minutes staring at your perfect sleeping form. Wondering to myself how I got so lucky to have you. Know that I’m forcing myself to leave this room and attend to the work that needs to be done today. Rest, my beautiful girl. Text me when you wake.” I let out a small stupid laugh that I doubted Andrew again. My fears are erased with his warm words.

  I don’t want to send him a text. I want to go see him and kiss him good morning. Maybe we can break in my new desk. I don't know how I will take over Anna’s job and keep up with what I am already doing here. After telling Andrew that last night when he’d pretty much pouted about needing more time with me we discussed hiring a few more people. At first the thought was a little scary but what if there is another girl out there like me looking for someone to give her a chance? I could be the one to provide it to her. Not only that, but I want to be by Andrew's side. My hope is by expanding my role with this company that I can accomplish more than I’d set out to. I no longer needed my mother’s approval. It doesn’t matter to me anymore. I know who I am and how valuable my work is.

  Today I am going to do something I never do. I’m taking the day off. This is what I’m telling myself anyway. I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I was a little disappointed about Andrew not being here when I woke up. It would have been nice for both of us to skip out on work and lie in bed together all day. I smile, knowing I can easily go lure him back to bed. I know he would come without question. It piques my interest the more I think about him not being here this morning. I wonder if something is wrong. Not with us but maybe the resort or something.

  I fumble around inside his place to hurriedly get dressed. I smile more when I see some of Andrew’s things littering up the place. I bet he isn't used to living like this. This space will be big enough for the both of us. I haven’t had the chance to look around but I can do that later once I get back. Right now I am on a mission to find my man.

  When I exit the suite I see a woman in an all-black suit waiting there for me. She reaches for her phone. “Don’t!” I grab it from her hand. She stands there shocked. I think she is debating grabbing it back from me but isn’t sure if she is allowed to. I have a feeling she’s one of Andrew’s bodyguards. Sokolov must be MIA. Though I have a pretty good idea where he is. I don’t need to think too hard about that one. I know if I call Violet, there is a big chance that Sokolov will be right beside her.

  “I want to surprise him.” She hesitates for a moment before she nods and then tells me Andrew’s location. “I’m Selena, by the way,” I tell her as I head toward where Andrew is. She gives me a small smile before introducing herself. That was another thing Andrew had brought up last night. He is a very rich man and when people find out you value something more than money they will try to get at that to get at you. I told him if security made him feel better I’m not going to fight him on the issue.

  I slow down my pace when I start to realize there aren't as many people milling about as there should be this time of day. Then I see him. I gasp at the sight of Andrew standing in the center of the courtyard surrounded by what has to be thousands of wildflowers. It’s so beautiful I almost can’t believe that it’s real. The fragrance of the flowers fills the entire courtyard. The colors are so vivid and bright that they steal my breath away with their beauty.

  “Come here.” He motions for me to come closer to him. Even though he makes the action with his hand, he begins moving toward me. I practically fling myself at him when I’m close enough. He catches me, pulling me into his strong arms. I wrap myself around him.<
br />
  “You left me,” I say before I kiss him.

  “Smooth.” He groans against my mouth as he pulls away from me. “You’re making this hard.”

  “Isn't that a good thing?” I tease as I wiggle against his hardness.

  “We have things to discuss.” He tries to give me a stern look. Not sure why. We both know it’s not going to work on me. I enjoyed that last spanking. “Another contract.”

  I eye him warily because I know he’s up to something. Between him not being in bed with me this morning and this beautiful setup, I think he’s talking about a marriage contract.

  “You want to get married?”

  “No bullshit prenup but there is something I want to give you. You’ll need to sign it.”

  “So you are asking me to marry you?” I raise an eyebrow. He sets me down on my feet before falling to one knee.

