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RB 1980- The Rule Of St Benedict

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by Saint Benedict

  —responsible for obedience of his disciples: 2.6; 36.10

  —teaches: (doctrina) 2.6,11,23 divine justice (iustitia) 2.5 (veritatem tuam et salutare tuum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 39[40]:11) 2.9

  —by enforcing discipline: see below: Correction, Punishment

  —by his example: (monstrare) 2.12 (observatio) 3.11

  —by his words: (verbum) 2.12

  —through command: (imperium) 64.17; 71.3 (iniungere) 31.15 (iudicium) 3.11 (iussio) 2.5; 26.1;31.4,12; 33.2; 44.9; 67.7 (praeceptum) 4.61; 21.2; 54.1; 70.6 Antithesis: Scrip.cit. (Ps 49[50];16,17) 2.14

  —Image: Leaven: Scrip.allu.(Matt 13:33) 2.5

  —teaching of superiors: (imperare; imperium) 5.4,12; 68.1-4 Scrip.cit.(Luke 10:16) 5.6,15 (Ps 17[18]:45) 5.5 (iudicium) 5.12 (iubere) 5.14; 47.2;_53.8; 68.1 (iussio) 5.9,18

  —found reflected in the teaching of: deans: (doctrina) 21.4 —of experience: 1.6 —of the holy Fathers: 73.2 —of the master: Prol.1 —of the Rule: 65.17 Implication:73.8 RULE

  —imparted to disciples: (discipulus) 2.5,11,13; 6.3,6,8 —who:

  —attain learning: (doctrina; doctus) 1.4; 73.9

  —listen: (audire) 6.6 LISTENING

  —obey: (oboedire) 2.25; 3.6 OBEDIENCE

  —Antithesis: grumbling: (murmurium) 5.14 GRUMBLING

  —work justice: (operatur iustitiam) Scrip.cit. (Ps 14[15]:2) Prol. 25 (bona opera) 4.t (ars spiritalis) 4.75 (operari) 4.78


  —Workman: (operarius) Prol. 14; 7.49,70 MONK

  —Tools: (instrumentum) 4.t,75; 73.6

  —as means to spiritual healing: (salus; sanare) 28.5; 30.3 Antithesis: 2.33; 28.6 Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 5:5) 25.4 (liberare) Scrip.cit.(Prov 23:14) 2.29

  —Image: Way of salvation: Prol. 48


  —means include:

  —amendment: (emendare) 4.58; 5.19; 43.7,9 (emendatio) Prol. 36,47; 2.40; 29.1

  —Antithesis: (corrigere) 23.4; 45.2; 62.9; 65.20 Scrip.cit.(Prov 29:19) 2.28 (emendare)23.3; 28.t, l; 32.5; 33.8; 43.15,16,19; 46.4; 48.20; 62.10; 65.19


  —by the abbot who: admonishes: (admonere) 2.25,27 rebukes: (corripere) 2.25,27; 71.6 entreats: (obsecrare) 2.23 persuades: (suasio) 2.31 rebukes: (increpare) 2.23 reproves: (arguere) 2.23,25; 70.3 Scrip.cit.(2 Tim 4:2) 2.23 Scrip.allu. (1 Sam 2:11-34; 3:11-14; 4:12-18) 2.26 is to be prudent: (prudenter) in correcting: 64.12,14 Implication: 64.11-21 CARE and CONCERN, of abbot

  —by pilgrim monks: (reprehendere) 61.4 —superiors: 23.2

  —of boys: 30.t (disciplina) 63.9,18,19; 70.4 —deans: 21.5 —priests: 62.9 —the prior: (admonere) 65.19 —the contentious: (contentiosus) 71.5 —the undisciplined: (indisciplinatus) 2.25 Scrip.allu.(1 Tim 5:20) 2.25

  —of grumbling: 40.9

  —of private ownership: 33.7

  —punishment: (poena)

