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Page 17

by Tl Reeve

  Hayden shook his hand. “Hayden Raferty. Senior Forensic officer, Apache County. I am also the Senior Forensic officer for Vigilante Security, sponsored by the FBI.”

  A small grin tugged at the man’s mouth. “Well, aren’t you a firecracker. Adorable, really. Jefferson’s assessment is spot on. I can’t wait to see you in the thick of things.” He winked at her while his slight form vibrated with excitement.

  “O-kay,” Hayden said. “We...we have a meeting.”

  Sloan nodded. “You do. This way.” He motioned for them to follow. “When Kalkin relayed to me who’d be attending, I didn’t realize it would be a family affair. But, then again, you are the best people for this job.” He opened the door then stood to the side.

  It was then Royce caught the hint of feline rolling off of him. What kind, he didn’t know. He entered the conference room and came to a stop. Around the table were several different agencies. State police, FBI, SWAT, and now them. If it bothered his little cousin, she didn’t show it. She straightened her shoulders and walked up to a group of men standing at the head of the table.

  “Fuck, little wolf,” Nico muttered behind Royce.

  “Issues?” Royce cocked a brow.

  “Nope,” Nico replied.

  “Keep it that way.” Royce took up position next to his cousin. As the head of secondary team assigned to the case, he wanted to introduce himself.

  “Hayden Raferty, Senior Forensic agent, Apache County,” Hayden said, introducing herself. “This is my partner, Royce Raferty, deputy Apache County and agent for Vigilante Security.”

  The man standing in front of her shook her hand. “Lee Connors, SWAT. This is Senior Agents Howards and Beckerman. Welcome to the team.”

  “No disrespect, Miss,” Beckerman said. He wore a suit like Sloan did. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to expose his tattooed forearms. “You’re a little on the young side.”

  Hayden smirked. “I love when people underestimate me. Are we all here?” Even for this mission being her first, she acted like it was her hundredth. She carried herself as someone who’d seen it all, and coincidentally, Hayden had.

  Royce coughed to cover his chuckle. “Hayden is one of our better trained agents.”

  Connors nodded. “We are. Do you have anything for us?”

  “Three warrants,” Hayden said. “From my investigation at the Window Rock Wildlife Preserve.”


  They took their seats at the table, and another man moved to the podium in front of them. He grabbed the remote off the stand then began. “Good afternoon, I’m Sergeant Callum. Today, we are going over the logistics and tactical response to the apprehension and detention of Holly Geithner, leader of PBH—Paranormal Bounty Hunters. Co-conspirator Katie Campbell and Co-conspirator Brooklyn Campbell.”

  Step by step they went through the information Hayden presented them with at the house then everything the state police, SWAT, and the FBI had on the Zoo since the penguin exhibit would be used for the auction. Holly, since she’d left, had been making friends, important friends, in high places, including a few senators. Now it made sense why Winters sent a staff member to the meeting.

  There were six entries into the zoo they would be using. According to the diagram, each team would be taking up position at the exits. The breach team consisting of Royce, Saber, Connors, Beckerman, along with a few other support officers would breach. No matter what came after that, their main objective was to find Holly and take her down.

  Hayden, Nico, and Hauser would be positioned at the closest exit. Royce had a feeling if Holly suspected anything, she would try to find the easiest way out. She excelled at running. She proved it in Window Rock.

  Along with all of the other details, should anything go wrong, a small field medic area would be set up a quarter of a mile away. Anyone hurt would be transported there, including shifters and children. “Those hurt will be evaluated in the medic area then transported with an officer to Mass General Children’s Hospital, if they’re a minor, or the adjacent Mass General.”

  There were variables they couldn’t control, like those who would be at the auction reacting when they breached. There was also the issue of guards. Royce would bet money those who didn’t die at the Wildlife Preserve were still working with Holly. Which meant, she was probably under guard. It didn’t matter though. They were expendable in this situation. If it came down to it, Royce would kill every last one of them just to get ahold of Holly.

  Sloan folded his hands on the polished surface of the table. “Senator Winters’ office is here to offer any assistance needed. Those senators involved at this moment have had their names and files on this particular incident sent over to the FBI to be investigated further. If need be, we can persuade the President to open a special investigation of this auction and PBH. Someone in government, beside these two men, are still actively funding them. If we get a name, we’ll share it. If you get it, we’d hope one of you would reciprocate.”

  Royce nodded. “We have a member not here now. He’s watching over our family while we attend the meeting.”

  “Ah,” Sloan said. “I wondered where the Senator’s daughter was. How is she?”

  “She’s doing great, Mr. Harnut. She’s actually decorating the house for Halloween,” Royce said. “Saber Dryer will be joining us tomorrow night. My team will bring him up to speed on how the operation will go down.”

  Callum nodded. “My understanding is that the state of Massachusetts would like first crack on its case against Holly Geithner.”

