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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 57

by Alex Wolf

  She’s old fashioned and thinks the man should take care of the woman. I like that to some degree, but I’m much more modern. I like having a job and making my own money, making my own way. It’s empowering. I don’t like being dependent on anyone. Even if this works out with Dex, I’ll still always feel that way. Staying at home and taking care of kids and a house is not for me. That doesn’t mean I don’t like it when he gets all forceful and takes charge, though. It’s just a situational thing.

  We climb into the back where a tray of champagne flutes and strawberries await us.

  “Where we going?”

  “Another surprise.” He feeds me a strawberry to silence me.

  We ride a little ways and I sip some champagne. The car comes to a stop. I try to look out the window, but Dexter stops me.

  “No peeking. Just trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” I try to steal a glance over his shoulder. “The suspense is killing me, though.”

  He shakes his head. “Looks like we’re doing this again, since I can’t trust you to keep your eyes closed.” He sighs, grinning the whole time, and pulls his tie off and wraps it around my eyes.

  “Damn it, Dex.”

  “You only have yourself to blame.”


  He finishes and I hear the car door open. I get that tingly feeling all over my body because there’s no clue what he has planned this time. I could end up naked or in the middle of a football stadium, I just don’t know.

  Dex leads me from the car then swoops me into his arms, cradling me. I hook my arms around his neck and inhale. I smell water and the sound of boats.

  “Ohh, are we going on a boat?” I move to take the blindfold off.

  Dex sighs. “Would you stop? You’re ruining this shit. I’m doing a whole thing here… Just, okay?”

  I smile. I love when he gets all frustrated while he’s trying to be sweet. “Fine, grumpy.”

  He ignores me and keeps walking for a while. Finally, he gently slides me down his chest and spins me around. My back to his front. “Keep your eyes closed, promise?”

  I nod.

  He lifts the blindfold, but I keep my eyes closed since I did promise him, and I know he put a lot of effort into this.

  “Okay, open your eyes.”

  I slowly open them and stare out at the water surrounding us. “Holy shit,” I whisper.


  “This is a yacht. Like not even a yacht.” I spin around. “This is a damn mansion on water.” I turn and get a glimpse of the Chicago skyline and the harbor.

  Dex hugs me as the boat slowly eases farther out in the lake and the skyscrapers melt into the horizon behind us. “This is just… wow. How did you? It must cost…” Why am I always bringing up how much everything costs like an idiot? It’s so rude, but I’m not used to being spoiled like this. I didn’t grow up with much, but we were always happy and that’s all that matters to me. It’s so nice, though. All of this. I won’t lie.

  “Easy, killer. It belongs to a friend.”

  I start to ask if it belongs to Wells Covington, but I think better of it. Tomorrow is the start of another work week and I don’t want to talk about work. I just want to live in the moment.

  “What are you grinning like an idiot about? I can see it on your face.”

  I turn to him, trying not to laugh. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “No, spit it out, Whitley. You’re giggling like a schoolgirl.”

  “Okay.” I take his hand. “Follow me.” I take off running down the deck and he follows behind. I head toward the very front of the boat.

  “Oh God.”

  I turn back and laugh at him. “What?”

  “I know what you’re doing. You’re out of your mind.”

  My breaths become labored because this freaking boat is big as hell and it’s taking much longer than I thought it would to get to the end of it. “You’re doing it with me, Jack!”

  “My name is not Jack! And that movie sucks!”

  “Don’t ruin my moment, Collins!”

  I swear I hear him mumble, “Fine,” as he chases after me.

  When we get to the very front of the boat, I hold my hands out to the side, just like in Titanic.

  Dex wraps his arms around me and I can barely keep a straight face because I know he thinks we look like idiots.

  “Jack, I’m flying!”

  I don’t have to look back to know Dex is smiling; I can feel his chest rising and falling with laughter.

  “If you ask me to draw you like one of my French girls, you’re getting a stick figure and then I’m fucking you while you’re still naked.”

