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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 56

by Alex Wolf

  “Dex?” She shakes my arm.

  I turn to her and can’t help the shame coursing through me. “Yeah?”

  “The answer is yes, okay?”

  I don’t think I could want to kiss her any more than I do right now, but instead I decide to tease her a little. “Yes what?”

  She fights to hold back a smile. “You know what, you big idiot.” She smacks me on the arm.

  I can’t take it anymore and the first thing that pops in my head is to tell her I love her.

  Whoa! What the fuck?

  My palms get slick on the steering wheel and my shoulders stiffen.

  “You okay?”

  I look past her and play it off. “It’s nothing.” I try to shake the thought out of my head. If I was driving alone, I’d roll the window down and shout it right out of my head. I smile. “We’re gonna have fun tonight. Deal?” I hold out my fist.

  She bumps it and her smile returns. “Deal.”

  “You’re gonna love it.”

  “I’m excited.” She’s practically bouncing in her seat.

  Abigail is so beautiful. I’m so damn lucky. I’m going to prove to her this shit is real between us. She might say she’s my girlfriend, but that lingering tension is still there, like she’s going against her own wishes. I need to get rid of that quick before it poisons things.

  “Do I at least get a hint?”

  “Nope. But trust me. You’ll love it.”

  “All right.”

  A few minutes later I pull up for the valet.

  Abigail glances around. “A hotel?” Her eyes widen and she mumbles, “A very nice hotel. Holy…”


  The valets open both our doors. One of them takes my keys and opens the trunk.

  We walk inside and get checked into our room. The valets carry our bags and lead us up to the elevators and into the suite.

  The phone rings and the manager tells me everything is set while Abigail walks around, scoping the place out. It’s not the top floor like Wells normally reserves, but it’s nice as fuck. It’s a corner suite with fantastic views of the city.

  “This is incredible, Dexter.”

  “Haven’t seen anything yet.” I hold out my hand. “You ready?”

  “Almost.” Her arms go around me and she brings me in for a deep, passionate kiss. After a few long seconds, she lets go. “Okay. Now I’m ready.”

  I swat her on the ass playfully as she walks toward the door.

  We take the elevator up to the rooftop.

  “This way.” I take her by the hand, and I’m so excited I’m damn near shaking.

  “Oh my God, I love how excited you are. You look like a little boy on Christmas.”

  “I don’t want to build up the hype too much, but you’re going to love it.”

  The wind whips up from between the skyscrapers. “Where are you taking me? It’s freezing!”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll warm up fast. Come on.” I think I might be more excited than she is.

  Right when we’re about to turn the corner, I stop us. “Hang on, I’m not sure you’re ready. Maybe we should…”

  She flies right past me. “Dexter Collins I’m going to—” She stops on a dime as soon as she sees it. Her hand covers her mouth for a second, and then a tear slides down her cheek.

  Oh God, did I screw this up? Maybe it was too much.

  She’s practically shaking, and I don’t know whether I should turn and run for the hills or what. I slowly walk over to her with caution in every step.

  She looks over at me and smiles so damn big through the tears. She waves me over to her, and I jog the last four steps.

  She wraps her arms around my neck. “Oh my God, it’s… You…” She leans up and kisses me, then pulls back. “I can’t even talk I’m such a mess right now.”

  I spin her back around to face it and wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “I can’t believe you did this. How…”

  “I know the manager. Come on, follow me.” I take her by the hand.

  Abigail can’t peel her eyes away from the rooftop ice-skating rink. Tall skyscrapers shoot up all around us and evergreen Christmas trees form a perimeter around the outside. They’re covered with red bows and Christmas decorations.

  We get our skates all laced up, and I hold out my arm. “You ready? Got the place to ourselves for the next few hours. Did I do good or what?”

  “Yeah, you… It’s just perfect, and you surprised me, as usual.” She cranes her head around, taking it all in. “It’s amazing.” She looks like she might cry again and wipes at the corner of her eye. “No one has ever done something like this for me before. Not for a date.”

  I take her hands in mine and look down at her. “I know I have some rough patches to work on. I’m not perfect.” I gesture out toward the ice. “This is just the beginning.”

  She hooks an arm in mine and she can’t stop grinning. I don’t think it could get any more perfect, but once we’re out in the open, ever so slowly, large snowflakes start floating down all around us. If this isn’t meant to be, I don’t know what the hell is.

  We get to the edge and I help her onto the ice. Her knees wobble and shake.

  “Easy. I’ve got you.” I grip her waist and guide her until she gets balanced.

  Abigail laughs. “I look like a newborn calf finding its legs.”

  I shake my head. Southern girls. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  She looks totally relaxed; despite the fact her legs are working overtime to keep her balance. “They look just like me; awkward.”

  “You’re doing great, come on.”

  I lead her around the rink slowly.

  She keeps looking over. “Seriously, Dex. Thank you for this. It’s so much fun. I had no idea this is what we’d do.”

  “I have more planned tomorrow.”

  “What more could there be?”

  “You’ll see.” I skate off and cut around the ice a couple times, then head over to her and spin around backward, grab her hands, and pull her along with me.