  —as discipline of the Rule: RULE, regular discipline

  —as satisfaction: (satisfacere)

  —corporal; (corporis castigatio) 2.28 (affligere) 30.3 (vindictae corporis subdi) 23.5 (vindictae corporali subiacere) 71.9 (vapulare) 45.3 (virga) Scrip.cit.(Prov 23:14) 2.29

  —due to disobedience, grumbling and pride: 2.8-10,28; 7.33; 23 Scrip.allu.(1 Cor 10:10) 5.19 (1 Tim 5:20) 23.3

  —faults: see also: A Selected Latin Concordance: culpa, iniquitas, malum, peccatum, vitium

  —the wicked; (nequissimi) Prol.7.

  —for any fault: 46.3 lie prostrate (iacere) 71.8

  —for excommunication from table and oratory: 24.4,7 lie prostrate: 44.1,2 (see proicere) 44.7,8,9

  —for grumbling: 5.19

  —for mistakes in the oratory: 45.1

  —limit of: 44.3 —judgment of abbot: 44.3 —(congruus) 24.7 —until blessing (benedicere) 44.10; 71.8 —until it is enough (sufficere) 44.10

  —everlasting: (perpetua) Prol. 7

  —excommunication: (excommunicatio)

  —from God:


  —Father disinheriting children: Prol. 7

  —Weaned child: Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:2) 7.4

  —from table and/or oratory; 23.4; 24; 25; 26 (suspendere) 25.1

  —solicitude: (sollicitudo) of the abbot toward the excommunicated: 2.33; 27; 28.1-5

  —Image: Cauterization: (ustio) 28.3

  —from the community: 71.9 Scrip.allu.(Matt 18:17) 23.3 (pellere) 66.21 Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 5:13; 7:15) 28.6-7

  —Image: Knife of amputation: 28.6

  —as discipline of receiving new members: 58.t Scrip.cit.(1 John 4:1) 58.2

  —as rank in the monastery: (ordo)

  —determined by merit of life: (meritum) 63.1,4 (in bonis actibus melior) 2.17

  —determined by the abbot: (ordo) 2.19; 44.5; 63.1 (stabilire) 61.12

  —determined by the Rule: 12.2; 63.t; 64.2 Scrip.cit.(Rom 12:10) 63.17 Scrip.allu.(1 Sam 3:11-18; Dan 13:44-62) 63.6

  —as discipline of Psalms: 11.5,7,11; 17.1,5; 18.18,20; 19.t

  —PASCHAL MYSTERY, in us through patience; RULE, observance of; SERVICE, as spiritual combat

  Excommunication, DISCIPLINE, as means to spiritual healing, punishment

  Fear of God, PRAYER, as awe

  FORGIVENESS (dimittere; remittere)

  —divine: (absolvere) 2.9 (remittere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 31[32]:5) 7.48 (reportare) 27.8-9

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: (dimittere) Scrip.cit.(Matt 6:12) 13.13

  —mutual: (inimicos diligere) 4.31 (pro inimicis orare) 4.72 (in pacem redire) 4.73 Scrip.allu.(Matt 5:39-41; Luke 6:29) 7.42 (1 Cor 4:12) 7.43 (Eph 4:26) 4.73 (Luke 6:12; 1 Cor 4:12; 1 Pet 3:9) 4.32

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: (dimittere) Scrip.cit.(Matt 6:12) 13.13

  —Image: Remove thorns of contention: 13.12

  —aspect of confession:

  —to abbot or spiritual father: (patefacere) 4.50 (confessio) 7.44 (prodere) 46.3,5-6

  —to community: (prodere) 46.3

  —to God: (confiteri) 4.57 Scrip.cit.(Ps 36[37]:5) 7.45 (Ps 105[106]:1; Ps 117[118]:1) 7.46 (Ps 31[32]:5) 7.47,48 Scrip.allu.(Luke 18:13) 7.65

  —aspect of pardon:

  —of delinquent monks: Implication: 27 Scrip.cit.(2 Cor 2:7-8) 27.4

  —of faults: (venia) 24.7 (remissio) 43.11 Implication: 43.16; 44.4-6 (sanetur ilia commotio) 71.8

  —of sins: 46.5,6 Scrip.cit.(Ps 31[32]:5) 7.47,48


  —Healing: 28.2,3 (sanare) 28.6; 30.3 Scrip.cit.(Matt 9:12) 27.1

  —Return of lost sheep: (reportare) Scrip.allu.(Luke 15:4) 27.8,9

  —HEALING, as power to heal; PASCHAL MYSTERY, in us, through patience

  GOD (Deus)

  —care and concern of: (misericordia) Scrip.cit.(Ps 105[106]:1; Ps 117[118]:1) 7.46 Scrip.allu.(Ps 15[16]:10; Jer 21:8) Prol.20 (pius) Prol.38; 7.30 Scrip.cit (Ezek 33:11) Prol.38

  —Monastic ritual:

  —Guest ceremonial: Scrip.cit.(Ps 47[48]:10) 53.14

  —Profession ceremonial: Implication: Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:116) 58.21

  —Servers’ blessing: (adiuvare; consulari) Scrip.cit .(Dan 3:52; Ps 85[86]:17) 35.16

  —Work of God: (Kyrie eleison) 9.10; 12.4; 13.11; 17.4,5,8,10

  —Image: Good Shepherd: CHRIST, Images

  —condescension of: (dignari) Prol.5; 7.70 Scrip.cit.(Luke 15:5) 27.9

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: (intendere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 69[70]:1) 18.1

  —creator: (creator) 16.5; 73.4 see also, below: universality of

  —forgiveness of: FORGIVENESS, divine

  —glory of: (laus) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:164) 16.3 (confiteri) 16.4 (gloria) Scrip.cit.(Ps 114[115]:1) Prol. 30 (1 Pet 4:11) 57.9

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: Gloria: 9.2,6; 11.3; 13.9; 17.2; 18.1; 43.4,10; 58.22 Te decet laus: Scrip.cit.(Ps 64[65]:2) 11.10 Te Deum: 11.8

  —goodness of: (bonus) Scrip.cit.(Ps 105[106]:1; Ps 117[118]:1) 7.46

  —judgment of: (iudicium) 2.6,9; 7.64

  —justice of: (iustitia) 2.5 Scrip.cit.(Ps 39[40]:11) 2.9 (Matt 6:33)
2.35 Scrip.allu.(Ps 118[119]: 164) 16.5

  —Image: Judge: (iudex) 3.11

  —law of: (lex divina) 53.9; 64.9

  —love of: (amor) 7.34 (diligere) 4.1 Scrip.cit.(2 Cor 9:7) 5.16 (caritas) Scrip.allu.(1 John 4:18) 7.67

  —name of: (nomen) Scrip.cit.(Ps 113[114]:9) Prol.30

  —patience of: (patientia) Scrip.cit.(Rom 2:4) Prol.37 Implication: Scrip.cit.(Ps 49[50]:21) 7.30

  —power of:

  —omnipotence: (qui omnia potest) 28.5

  —in us: GRACE

  —presence of: (ecce adsum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:15) Prol.18 (praesentia) 7.14; 19.1 (scrutans) (Ps 7:10) 7.14 (novit cogitationes) (Ps 93[94]: 11) 7.15 (Ps 138[139]:3) 7.16 (ante te) (Ps 37[38]:10) 7.23 (respicere) Scrip.allu.(Ps 13[14]:2) 4.49; 7.13,27 (aspicere) 7.29 GRACE


  —Divine light: (lumen) Scrip.cit.(John 12:35) Prol. 13

  —Ear of God: (auris) Scrip.allu.(Isa 58:9; 65:24) Prol.18

  —Eye of God: (oculus) Scrip.cit.(Prov 15:3) 7.26; 19.1

  —House of God: HOUSE OF GOD

  —Voice: WORD OF GOD, Images

  —protection of: (Deo protegente) 73.9 (quod absit) 4.61; 11.12; 28.2; 34.2; 48.19; 58.28; 59.6; 64.3