  I lean my head back on his shoulder. “My boyfriend is so romantic. Jack would draw me perfectly.” Finally, I turn back to him. “And what do you mean that movie sucks? It might be the most romantic film ever.”

  “Maybe for you.”

  “Why don’t you like it?”

  His eyes bug out. “Because all the men die, Abigail!”

  I can’t stop laughing at how serious he looks, like he’s really thought this all through. “Yeah, but he loves her.”

  “Yeah, and she gets to live and bang other dudes the rest of her life while he freezes to death.” His hand flies out and he points at me. “And she had room on that thing!”

  Finally, we both stare at each other and then burst into laughter.

  “Look, I’ll do whatever I can for you, Abby. But you’re scooting your hot ass over on that board and we’re both floating to land if this yacht goes down.”

  I hook my arms around his neck and plant a kiss on his lips. “Deal. And thanks for indulging me, for a while anyway.”

  He drops a sweet kiss on my forehead. “No problem, babe. And for the record, I would draw you as good as I could, but nothing would do you justice.”

  “Ohh, he recovers just like that. Very smooth, Mr. Collins.”

  “Come on, we’re going to freeze to death out here.” He leads me by the hand, giddy with excitement and takes me inside to meet the captain. It hadn’t even dawned on me other people would be on the boat to operate it, and I just acted like a fool in front of everyone. My cheeks are pink the entire time Dex introduces us and it’s not from the freezing wind outside.

  Once that’s done, the chief steward gives us the grand tour. I can’t get over the size of this thing. People actually live like this. It’s mind blowing. There’re several bedrooms, an office, media room, fully staffed kitchen with a private chef, who happens to be cooking us dinner, I’m told.

  The intricate woodwork detail in the bar is out of this world. I feel like I’m on an episode of Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous or MTV Cribs. We used to watch those shows at home and talk about what it’d be like to actually live in those houses or have all those cars.

  This whole world is so alien to me. It’s like I’m floating overhead watching this fabulous dream play out.

  There’s a guy behind the bar making me a drink as Dexter sips on a beer.

  “So, how did I do?”

  I cup his jaw. “At the risk of sounding ridiculously cheesy, so, sounding like you…”

  He laughs.

  “You’ve taken my breath away more in the last two days than anyone has my entire life. I don’t know how to repay you for this weekend.”

  “Easy over there, Texas. Not everything is a business exchange. You don’t owe me anything.” He flashes me that million-dollar smile. “Just be happy.” He cups my face again, like he always does. “Just smile for me every day. It’s all I want.” He kisses the corner of my mouth. “You’re worth more than any of this.”

  How does he make me forget the damn world outside of us exists? I love the fact he’s so damn confident, and not afraid to say cheesy things to make me smile. He makes it hard for me to keep my walls up. I’m playing Russian roulette with my heart, but even if I get burned, these experiences almost make me think it’ll be worth it. We’re past go and I’ve collected the two hundred dollar
s anyway. If he hurts me now, it’s going to destroy me. I have no choice but to drop my guard and plow forward.

  I accept my drink from the bartender and take a sip. It’s like heaven in my mouth. “This tastes like sex with you.”

  Dexter laughs.

  “I’m serious, it’s incredible. They should call it Dex sex.”

  He flashes me a blank stare then raises his brows. “Guess you foreshadowed the drink the first time I asked you out.”

  “Stop! That was so embarrassing.” I smack at his chest. “Was mortified the rest of the day when I did that.” I hold up my drink. “You should have one of these, though. A Dex sex.”

  “Wouldn’t want to masturbate at the bar. It’s not civil, Abigail.”

  I damn near spit the liquor out and choke for a second. We’re both dying laughing when the steward returns to show us to the dining room. He leads us to the upper deck where a candlelit table is set up in a room with a glass dome ceiling and fireplace. Off to the side there’s a hot tub and a small pool.

  “In the summer this celling retracts.”

  “I could get used to this.”

  “Don’t.” Dex cracks up.

