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RB 1980- The Rule Of St Benedict

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by Saint Benedict

  JOY (gaudium)

  —as delight in virtue: (dilectio) Prol.49 (delectatio) 7.69 (amor) 72.3,9 (hilaris) Scrip.cit.(2 Cor 9:7) 5.16

  —at increase of worthy flock: (gaudere) 2.32

  —in the Paschal Mystery: (spiritalis desiderii gaudium) 49.7

  —in us: (gaudere) 7.39 Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:36) 7.39 (inenarrabili dilectionis dulcedine) Prol. 49

  —of the Holy Spirit: (gaudium) Scrip.allu.(1 Thess 1:6) 49.6

  —Antithesis: grief: (tristitia)

  —consolation of:

  —by God: Monastic ritual: Scrip.cit.(Dan 3:52; Ps 85[86]:17) 35.16

  —by monks: 4.19; 27.3

  —not to be in the monastery: (contristare) 31.6,7,19; 34.3; 36.4; 48.7; 54.4 (tristitia) 35.3 Scrip.cit.(2 Cor 2:7) 27.3

  —of Christ: (contristare) Prol. 5

  —PRAYER, compunction

  —Image; Enlarged heart: (dilatato corde) Scrip.allu. (Ps 118[119]:32) Prol.49

  JUSTICE (iustitia)

  —divine: GOD, judgment of, justice of, law of

  —in the monastery:

  —abbot: ABBOT, judges, just; MEASURE, as quality of the abbot

  —others: (iustitia) Scrip.cit.(Ps 14[15]:1) Prol.25 (iustus) 41.5 Implication: leaven: (fermentum) 2.5 (non abscondi) Scrip.cit.(Ps 39[40]: 11) 2.9

  —suffer persecution for: Scrip.cit.(Matt 5:10) 4.33 Relate to: 1 Cor 4:12; 1 Pet 3:14

  —whole observance of, not in the Rule: 73.t


  Lectio divina, SCRIPTURE, to be read

  LIFE (vita)

  —as journey: (ambulare) 5.12 (currere) Prol. 22,44 Scrip.cit.(John 12:35) Prol. 13 Scrip.allu.(John 12:35; 1 Cor 9:24) Prol.44 (festinare) 73.2 (ingredi) Prol.25 (moram pati nesciant) 5.4 (perducere) 73.2 (pervenire) Prol.22,42; 7.5,67; 73.4 (processus) Prol.49 (proficere) 2.25 (inquire pacem) Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]:15) Prol.17 (venire) 1.13 Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]: 12) Prol. 12 (gradi) 5.10 Implication: (initium) 2.28; 65.4; 73.1 Scrip.allu.(Matt 7:14) Prol.48

  —following Christ: (qui nos perducat) 72.12 Relate to: Matt 16:24; Luke 9:23 (pergere iter) Prol.21 (sequi) 4.10 Implication: Scrip. cit.(Ps 33[34]:13) Prol.15 Antithesis: (sequi nolle) Prol.7 (discedere) 7.36

  —in obedience: (vicino . . . pede) Scrip.allu.(Matt 4:22) 5.8 (via mandatorum Dei) Scrip.allu.(Ps 118[119]:32) Prol.49

  —Image: Christ as light: (lumen) Scrip.cit.(John 12:35) Prol. 13

  —to heaven: (ascendere; regni tabemaculo) Prol.22; 7.5-9,67 (attingere) 7.5 (ducit; vita aeterna) 4.46; 5.3; 72.2 (gradus) 5.10 (ducere) 5.11 (erigere) 7.6,8 (pervenire) 7.5

  —to God: (ducere) 72.2 (ire ad Deum) 58.8; 71.2 (proficere) 62.4 (recto cursu ad creatorem) 73.4 PRAYER, as desire for God

  —Image: Way: (ire; cursus) 58.8; 71.2; 73.4 (iter) Prol.21 (via) Prol. 20,24,48,49; 5.11; 71.2 Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:14) 5.11 (Ps 36[37]:5) 7.45 Scrip.allu.(Ps 15[16]:10) Prol. 20

  —Relate to: 1 Sam 12:23; 2 Sam 12:31; Ps 100[101]:2,6

  —The two ways: Implication: 1.1-5 contrasted: Prol.6,7,42; 1.6-11 Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:14) 5.11 (Prov 16:25) 7.21 Relate to: Prol.42; Jer 21:8