  —silence of: (tacere) Scrip.cit.(Ps 49[50]:21) 7.30

  —teaching of: DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching

  —Trinity: (Trinitas) 9.7

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: Gloria: 9.2,6; 11.3; 13.9; 17.2; 18.1;43.4,10; 58.22 Te decet laus: Scrip.cit.(Ps 64[65]:2) 11.10 Te Deum: 11.8

  —universality of: (universus) 20.2

  —will of: 7.20

  —word of: WORD OF GOD

  —wrath of: (irritatus) Prol.7 (retributio) 55.22 Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:2) 7.4


  —Angry father: (iratus) Prol.6

  —Dread lord: (metuendus) Prol.7


  —Loving father: (pius) 7.30

  —Nursing mother: Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:2) 7.4

  GRACE (gratia)

  —as divine power working in us: (inspirare) 20.4 (operari) Prol.30; 28.5 Scrip cit.(1 Cor 15:10) Prol.31 (2 Cor 10:17) Prol.32 Scrip.cit.(Ps 136[137]:9) Prol.28

  —as gift: (donum) Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 7:7) 40.1 (bonum) Prol.6

  —as help of Christ: (adiuvare) 73.8

  —as help of God: (gratia; adiuvare; auxiliari; adiutorium) Prol.41; 1.5,13; 5.19; 17.3; 20.4; 68.5 Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 15:10) Prol. 31 (Ps 69[70]:2) 18.1; 35.17

  —as spirit of adoption: Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:15) 2.3 (Ps 33[34]:12) Prol.12 Scrip.allu.(Rom 5:5) 7.70

  —Embodied in:

  —commands: (imperare) 5.4

  —teaching: Scrip.cit.(Ps 17[18]:45) 5.5 (doctor) (Luke 10:16) 5.6


  —Divine light: (lumen) Prol. 9

  —Guidance of the Gospel: (per ducatum) Prol.21

  —Medicine of holy Scripture: (medicamen) 28.3

  —Monastic Ritual:

  —Reader’s blessing: Scrip.cit.(Ps 50[51]:17) 38.3

  —Servers’ blessing: (adiuvare; consolari) Scrip.cit.(Dan 3:26,52; Ps 85[86]:17) 35.16 (Ps 69[70]:1) 35.17

  —Work of God: (adiutorium) Scrip.cit.(Ps 69[70]:1) 17.3; 18.1

  —DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching; GOD, presence of

  Grief, JOY, Antithesis, not to be in monastery

  Growth, LIFE, as journey

  GRUMBLING (murmurare; murmuratio)

  —admonition against: 5.14; 34.6; 40.8,9 (murmuriosus) Scrip.allu.(Wis1:11) 4.39 Relate to: Matt 21:29

  —in one’s heart: 5.17,18

  —justifiable: 41.5 Implication: 35.13; 53.18

  —punishment due to: 23.1 Scrip.allu.(1 Cor 10:10) 5.19 (Matt 18:17) 23.3

  —Relate to: Exod 16:2-12; Num 14:27,36; John 6:41-43

  GUESTS (hospites)

  —are welcomed as Christ: (suscipere) 53.1,7,15 (occurrere) 53.3 Scrip.cit.(Matt 25:35) 53.1

  —with gentleness: (mansuetudo) 66.4 —honor: (honor) 53.2 —courtesy: (humanitas) 53.9 —love: (caritas) 53.3; 66.4

  —with greater care: (cura; sollicitudo) —for Christians: Scrip, cit. (Gal 6:10) 53.2 —pilgrims: (peregrinus) 53.2,15; 56.1 —visiting monks. 61 —poor people: (pauperes) 31.9; 53.15; 66.3 (recreare) 4.14