  I return his laugh with one of my own.

  “I’m serious. I’ll do whatever I can to impress you, but I’ll never have this kind of money.”

  I reach for his forearm. “I don’t care. I’d be happy in a shack with you, freezing cold with no heater.”

  “Okay, Texas.” He laughs. “You’ve never been through a Chicago winter with no heater, obviously.”

  “Oh, and you have, Mr. Designer Suits?”

  It’s meant as a joke but Dex’s jaw clenches a little. “Yeah.” He doesn’t say it mean or anything, but I can tell it bothered him.

  “Dex, I didn’t… It was just a joke, sorry.”

  He winks. “It’s okay. I know.”

  I set my drink down and stop eating. “Don’t do that, babe.”

  “Do what?”

  “The guy thing where you pretend like I didn’t just hit a nerve in your wisdom tooth with an ice pick.”

  He rubs his jaw. “Fucking hell, woman. Could you find a little less direct metaphor?”

  I grin and shrug. “I am who I am.”

  He finally says, “Fine, I just… People always assume we grew up rich, because we have the firm and everything, but it wasn’t like that. We weren’t poor, but for a while our parents lived paycheck to paycheck. One year, they didn’t pay the gas bill on time and we were without heat for three days, in the middle of winter.”

  “I can’t imagine. That must’ve been awful.”

  “Actually, it was kind of nice. We all huddled in the middle of the living room in sleeping bags. I don’t know. I thought it brought me and my brothers even closer together. Mom took care of us. We had a space heater and we went to school during the day. I thought it was going to kill my dad, though.”


  He traces the rim of his glass with his index finger. “It was the only time in my life I’ve seen him look ashamed. Like he couldn’t provide what his family needed. Family is big with him and he’s traditional, old school. Like it’s his job to take care of everyone, you know?”

  “I know exactly what you mean. My parents are the same.”

  “My mom talked about getting a part-time job and he wouldn’t have it. He got a second job after that and I guess, maybe that’s why I’m closer to my mom. Dad wasn’t around as much then. When he did have time off work, he was always taking Decker and Deacon to sports stuff. I don’t knock him for it. He did the best he could, you know?”

  He hasn’t really opened up this much to me since our first date, so I want to keep him going.

  “I love hearing about you and your mom and your dad and your brothers. It’s so hard to picture you all as kids.”

  “We were ornery little shits. Always playing pranks, getting into trouble.” He smiles like he’s reliving his childhood. “We fought nonstop, but if anyone outside the family started any shit, we all finished it. Like we could fight with each other, but once an outside party jumped in, we ganged up on them and made sure they never did it again.”

  “I think that’s a universal family code. I don’t know much about it, but my friends were that way.”

  Dex sighs. “It’s why I’m so worried about Decker and Donavan.”

  “Why would you be worried?”

  Dex takes a drink of his beer. “That’s right, you weren’t here when the shit went down before the merger was finished. Did they not talk about it in Dallas?”

  “I guess not. What happened?”

  “Well, Donavan… ehh, that’s not fair. None of us were really on board with the merger. No offense.”

  “I heard whispers about that from some partners, like everything wasn’t going smoothly. Tate reported back to Weston but people talked.”

  “Well, Decker didn’t tell any of us about it and had already signed a letter of intent before discussing it with anyone.”

  “Really? Wow.”

  “Yeah. Me and Deacon were opposed but came around. He did it to free up some time to spend with Jenny. Which was great. It really has been best for everyone. Last year I wouldn’t have been able to date you like this. I rarely had nights off. But Donavan just snapped, out of nowhere. Didn’t like it. Wasn’t having it. He’s always been that way, goes against the grain. I think it’s because he’s the baby and always feels like he has to prove himself. They can be in the same room now and be civil, but if Tate comes around, he’s gone. Him and Decker rarely speak. He won’t even talk to Tate. Donavan hates her.”

  “You know, I noticed they’d give each other dirty looks when they pass, but I kind of keep my head down at work. I just want to do a good job and be taken seriously.”