  “Okay, hotshot. Now I’m impressed. Where’d you learn how to do that?”

  “Everyone up here can skate. It’s like playing football down in Texas. I played some hockey when I was younger. My mom said I needed a healthy outlet to burn off energy and take out some aggression.”

  “I could help you with some of that aggression.”

  My cock strains against my zipper when she says stuff like that. “Don’t be a tease. I still owe you one more. We’re not even yet.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She feigns innocence. “We’re totally even.”

  “Oh, Christmas clown. Don’t act all innocent. You know exactly what you did. Got me all worked up on two different occasions and then ghosted me.” I slow to a stop, pulling her to me for a kiss.

  “I would never. I’m a southern lady.” She uses a fake southern drawl that’s way over the top.

  Truth be told, it’s kind of hot. I wouldn’t mind her doing it again.

  Our lips meet, and her mouth parts, inviting me in for a deep kiss.

  It sets me on fire inside. I need her, like now. Once we part, I give her a smirk. “We better calm down, don’t want to melt the ice.”

  “Okay, that was corny.” She shakes her head, laughing.

  “I thought it was pretty smooth. Kissing me, is like…”

  She puts a hand on my chest. “Just stop, Dex. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

  I yank her into me and lift her up off the ice. Our mouths connect again, and I twirl us around in a slow spin while I kiss her. It’s fucking incredible. Maybe the most perfect moment of my life with the Christmas trees and skyscrapers and snow falling all around us.

  After we part, I cradle Abigail in my arms and skate us around for a few laps. She nuzzles up next to me and she just looks—safe, like she feels right at home. It’s amazing. I could do this shit for hours.

  Finally, out of
nowhere, she says, “Keep this up and I’m gonna suck your dick so hard you can’t breathe.”

  “What the…?” It takes me by surprise and my feet fly out from under me.

  All I can hear is the sound of Abigail shriek and then her laughing as she comes down right on top of me.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I scramble to try and get up, but she straddles me and pins me down.

  She’s dying laughing. “I’m sorry, I just…” She mimes what just happened, with half sentences that make no sense, and she laughs so hard reenacting it she can’t breathe. “You were just, so… And then I said…”

  I nod, trying to hold in a laugh. “You don’t say shit like that when someone’s skating you around on a block of ice.”

  She’s damn near hyperventilating. Her cheeks are bright pink. Finally, she collapses onto me and we’re lying there on the ice, like a couple of fools, me on my back and her on top of me.

  Before I can think, I say, “I’m falling for you, Abby.”

  I expect her to take off so fast she leaves a vapor trail behind. But, she doesn’t. She presses her lips to mine for a long second, then sighs. “I know.”

  I flip her over and tickle her ribs. “Seriously, you’re gonna Han Solo me like that?”

  She’s laughing so hard she can barely breathe again. “Yeah, I mean, we were on the ice and I started thinking of carbonite then Harrison Ford and it just kind of…”

  I stop tickling her for a second, then push a strand of hair from her face. She stares up at me with those baby blue eyes that could stop a man’s heart. “I’m falling for you too, Dex. Hard.” She looks away. “It’s bad. It scares me.”

  I cup her cheek in my palm. “Why?”

  She puts her hand on mine and leans into it. Fuck I love when she does that. She’s so vulnerable right now, her feelings totally exposed. “Because you could hurt me. Like, you could really hurt me bad.”

  I shake my head. “I’ll never hurt you, Abby. I promise.”

  She stares at me. Her face hardens, then she reaches up and cups my cheek. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I’ll never break that promise. I won’t.”

  She nods. “Okay.”

  I still can’t tell if she believes me or not, but I don’t care. I won’t ever break her heart, so I have nothing to worry about. We’re perfect together.

  “Come on. You’re getting cold. Let’s warm you up with some hot chocolate.” We skate over to the benches and change into our shoes, then go into the heated lounge. I had hot chocolate brought in from Lavazza and Chicago-style hot dogs from Hot Doug’s, both the best in the city.

  “Jesus how many marshmallows you put in there?” I laugh at the mountain toppling over the brim of her mug.

  “What are you talking about? So sue me. I like a little hot cocoa with my marshmallows.” She flings one at me.

  “God, you’re adorable.” I scoop whipped cream off the top of mine and dollop her nose with it.

  “You’re so dead for that.” She doesn’t wipe it away.

  “Did I ruin your makeup?” I grin.

  Her mouth drops. “I’m not wearing makeup.”

  I squint. “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  I look down at my cup. “They’re going to fire you from being the Christmas clown if you don’t keep your makeup on.”

  “Oh, now you’re really a dead man.”

  “Yeah right, come here.” I hug her into my side and kiss the top of her hair. “You ready to go to our room?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “You gonna stop being mean to me?”

  “Oh quit playing the victim. You love it.” I squeeze her hip and slide my palm up under her sweater.

  “Holy sh... Your hand is cold.”

  “So warm me up then.”

  Abigail stares up at me with a goofy grin.

  I kiss her once more and slide my hand up farther and tweak one of her nipples.