  —Light and darkness: Scrip.cit.(john 12:35) Prol.13

  —Life and death: Scrip.cit.(Ezek 33:11) Prol.38 (Prov 10:19; 18:21) 6.4,5

  —Good and evil: 7.26 Scrip.cit.(Ps 33[34]: 14-15) Prol.17 (zelus) 72.1,2

  —Relate to: Ps 1:6; Prov 4:18; 12:28

  —earthly: Prol. 36,43; 1.10; 4.48 (praesens) 7.5 (in saeculo) 7.8

  —eternal: (aeternus) 5.3,10; 7.11 (perpetuus) Prol. 42 Implication: 72.2

  —lives of Fathers: 42.3; 73.5

  —merit of: (mores) 32.1 (dinoscere) 61.5 (meritum) 21.4; 62.6; 63.1; 64.2 (puritas) 49.2

  —rule of: 73.3

  LISTENING (audire)

  —of abbot to community: (audire) 3.2 Scrip.cit.(Sir 32:24) 3.13

  —of disciples: 6.6 Scrip.cit.(Ps 17[18]:45; Luke 10:16) 5.6,15 (obauditus) 5.5

  —on journeys: (auditus malae rei) 67.4,5

  —to the divine voice: (audire) Prol.9,16,24,39; 64.21 Scrip.cit.(Luke 10:16) 5.6,15 (Ps 94[95]:8) Prol.10 (Rev 2:7) Prol.11 (Ps 33[34]:12) Prol. 12 (Matt 7:24) Prol.33

  —to the master: (obscultare) Prol.1

  —to holy reading: 4.55; 38.5

  —edification in: (aedificare audientes) 38.12; 47.3

  —times for: 38.1; 42.3

  —of the Fathers: (Collationes vel Vitae Patrum) 42.3-5 Implication: 73.4

  —of Scripture: SCRIPTURE, reading

  —of the Rule: Implication: 58.9,12,13; 66.3

  —Monastic ritual: Work of God: to the Lord’s Prayer: 13.12

  —Image: Ear of heart: Prol.1

  —OBEDIENCE, of monks

  LOVE (amor)

  —for Christ: (amor) 4.21,72; 7.69; 63.13 (carius) 5.2 (nihil praeponere) 4.21; 72.11

  —for God: (amor) 7.34 (diligere) Scrip.cit.(1 Cor 2:9) 4.77 (Luke 10:27) 4.1 (caritas) (1 John 4:18) 7.67

  —motive for obedience: (caritas) 68.5

  —mutual: (amor) 4.72; 72.9 (carissimi) Prol. 19 (cantate) 72.10 (diligere) 4.71; 63.10; 64.11 (caritatem fraternitatis) Scrip.allu.(Rom 12:10) 72.8 Implication: 27; 72

  —expressed in mutual service: (caritas) 35.2,6; 61.4

  —of abbot for monks: (amare) 2.17; 64.14 (caritas) 2.22 (diligere) 64.11

  —of monks for abbot: (caritate diligere) 72.10

  —of Christ for us: (diligere) Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:37) 7.39

  —of God for us: (diligere) Scrip.cit.(2 Cor 9:7) 5.16

  —of enemies: Scrip.cit.(Matt 5:44; Luke 6:27) 4.31

  —of virtues: (amor) 4.13; 5.10; 72.3 Scrip.allu.(Jdt 15:11) 4.64 Implication: (amare) 4.52,54; 7.31 Scrip.allu.(Jas 3:14,15) 4.68

  MASS (missa)

  —(missa) 35.14; 38.2

  —(communio) 38.2,10; 63.4

  —Implication: (altare) 58.20,29; 59.2; 62.6

  —Monastic ritual:

  —Kiss of peace: 53.5; 63.4

  —Oblation of children: 59.2-7

  —Profession ceremonial: 58.20-27

  MEASURE (mensura)

  —as balance in:

  —feeling: (aequo animo) 31.17

  —reason: (ratio) Prol. 47

  —receiving necessities: 34.t

  —as equality of service: (aequalis) 2.20

  —as quality of the abbot: (discretio) 64.17-20 (temperare) 2.24; 41.5; 64.17-19 (mensura) 24.1 (prudenter) 61.4; 64.12, 14 (providus) 64.17 Scrip.cit.(Gen 33:13) 64.18 (Isa 42:3) 64.13

  — in all things: (mensurate) 31.12; 48.9

  — in daily schedule: (horarium; consideratio rationis) 8.1 (temperare) 8.4; 41.9

  — in food: (mensura) 25.5; 39.t —clothes: 55.8 —drink: 40.t, 2,8 —all needs: 49.6