  How did we end up talking about work? I guess it was inevitable we would have to do it at some point. I should get used to it. I need to get this rolling before he ends up bringing up Wells Covington. I don’t know what he knows, and I don’t want to be put in a position between him and Decker, and I wouldn’t put it past Decker to keep it from him. Especially after hearing how things went before the merger.

  “So, you were saying about them not getting along.” I roll my arm forward like continue.

  “Long story short, Donavan tried to sue one of Tate’s clients, knowing it was her client and knowing it would cause a conflict of interest while merging the firms. She told Decker. Decker squashed his lawsuit behind his back. They had a huge blowout and things haven’t been the same in the family since.”

  I glance out at the lake. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, anyway, enough about that shit. They’ll work it out. They have to. He’s marrying Tate. There’s no chance that won’t happen. Donavan will have to get over it, eventually. If he makes a scene at the wedding, my dad will kick his ass so hard he won’t sit down for a week.”

  “I think I like your dad.”

  “He’s a great guy. I wish they still lived here, but they’re really happy in Florida.”

  The stars shine above us and I feel like I’m at the top of the world.

  I look down and realize I’ve taken about two bites of food. I’m just so enamored with Dex and hearing about him as a boy. I glance over at the pool. “That hot tub looks amazing.”

  “Better put it to good use.”

  I eat a few more bites and finish off my drink, then Dex and I go change into bathing suits. I don’t know how he found time to get me a bikini and in the right size. He must’ve spent a lot of time planning this, like he does with everything. I’m really enjoying how calculated he is. He must be a shark as an attorney if he puts this much effort into his work.

  I think he likes me in red because my dress is red and the bikini is red too. I make a mental note to wear more of it.

  I can pay attention to details too, Dexter Collins.

  Dex sneaks up behind me and runs a hand over my ass. “I don’t know if we’re going to make it to the hot tub.”
  “Why’s that?”

  “All I want to do is watch this bikini fall to the floor.” His hand glides up my back and with an expert twist of his fingers, my top comes undone from around my neck and falls in front of me. The red triangles fall to my waist and his mouth crashes into mine. I climb him without even thinking, legs wrapped around his waist.

  Dex kisses me deep and our tongues roll in unison, like we’ve done it a thousand times before. Warmth pools between my legs. Thoughts of the hot tub fade away as we fall to the bed.

  We’re nothing but a tangle of limbs. He yanks off my bottoms and flings them against the wall. Dex sucks a nipple into his mouth and I let out a low moan and rake my nails through his hair. He knows just how to touch me. Which buttons to push to drive me wild.

  I use my foot to shove his shorts down his hips, wanting nothing but him, inside me. His stiff cock pulses between my legs. It’s so close and I need it closer. The tip parts my lips, teasing me just enough to drive me mad.

  I groan in his ear. “I need you, Dex.”

  “You have me.” He guides himself into me, thrusting in long, deep strokes.

  I hook my ankles around his backside, pulling me up into him, angled just right to feel him deeper. Dex’s forehead presses up against mine and our eyes lock.

  It’s so intimate and perfect. He doesn’t choke me or spank me this time. He’s tender and loving and it’s exactly what I need in this moment. His hands stroke my cheeks and rake through my hair, until he’s kissing me deep and soft. It’s so sweet, I don’t ever want him to let me go. I don’t ever want to be apart from him.

  He hits my spot perfectly and I shudder beneath him, right on the edge, where he likes to keep me.

  His hips speed up a little and he hooks an arm in the crook of my knee and pushes harder.

  “Come for me, babe.”

  I nod against his forehead and he takes me higher, higher, higher, until I’m breaking apart beneath him.

  “It feels so damn good when you come while I’m inside you.” He thrusts a few more times and then his eyes roll back as he groans and blows deep inside me.

  Once we’re finished, we’re both reduced to heavy pants. He collapses to his side on his back, and I snuggle up next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.


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