  The State’s officer nodded. “We would. We will defer to Arizona due to their case taking priority. I have already had a conversation with our District Attorney and DA Franks in Apache County. We’re all of like mind. No matter who gets her first, she’s going away for a long time.”

  Hayden vibrated beside Royce with uncheck excitement. “I have been instructed to stay until such time as we are all in agreement to transport Holly back to Window Rock, Arizona.”

  “Are there any further questions?” Connors stood up and joined Callum.

  “Do we know how many kids are inside?” one of the SWAT members asked.

  Hayden shook her head. “No. There are two things you need to know about these children. One, they’re going to be afraid. They’ll probably be sick, and they’re going to defend themselves at any perceived threat. That’ll includes all of you, gentlemen. Don’t be offended if they attack.”

  “Attack how?”

  “Some of them will have abilities,” Royce said. “Some will be apt to use them while others will shift.”

  “They won’t mean to,” Hayden added.

  “And we’re just supposed to...” one of the SWAT officers hedged.

  “Stand your ground and make yourself appear non-threatening. It’s going to be a trying time,” Hayden said. “But, I know these kids will be relieved when they understand they’re free.”

  “Also, one more thing.” Nico stood. “The last time we went up against Henry Worthington, there was a blackout of communication devices. Jerome improved his dampeners to cut out their ability to quell our comms. I have been instructed to disburse them when we arrive on scene. They will be in the air on a one-hour timer before self-destructing, without leaving a trace.” He smirked. “Bastard thinks of everything.”

  They left the meeting just as they entered, Sloan leading the way with Hayden by Royce’s side. There wasn’t much more to do, other than wait for the auction. Royce called in to the college and cancelled his class for the day, then scheduled a meeting with the Director of Facility—Royce’s teaching duties were coming to an end.

  “Royce,” Sloan said. “Senator Winters would like to see you and Charisma along with her sister and her mate, before you return to Window Rock.”

  “We can arrange that,” he replied. “I’m sure Charisma would enjoy spending time with her dad.”

  Sloan nodded. “I will inform the senator. Good luck.”

  “Thanks.” They w
ere going to need it.

  * * * *

  After arriving home from the meeting with state police, FBI, and SWAT, Royce stepped out of Hayden’s vehicle and stared up at the house they’d been occupying for almost four months.

  Charisma had outdone herself. The pillars on either side of the porch were wrapped in Halloween garland and orange lights. A skull and crossbones knocker replaced the original brass one. Each window facing the road had a plastic window covering depicting some kind of Halloween scene. The one to his left had a giant spider crawling down its web to pilfer a waiting bowl of candy. Another one showed a shadow of Dracula along with a full moon and bats.

  The yard had been surrounded by a bone fence. Tombstones covered their lawn along with leaves and small piles of dirt as though the dead were climbing out of their dreary graves.

  Pumpkins, some carved and some not, had been strategically placed as well along with corn stalks and hay bales. Creepy music began to play while fog rolled across the front of their property. Yes, his little Oasis went above and beyond with this.

  “Now, it’s Halloween,” Hayden said, hurrying up the stairs to the front door, Nico hot on her heels.

  Royce glanced at all the other houses. One by one their lights and candles were lit, giving the subdivision a horrific wonderland vibe. Some of the houses had lightning and thunder machines. Some had small mazes while others went for a subtler fall-themed approach. In the middle of the small park situated in the interior of the housing tracks, a stage along with tables adorned in lights invited people to join them. He’d never seen anything so extravagant.

  He headed inside to grab a shower, knowing Liam and Riley would be anxious to get their trick or treating started. The inside, like the outside, had been decorated. A long table with treats and party favors had been set up along with an old wooden barrel filled with water and red delicious apples. Spider webs clung to the banister going upstairs while bloody footprints led to the kitchen. Black lights illuminated the living room, giving it a spooky quality.

  “Hey, you’re home!” Charisma walked into the front room carrying a vegetable plate. She was adorable and sexy, and fuck, Royce wanted her there and then. She wore all black. Her face had been painted in vibrant purples and blues and reds to match that of a sugar skull. On her belly, two smaller versions, for their twins. Her hair had been pulled back into a high, messy bun with a lace comb.

  Once she put the platter down, Royce gathered her in his arms. “I don’t want to mess up your makeup. You look amazing...this place is amazing!”

  She smiled up at him, and he swore his heart skipped a beat. “Thank you. I thought for sure Penelope and I went overboard.”

  “Not even close,” he replied. “Are the kids ready?”

  She nodded. “They’ve been waiting on you for hours.” She gave him a teasing wink then started for the kitchen. “Visitors and guests will be arriving within the hour.”

  Royce cocked his head. “Why?”

  “For the decorating contest,” Charisma replied. “We couldn’t do all this and not enter.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to shower.”

  The party was in full swing.