  —arrive at irregular hours: 53.16 Implication: 42.10

  —community not to be disturbed by: 53.16

  —concern of monastic leaders for: 31.9; 53.8,10,12; 56.1

  —housing for: (cella hospitum) 53.16,21; 58.4 —porter: (ostiarius) 66.1-5

  —Monastic ritual:

  —Greeting by porter: 66.3

  —Guest ceremonial:

  —context: Christ’s presence: 53.7 —courtesy: 53.3-14 Scrip.cit. (Ps 47[48]:10) 53.14 —meal: 53.10 —reverence: 53.7


  —announcement: 53.3

  —greeting of abbot and community: 53.3

  —kiss of peace: 53.4,5

  —prayer: 53.3,4,8

  —Scripture reading: 53.9

  —washing of feet: 53.13 Relate to: John 12:1-8; 13:4,5; Luke 7:36-50

  —Image: Christ as guest: 53.1,7,15 Scrip.cit.(Matt 25:35) 53.1

  HEALING (salus)

  —as power to heal:

  —divine: (salus) 28.5 (salutare) Scrip.cit.(Isa 1:2) 2.9 (liberare) Scrip.cit.(Matt 6:13) 13.14 Implication: (salvus) Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 5:5) 25.4 (Matt 24:13) 7.36 (parcere) 7.30

  —of the abbot: (salvare) 41.5 (salus) 2.33

  —Images: ABBOT, Images: Healer, Wise physician

  —of the seniors: MONASTIC LEADERS, seniors, Image: Healer

  —of Scripture: Image: Medicine of holy Scripture: (medicamen) 28.3

  —of monks: (cura) 27.6 (sanare) 71.8 (liberare) Scrip.cit.(Prov 23:14) 2.29 Implication: (diluere) 49.3

  —of poor people: (recreare) 4.14

  —wholesome counsel: (sanus) 64.1

  —Image: Way of salvation: (via salutis): Prol. 48

  HOUSE OF GOD (domus Dei)

  —(domus Dei) 31.19; 53.22; 64.5 tent: (tabernaculum) Prol.22,24,39 Scrip.cit.(Ps 14[15]:1) Prol.23 temple: (templum) Scrip.cit.(Ps 47[48]:10) 53.14 (Deo protegente) 73.9

  —Embodied in:

  —monastery: (monasterium) and oratory: (oratorium; domus Dei) 31.19; 53.22; 64.5 (cella) 1.10 (coenobium) 5.12 (monasterium) 1.3; 2.2, 16; 3.1, 8; 7.55; 21.t; 29.t,l; 33.1, 6; 53.16, 19; 57.t, 2, 6; 58.15, 24, 26, 28; 59.1, 4, 5; 60.t, l, 6; 61.13; 62.t, 5, 10; 63.1, 8; 65.t, l, 11, 12, 21; 69.t, l; 70.1; 71.9; 73.1

  —substance of, regarded as sacred vessels of the altar: (substantia; altaris vasa sacrata) 31.10 oratory: 7.63; 11.13; 24.4; 25.1; 35.15; 38.3; 43.8; 44.1, 2, 6, 9; 45.t; 50.t; 52; 58.17, 26; 63.18; 67.3


  —House of God: 31.19; 53.22; 64.5 COMMUNITY, Images

  —Sheepfold: (ovile) 1.8

  —Workshop: (officina) 4.78

  —Relate to: Gen 28:17; 25:17; Ps 21[22]:8; Ps 26[27]:4

  HUMILITY (humilitas)

  —as authenticity: (meminere . . . quod dicitur; nomen . . . factis implere) 2.1 (dolum in corde non tenere) 4.24 (pacem falsam non dare) 4.25 (veritatem ex corde et ore) 4.28 (non velle dici sanctum) 4.62 (intimo cordis credat affectu) 7.51 (sincerus) 72.10 (humilitatem corde et corpore) 7.62,63 Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:1) 7.3 Implication: 6.5