  She pulls back and nods. “Yep, let’s go to the room.”

  Abigail rushes around the hotel room, throwing clothes on, even more excited than she was last night. “I didn’t know there would be a Christmas parade. Are you freaking serious? It’s not even Thanksgiving yet.”

  Every year they have the Magnificent Mile Christmas Parade and tree lighting ceremony. It’s the week before Thanksgiving this year, but when Abigail told me how crazy she gets for Christmas I knew I’d have to take her.

  “I’d never joke about Christmas.” I glance off at the corner of the ceiling. “Not around you anyway.”

  “Damn right. You better not when I’m not around either. It’s not a joking matter, Collins.” She wags a finger at me with fake anger. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”

  I hold up my hand as I count the reasons on each finger. “You like to fuck me. I take you on amazing dates. I make you feel wanted. I pay attention to details.”

  “Damn you’re good.” She laughs. “I noticed you listed me getting to fuck you first.”

  “It was in order of importance, yes.”

  She shakes her head. “You’re so damn cocky.”

  “I know.” I smack her playfully on the ass. “Get dressed or I’m going to chain you to the bed and eat your pussy all day.”

  She shrugs. “Can we compromise?”

  I quirk an eyebrow up. “How so?”

  “You can do what you just said, as long as we’re at the parade on time.”

  My cock goes hard at the thought and I smile at how cute she is. “I suppose your needs can be accommodated.”

  She smiles, but then scoots back on the bed when she sees the hungry look in my eyes. “Uh oh. What did I just agree to?”

  “You wanted this, Abigail.” I crawl up over her and use one of my ties to bind her wrists together over her head. It’s not as good as having her completely subdued like she was in my room, but it’ll do. I roll her tank top up over her shoulders and neck, leaving it over her eyes like a blindfold.

  “Dex!” She squirms beneath me.

  “Be still.” I drag my tongue between the valley of her breasts, pinching both nipples between my fingers.

  I slide farther down her and rip her panties in half because they get in my way.

  “Hey, I liked those.”

  “You’ll like this more.” I flick my tongue across her clit and her thighs squeeze around my head.

  Life is good.

  I could stay buried between Abigail’s legs the rest of my life if she’d let me. I’d get down on my knees and worship her pussy every damn day.

  It doesn’t take long and she’s moaning out my name as an orgasm rocks through her. When she’s done, I pull her shirt back down.

  “Okay for real, now. We need to hurry.”

  “What about you?”

  I love how considerate she always is. Like she always wants things to be fair. But I love going down on her. I love making her feel good, even when I don’t get anything out of it. I really don’t mind it at all.

  “Don’t worry about me. We can take care of me later. This weekend is about you.”

  “Hey, Dex?”


  “I’m falling a little more.”

  I smile. “I know.”


  This weekend has been too good to be true, and we’re still not done yet. It’s Sunday, and I’m definitely falling for Dex and I don’t know how I feel about that, other than the fact that I can’t help myself. You don’t get to pick and choose when and who it happens with, the heart just knows when it knows.

  It’s scary how much I like him. Ninety-five percent of the time, he’s too good to be true. He took me freaking ice skating and then took me to the Christmas parade and the tree lighting yesterday. The way Dex looked at me under all the twinkling lights… He says he’s falling for me, but it’s more than that. He’s fallen already. I just know. I feel it deep inside me, and if I’m being honest
with myself, I’m right there with him.

  My two biggest reservations are how he handled the Kyle/Nick situation, and that he’s demolishing my plans. Finding myself a Dexter Collins was not supposed to be in the cards for three to five years max, according to my life plan. I always stick to my plans. If I set out to do something, I do it.

  It's so hard to make that adjustment. What happens after this happy phase when things get serious? How will Dex handle a high-pressure situation when things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows? These are things I need to know, regardless of how well put together he seems in his professional life. That doesn’t necessarily equate to personal life where the emotional stakes are much higher.

  I’m reckless around him. I’m on the pill but I should still make him wear a condom and I don’t. The worst part is I know he’d do it for me without question, and I don’t even ask him to.

  I look over the red sparkly dress he gave me in the mirror one more time. He told me to put it on and get ready to go to dinner. It fits perfectly. How the hell did he pull that off? Did he go through my closet when I wasn’t looking and find my size?

  I smooth my hair over my shoulder and apply some lipstick and mascara. This is as good as I’m going to get, but I don’t think Dex would care one way or the other.

  I walk out of the bathroom and do a little twirl for him. “How do I look?”

  “Gorgeous.” He helps me into my jacket. “There’s a car waiting for us downstairs.”

  We get down to the lobby of the hotel and there’s a limousine and a driver. When he said a car was waiting, I thought he’d called us a cab. I glance over at him all dressed up in his Marc Jacobs suit and Saint Laurent dress shoes. He looks refined with his perfectly slicked-back hair, like he just stepped out of a magazine. All these dates and the way he looks, if Mom ever meets him, she’s going to eat her words. He is all man. I know she always pictured me staying in Texas and marrying a local boy like she did, but she never seems to judge my life decisions. If she was here, she’d be pushing me toward him.


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