  — in personal service: (temperare) 49.4

  — in psalm arrangement: 11.11; 18.20

  — in punishment: (mensura) 30.1; 70.5

  — excommunication: (mensura) 24.1 (modus) 24.t,2

  — in speech: (moderatio) 42.11

  — of displeasure: (modus) 71.7

  — of personal strength: (mensura) 68.2

  Moderation, MEASURE


  —abbot: ABBOT

  —to administer wisely: (administrare sapienter) 53.22

  —to be chosen by the abbot: (eligere) 65.15 (praevidere) 32.1

  —to share abbot’s responsibility: (committere) 65.13 (onera partire) 21.3

  —cellarer: (cellararius) 31

  —qualities: (qualis) 31.t

  —care and concern: (curam gerat) 31.3 (sollicitudine curam gerat) 31.9 (non contristet) 31.6, 19 —for aged and children; guests: 31.9 —for sick: 31.9; 36.10

  —God-fearing: (timens Deum) 31.2

  —humble: (humilitas) 31.7, 13

  —kind in speech: (sermo bonus) Scrip.cit.(Sir 18:17) 31.14

  —mature: (maturus) 31.1

  —peaceful: (aequo animo) 31.17

  —sober: (sobrius) 31.1 Scrip.allu.(1 Tim 3:2) 31.1

  —to know he must give an a
ccount: (scire rationem reddere) 31.9

  —Antithesis: an excessive eater: (multum edax) proud: (elatus) offensive: (iniuriosus) dilatory: (tardus) 31.1 conceited: (sine typho) 31.16 greedy: (avaritia) 31.12 negligent: (neglegere) 31.11 leading astray: (scandalizare) Scrip.cit.(Matt 18:6) 31.16


  —Father to whole community: 31.2

  —Steward: STEWARD, cellarer as

  —deans: (decani) 21

  —chosen for: holy life: (boni testimonii; sanctae conversations) wise teaching: (sapientiae doctrina) Scrip.allu. (Deut 1:13-15; Acts 6:3) 21.1-4

  —keep the Rule: (servare regulam) 62.7

  —order affairs of the monastery under the abbot: (ordinare) 65.12 (praecepta abbatis) 21.2

  —share abbot’s burden: (onus) Scrip.allu. (Deut 1:13-15; Exod 18:13-27) 21.3

  —to be corrected when irresponsible: (reprehensibilis; corripere) and deposed: (deicere) 21.5

  —prior: (praepositus) 65


  —risk of dissension: (dissensio) 65.1-10 Scrip.allu. (2 Cor 12:20; Gal 5:20, 21) 65.7

  —to be chosen by the abbot: (eligere) 65.15 (surrogare) 65.20

  —duties designated by the abbot: (iniungere) 65.16

  —is to observe the Rule: 65.17

  —Antithesis: (contemptor) 65.18 (elatio) 65.18 (superbire) 65.4, 18

  —to be disciplined: admonition: (admonere) punishment: (corripere) deposition: (deicere) 21.5, 6 expulsion: (pellere) 65.19-21

  —seniors: (senior)

  —appointed to watch over new members: (deputare; curiose intendat) 58.6

  —appointed porter: (ponere; senex sapiens) 66.1

  —counsel abbot: (consilium) 3.12

  —supervise: dormitories: 22.3, 7 —reading: 48.17 —discipline in abbot’s absence: 56.3 Implication; 63.19

  —to be reverenced: (venerare) 4.70


  —Spiritual father: (seniori spiritali patefacere) 4.50; 46.5 (admoneatur secrete) 23.2; 46.6 (ad lucrandas animas) 58.6

  —Healer: (vulnera) 46.6 (senpectae) 27.2

  —see also: A Selected Latin Concordance: maior, prior


  —blessings: (benedicere) 9.5; 11.7; 44.10; 66.3 Scrip.cit.(Luke 6:28) 4.32 (oratio) 49.8

  —at meals: 43.13 —no blessing for the excommunicated: 25.6

  —for weekly reader: 38.2-5 Scrip.cit.(Ps 50[51]:17) 38.3

  —for weekly table servers: 35.15-18 Scrip.cit.(Dan 3:52; Ps 85[86]:17) 35.16 (Ps 69[70]:2) 35.17

  —for those traveling: 67.1-4

  —of guests: 53.24

  —porter’s greeting: 66.3, 4

  —priest’s: 60.4

  —guest ceremonial: 53.3-15 GUESTS

  —Mass: (missa) MASS

  —profession ceremonial: 58.17-26 (suscipe) Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:116) 58.21 PRAYER, as offering

  —Work of God: chapters 8-19 see also; A Selected Latin Concordance: divina opera, opus Dei

  —nothing to be preferred to: 43.3

  MONK (monachus)

  —kinds: (genera)