  —Antithesis: (mentiri Deo) 1.7 (numquam stabilis) 1.11

  —as quality of monks: (humiliare) 34.4 (humilis) 2.21 (humilitatis subiectio) 3.4 (humilitatis culmen) 7.5 (non elatus) Prol. 29 (elationem fugere) 4.69 (non superbus) 4.34

  —abbot: (fragilitatem . . . suspectus sit) 64.13 ABBOT, as healer

  —artisans: (humilitas) 57.1

  —cellarer: (humilitas) 31.7,13

  —priests: (humilitas) 62.3 (caveat elationem aut superbiam) 62.2

  —reader: (humilitas) 47.4 (avertat . . . spiritum elationis) 38.2

  —Monastic ritual: Reader’s blessing: Scrip cit.(Ps 50[51]:17) 38.2,3

  —visiting priests: (humilitas) 60.5

  —whole community: (humilitas) 65.14
br />   —steps of: (gradus)

  — 1. awe (timor Dei) 7.10 PRAYER, as awe

  —obedience: (oboedientia) 5.1

  — 2. not to love one’s own will: 7.31-33 WILL, renunciation of

  — 3. subject self to a superior: 7.34 OBEDIENCE

  — 4. hold fast to patience in obedience: 7.49-50; 68 PASCHAL MYSTERY, in us, as patience

  — 5. confess evil thoughts: 7.44-48 FORGIVENESS, aspect of confession

  — 6. be content with the lowest: (contentus sit) 7.49,50 Scrip.cit.(Ps 72[73]:22,23) 7.50

  — 7. believe oneself inferior to others: (inferior) 7.51 (intimo cordis affectu credat) 7.51-53 (bona non a se) Prol. 29 (minus habet in nos) Prol. 41 Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 15:10) Prol. 31 (2 Cor 10:17) Prol. 32 (Ps 113[114]:9) Prol. 30 (Ps 21[221:7) 7.52 (Ps 87[88]:16) 7.53 (Ps 118[119]:71) 7.54

  — 8. follow common rule and example of superiors: 7.55

  — 9. be silent: (taciturnitatem habens) 7.56-58 SILENCE

  — 10. be not prompt to laugh: (risus) 6.8; 7.59 (scurrilitas) 6.8

  — 11. speak humbly: (humiliter) 7.60-61

  — 12. be humble in heart and manifest it: (semper indicat) 7.62-65 (non sum dignus) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]: 107) 7.66 Scrip.allu.(Luke 18:13) 7.65

  —effect of: exaltation: (exaltare) Scrip.cit.(Luke 14:11; 18:14) 7.1

  —extent of: (semper) 7.18,62,63,65 Scrip.cit.(Ps 37[38]:9) 7.66

  —goal of: perfect love that casts out fear: Scrip.allu.(1 John 4:18) 7.67

  —in making satisfaction: (humiliari) 45.1; 57.3 (humilitas) 45.2

  —in prayer: (humilitas) 20.1,2 (Domine non sum dignus) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:71) 7.54 Scrip.allu.(Luke 18:13; Matt 8:8) 7.65 PRAYER, as compunction


  —abbot: (humilis) 72.10

  —guests: (humilitas) 53.6 (humiliter) 53.24

  —men of rank: 20.1

  —to be tested: (probare) 58.11 Scrip.cit.(Ps 65[66]:10,11) 7.40 (1 John 4:1)58.2 (Ps 118[119]:71) 7.54 (Ps 130[131]: 1,2) 7.4 (Luke 14:11) 7.1

  —Antithesis: (exaltatio) 7.1,2,7 Scrip.cit.(Luke 14:11) 7.1 (Ps 130[131]: 1,2)7.4 (Ps 87[88]:16)7.53

  —Image: Weaned child: Scrip.cit.(Ps 130[131]:2) 7.4 PRIDE

  —Image; Ascend ladder: (scala) 7.6,8


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