  “Not really asking.” He pulls a box out of his pocket before sliding a ring onto my finger. “But I will get down on my knees for you. So that you know that for you I’ll always go to them.” My eyes prick with tears as I see him down on his knees for me. The ring has a giant diamond in the center but around it smaller stones encase it, making it look like a flower. The band is wavy, making it look like ivy that holds the flower up.

  I put my hand over my mouth so I don't cry as I nod my head yes. He picks me up kissing me again. I wrap my arms around him, holding him close. Who knew I would be agreeing to marry the man I’d smacked? I’ve gone from thinking I was going to lose it all because of him to having it all with him.

  “Now the contract,” he says again, placing me on my feet. I try and fight a face scrunch. I’m sure something needs to be signed. He said no prenup but still. He’s one of the richest men in the world. He reaches into his back pocket, handing me a folded piece of paper.

  “Sign and it’s all yours.”

  “You’re giving me the resort.”

  “It’s your home. I want you to know you’ll always have it. That I would never take it from you.”

  I shake my head no. “I don’t want it without you.” The words tumble out of my mouth. “I don't think I could bear being here now and you not be with me,” I admit. Everywhere I’d look I’d only miss him more.

  “That’s fine, Wildflower. Then you can sell it. I promise you you’re never going to be without me, but I still want you to sign it. For me.”

  “Well, since you didn't ask me to marry you”—I fake my tartness—“I will agree to sign this.” He hands me a pen and I sign on the dotted line. I notice my mother’s name is gone from the top of this legal paperwork. The man really didn't waste time.

  “I won’t be Smooth anymore if we marry,” I remind him with a smirk. I don’t know where the name came from. It wasn't my mother’s, but hers changed with each marriage until she started to make a name for herself. Then I think she kept the third husband’s name.

  “You’ll always be smooth, Wildflower.”

  “And you’ll always be the smooth operator?”

  “Something like that. Though I like the title husband more,” he says before he kisses me again. I love both too. “I’m good at multi-tasking. I’m sure I can handle being both.” I know he can. He’d even do it on one knee if I ask.



  A few weeks later

  Today is the day that I marry my Wildflower. There is one small problem. Though I wouldn't call Sokolov small by any means. “I have keys to every room in this resort. I’m guessing you don’t want me to see yours or Violet’s asses.” I speak through the door.

  “You do not enter. I changed the locks.” Of course he did. I should have seen that coming.

  “Victor, you have to stop. You got your kisses.” I hear Violet try and reprimand him. I almost wish I could see his face. He’s wrapped around that girl’s finger and she doesn't even know it. It’s endearing but I rather enjoy the fiery streak in my woman. She’s a challenge like no other and I enjoy bringing her down when she gets worked up. I am taking my job as smooth operator rather seriously. I will be taking the job as her husband the most serious. I am counting down the minutes until I gain the title officially.

  The word that once made me cringe has a calming effect on me now. Anna was always a strong person to have at my side but with Smooth it is different. We are more than a team and, most importantly, we balance each other out. I was worried that our work schedules would make things hard for us but I should have known better. We learned that we only had to put our heads together and hatch a plan. We can have it all. We just have to line the pieces up right and then manage those. Both of us still have a small drive to work but I wonder if that will soon change once children come along. Smooth puts everything she has into things. I’m sure she’ll want to cut back and raise our children. Her relationship growing up with her mom wasn’t the best so I know that she’ll be extra hands-on when it comes to our children. I can’t wait to see her round with my baby.

  I’ve witnessed her dedication with not just her work but how she is with me now. She’s learned I’m not going anywhere and with that she’s become softer and I don't have to chase her down as often as I once did. She even comes looking for me now. I had no idea how much I needed that until she started doing it. I look forward to it now. I find myself taking longer to do things so that she’ll come looking for me. I think she’s on to me, but she plays along.