  —anchorites: (anachoritae) 1.3-5

  —former cenobites: 1.4, 5 —live alone: 1.5 —not in first fervor: 1.3

  —gyrovagues: (gyrovagi) 1.10-12

  —always wander: (vagus) 1.11 —neverstable: (numquam stabilis) 1.11

  —serve self-will: (propriae voluntates) —gluttonous: (gula) 1.11

  —sarabaites: (sarabaitae) 1.6, 9

  —are untested by rule or experience: 1.6

  —live in twos, threes or alone: 1.8

  —serve the world: (saeculum) 1.7

  —their rule (lex) is desire for pleasure: (desideriorum voluntas) 1.8

  —cenobites: (cenobitae) 1.2, 13

  —the strong kind (fortissimum) 1.13 —live in a monastery under rule and abbot: 1.2

  —rule provides for: (disponere) 1.13

  —social differentiation:

  —age: children: (infantes) 31.9; 37; 45.3 boys, minors (pueri; minore aetate) 30.t, 2; 39.10; 59.1, 2, 6; 63.9, 18 (minores) 63.10, 16 (iuniores) 3.3; 4.71; 63.8-16; 66.5; 68.4; 71.4 (adulescentiores) 22.7; 30.2; 63.18 (seniores) 3.12; 4.50, 70; 22.3, 7 old men (senes) 37.t; 66.1

  —ecclesiastical status: cleric: (clericus) 60.8; 61.12

  —deacon: (diacon) 62.1

  —priest: (presbyter) 62.1 (sacerdos) 60.t, l; 61.12; 62

  —chosen from monastery by abbot: (eligere) 62.1

  —received as new members: (suscipere) 60.t, l

  —not to be easily admitted: 60.1

  —to promise obedience to the rule and stability: 60.9

  —to be:

  —humble: (humilitas) 60.5 —Antithesis: pride (elatio; superbia) 62.2

  —obedient: (oboediens) 60.9; 62.4

  —subject to the regular discipline: 60.2, 5; 62.3, 4, 8

  —to observe regulations for deans and prior: 62.7

  —Antithesis: stubbornness: (contumacia; subdi aut oboedire regulae nolit) 62.10,11 (oblivisci regulae oboedientiam et disciplinam) 62.4 —Image: Rebel: (rebellio) 62.8

  —worthy: (dignus) 62.1 (meritum) 62.6

  —to offer Mass: 60.4; 62.6 MONASTIC RITUALS, blessings

  —to receive regular rank: 60.7; 62.5 —special rank: 60.4; 62.6 (clericus) 60.8

  —when rebellious to be dismissed: (proicere) 62.10

  —intelligent: quick-witted: (capaces) 2.12 (intellegibiles) 2.27 wise: (sapienptes) 27.2; 31.1; 53.22; 66.1 mentally slow, simple: (simpliciores) 2.12 (improbus) 23.5 (infirmis intellectibus) 42.4

  —social status: freemen: (ingenuus) 2.18 (liber) 2.20 nobles: (nobiles) 59.t, l poor men: (pauperes) 59.t, 1, 7 former slaves: (ex servitio) 2.18 (servus) 2.20 artisans: (artifices) 57

  —variety of character:

  —amenable: (mitis) 2.25 good, upright: (honestiores) 2.27

  —Antithesis: arrogant, callous, opinionated, disdainful: (durus corde) 2.12, 28 (contemnens) 2.25; 7.11; 71.9 (contemptor) 23.1; 65.18 (superbus) 2.28; 21.5; 23.1; 28.2 rebellious, stubborn: (inoboediens) 2.8, 10, 28; 23.1 (contumax) 23.1; 62.11; 71.9 (contraries) 23.1 (improbus) 2.28; 23.5 (malo animo) 5.17 (murmurare) 5.17, 18, 19

  —dutiful, upright; (oboediens) 2.25 (honestior) 2.27 (utilis frater) 7.18 HUMILITY, as quality of monks

  —Antithesis: indolent, negligent: (desidiosus) 48.23; 73.7 (otiosus) 48.24 (acediosus) 48.18 (somnulentus) 22.8 (neglegens) 2.25; 7.22; 43.5; 48.23; 73.7

  —patient, strong: (patiens) 2.25 (fortis) 64.19

  —Antithesis; moody, discontented: (indisciplinatus; inquietus) 2.25 wayward, wavering, weak: (delinquens) 27.1; 30.3 (fluctuans) 27.3 (infirmarum animarum) 27.6 (pusillanimis) 48.9


  —Brother: see; A Selected Latin Concordance: frater

  —Disciple: (discipulus) 2.5, 6, 11, 12, 13; 3.6; 5.9, 16, 17; 6.3, 6, 8; 36.10 DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching, imparted to disciples