  “I’m not fucking around. My bride wants her maid of honor so you better open this fucking door.” A moment later Violet swings open the door to her manager’s apartment. Her hair is a mess and her lips are once again swollen. I think Sokolov has permanently made them that way. I love kissing Smooth, but Sokolov is taking that shit to a whole new level. Doesn't he know there are so many other places he could be kissing her? I have a feeling Violet isn't giving him the green light to do so.

  “I’m ready.” She rights her dress before she smooths down her hair.

  “I am best man,” Sokolov states.

  “I thought Nathan-” He cuts me off.

  “I only walk Kotyonok down the aisle.” He holds his arms over his chest. He’s in his normal all black suit. The flash of his gun peaks out. I don’t think he’d really use it on someone else that was trying to walk Violet down the aisle but I don't care to find out. The no-blood-on-property rule is a strict one for Smooth. I don't need that shit fucking up the wedding. She is pretty much ready in her room and I am prepared to get this show on the road. I don't only have the wedding to do but a small surprise for her that I’ve been rapidly working on. It is something that will make sure my wife gets everything she wants. Which has now become the main focus of my life. Making her happy in any way I can is my end goal.

  Violet rolls her eyes before she smacks Sokolov on the chest. “He scared off my best friend.”

  He grabs her small hand in his. “Do not hurt yourself, Kotyonok. My chest is hard and your hand is soft and delicate.”

  She melts for a moment then remembers what he did.


  “I am now your best friend.” I have to fight a laugh at that. Hell, I’m not sure what being a best friend entails but seeing Sokolov as Violet’s is almost comical. Just their size difference is something to laugh about. Although he towers over her, Violet is the one with the upper hand. She hasn’t figured that part out yet. She’s the one with all the control. Anyone who has eyes can tell you that.

  “Can we go? You may walk Violet down the aisle.” I give in, knowing Smooth will do the same. I finally get them both out of the room and head toward the wedding area. The great thing about getting married on a resort is they are ready for a wedding at any given moment. Violet steps into the room I know Smooth is getting ready in.

  Sokolov as always stands there with his hands folded over his chest, ready for a battle that isn't coming.

  “You’ve got lipstick,” Lang tells Sokolov, motioning to his mouth. He shrugs, not caring.

  “Never thought I’d see th
e day. You’re both going down.” She laughs. “Not that I’m complaining. I’m going to enjoy living in paradise.” Susan Lang has worked off and on for me over the years at Sokolov’s suggestion. I thought she would be a perfect fit for Smooth when I couldn't be around. I am losing Sokolov. He hasn’t turned in his resignation but it is coming. It’s not like the man needs the money. I know he’s done military work over the years. Who knows what else? He works because he has nothing else to do. He has a certain skill set that is rare but not often needed. I know at least with him wrapped around Violet’s finger and her being Smooth’s best friend he will always be close. That eases my mind when it comes to the thought of losing him. The fact that he will still be around is comforting.

  “We’re ready!” Violet pops her head out to inform us.

  “I’m not going,” I tell her. If she thinks she’s walking down the aisle without me she’s lost her mind.

  “But-” Violet tries to protest.

  “It’s fine,” Smooth says as she swings the door open to reveal the soft cotton dress she has on. It’s simple and elegant. She looks beautiful beyond words. She has her hair down in loose waves with one side swept up and held together by a beautiful clip. There is a gorgeous wildflower placed there as well. My breath catches, knowing that she is minutes away from becoming mine. Her choice of dress brings a smile to my face. There isn't a thing she couldn't do in it and there is nothing stopping me from doing what I want to her while she’s in it. I’ve noticed she’s stopped with the pencil skirts. They restricted my access. She wants me to touch her all over so she’s switched over to more flowy things. I’m not complaining one single bit. The easier I can get my hands all over her, the better.

  I reach out and she takes my hand. “Go on.” She tells Sokolov and Violet to head toward the ceremony. I pull her into my arms.

  “This is going to be quick,” I inform her.

  “Good. I’m dying to know what you’ve been up to.” She smiles, letting me know she’s on to me.


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