  —Servant-soldier: (militare) SERVICE, as spiritual combat

  —Sheep: (ovis) 2.7, 10, 39; 27.8, 9; 28.8

  —Son: (filius) Prol. 1, 5, 6 Scrip.cit.(Rom 8:15) 2.3 (Ps 33[34]:12) Prol. 12 (Ps 13[14]:23) 7.27

  —Workman: (operarius) Prol. 14; 7.49, 70

  —see also: A Selected Latin Concordance: monachus

  Murmuring, GRUMBLING

  OBEDIENCE (oboedientia)

  —as renunciation of self-will: WILL, self-will, renunciation of

  —motives for:

  —fear of the Lord: (timor Dei) 5.9

  —fear of hell: (gehenna) 5.3

  —glory of life everlasting: (gloria) 5.3, 10

  —holy service professed: (servitium sanctum) 5.3

  —imitation of Christ: (imitari) 5.13; 7.32, 34

  —love: (caritas) 68.5 (dilatato corde) Prol.49

  —of Christ: (amor) 7.69

  —of God: (amor) 7.34 (caritas) 7.67

  —of monks: (oboedientia) 5.t, l, 8, 14; 7.35 (oboedientes) 2.25 (non suo arbitrio . . . alieno iudicio et imperio) 5.12

�to God: (acceptus) 5.18 (praecepta) 4.63; 7.11 (oboedientia) 5.15 Scrip.cit.(Luke 10:16) 5.6, 15 (2 Cor 9:7) 5.16 (Ps 17[18]:45) 5.5 (fiat illius voluntas) 7.20

  —Images: Way of God’s commandments: Scrip.cit.(Ps 118[119]:32) Prol.49 LIFE, as journey

  —PRAYER, as conversion; DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching

  —to Christ: (respondere) Prol.35 (praecepta) 7.42


  —Disciple: DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching, imparted to disciples

  —Following Christ: (sequi) 4.10 (demonstrat nobis Dominus viam) Prol.20 Antithesis: Prol.7

  —Military service under Christ: SERVICE, as spiritual combat

  —Workman, the Lord’s: Prol. 14; 7.49, 70

  —to the abbot: (oboedientia) 2.6, 17 (oboedire) 3.5; 4.61; 5.12; 71.1, 4 (magister) 3.6 (permittere) 33.5; 43.15; 57.1; 71.3 (praecipere) 51.2 (praecepto) 54.1 (sub) 1.2; 2.38; 65.9 (abbatem sibi praeesse) 5.12 Scrip.allu.(Matt 13:2) 4.61 Implication; 65.11-15 (permittere) 52.5 —Antithesis: (sine pastore) 1.8

  —to the Rule: (oboedientia) 62.4 (observare) 58.10; 60.9; 65.17 (sub) 1.2; 58.16 (subdere) 60.5; 62.3, 11 (nihil . . . nisi quod communis) 7.55 Implication; 48.2, 12; 58.14, 16 —Antithesis: 23.1; 62.11; 65.17 Implication: 1.8

  —to the spiritual father: (permissio) 49.9 (complere) Prol.1 Implication: 46.6

  —to the superior: 5.7-10 (oboedientia) 7.34, 35 Scrip.cit.(Phil 2:8) 7.34 (hi qui sub ipsis sunt) 65.9 (subiectione) 6.7 (sub) 7.41 Scrip.cit.(Ps 65[66]:12) 7.41 (subdere) 7.34 (praemisso . . . abbatis . . . imperio) 71.3 Implication: (oboedientia) 5.14 (oboedire) 53.20 (nihil . . . nisi quod communis) 7.55 (imperatur) 58.14

  —to one another: (oboediens) 71.t, 2, 4; 72.6 Scrip.cit.(Rom 12:10) 72.4 (sed quod magis alio) Scrip.allu.(Rom 12:10) 72.7

  —as forbearance: (tolerare) 72.5 CARE and CONCERN, of monks

  —as mutual service: SERVICE, mutual

  —of the abbot: (nihil extra praeceptum Domini) 2.4 Implication: 2.13 —Antithesis: 64.5 Scrip.cit.(Matt 7:3) 2.15 (Matt 23:3) 4.61 (Ps 49 [50]: 16, 17) 2.14

  —DISCIPLINE, as divine teaching, Embodied in: the teaching of the abbot; STEWARD, abbot as

  —promise of: (promittere) 58.17

  —qualities of:

  —acceptable to God: sweet to men: (acceptabilis; dulcis) 5.14


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