  * * * *

  Charisma didn’t know what to expect when their neighbor asked her to participate in the contest. Penelope and she were set do the minimum to attract attention while also allowing Lynx, Liam, and Riley to enjoy the holiday. They needed a little fun after everything that had happened.

  Speaking of which, Royce made Riley’s day when he stepped outside in his wolf form and took his position at her side. There were more than a few gasps and frightened trills of surprise seeing a wolf in their small neighborhood. However, her mate won them over with his sweet disposition and parlor tricks.

  * * * *

  Saber, Penelope, and Lynx were dressed in matching costumes. Penelope was Dorothy, Saber was the Scarecrow, and Lynx was the cowardly lion. As quickly as Charisma took the photos, she sent them off to everyone back home, including her father. She wished he could have made the hour and a half flight to spend the spooktacular holiday with them, but like her mate and their family, he too was preparing for the coming blowback and subsequent trials for PBH.

  “Norah, I have to say, you did an amazing job,” Lizbeth said, joining her on the front porch. She’d transformed into Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. She wore a dark pink dress with a light pink sweater covering her shoulders. A pink knitted cap covered the crown of her head. “And the costumes—wait, you’re pregnant?”

  Charisma gave a sheepish grin. “Yes and thank you.”

  “Congratulations!” Lizbeth grinned. “After everything your family has been through. What a blessing.” She gripped Charisma’s hand and sighed. “Are you going to come up to the park when they announce the winners?”

  She planned on it. No way she’d miss seeing her sisters and her brother win the competition. It was presumptuous for her to say, sure, but who could beat a real wolf? “I will be there.”


  Charisma gave Lizbeth a tour of the house, then offered her a refreshment and treat before waving as her neighbor strolled down the sidewalk. Across from where she stood, she saw a gathering of women. They all had red cups in their hands, and they were whispering about something. She gave a small wave. They each wiggled their fingers in return but continued to chatter amongst themselves while trying to discreetly point to where Hayden, Nico, and Mackenzie were standing, giving out candy to trick or treaters.

  She glanced at the older man and grinned. Whether or not he wanted the attention, he got it. So did Nico. If Hayden seemed bothered by it, the little wolf didn’t show it. She talked to every trick or treater who came to their house then waved as they left. She dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland, while Nico wore a Mad Hatter’s hat with bunny ears. The only one not dressed up...her father-in-law. But, why should he? If he wanted to, he could have been a wolf as well, but Charisma knew it had more to do with deep guilt and resentment he felt along with the sorrow.

  When the crowds started heading toward the park, she closed and locked the door, then followed everyone over. On stage stood Liam, Riley, and Royce, along with Penelope, Saber, and Lynx. Several other families were there too along with their children. Lizbeth took the stage and welcomed everyone to the festivities.

  “We have several categories to get through, so let’s start with the easiest first.” She took the cards from a boy dressed as Harry Potter then kissed his forehead. “For showing him affection now, I’ll punish him later.”

  He rolled his eyes and huffed, “Mooom...”

  She gave a tinkled laugh before announcing the winners. “In the toddler category, third place—Lynx Dryer!”

  Charisma cheered on her nephew as Penelope crossed the stage to receive his ribbon. The little monster grinned and clapped his hands then blew everyone a kiss. That boy was going to melt hearts one day.

  Lizbeth continued until all of the single categories were filled. Then she moved on to families and couples. “In the tween division for first place, which includes a fifty-dollar gift certificate, the winners are—Harper and Boone Rough!”

  Riley squealed, hugging her brother while Royce barked and pranced. It was a weird sight to behold—a full grown wolf dancing like he did—but she could see the excitement and pride reflected in his golden eyes while watching his little sister walk across the stage for their ribbons and gift certificate.

  Again, Charisma waited while Lizbeth got to the adults and families. She crossed her fingers and muttered please, over and over again, hopeful her sister and brother-in-law would win. The pacing of the winners was slow going, or she was growing more impatient. She knew she had no chance of winning the house decorating, as some of the places went through tons of hard work to win. But, her siblings...her family, yes, she hoped beyond hope they’d feel the rush of exhilaration at winning.

  When the clapping ended, Lizbeth held up the last card. “Final category before we check ou
t the winning houses.”

  Charisma’s heart thudded in her chest. Anticipation crawled through her veins. She crossed her fingers tighter and closed her eyes. One by one names were called until finally there was only one place left—first.

  “First place, which includes another fifty-dollar gift certificate, the winners are—Saber and Penelope Dryer and their baby Lynx.”

  Charisma screamed. Lynx wiggled in his mother’s arms while Saber accepted their ribbons and prize. After everything, her family deserved this. Her heart swelled with love and pride and happiness for them. Shit, don’t cry now. You’ll mess up your makeup! She laughed as she gently tried to dab the corner of her eye.

  She stood in her spot, uncaring if everyone was heading back over to the houses. She waited for her family to step off the stage first. When they all joined her, Royce placing his snout in her hand, she walked back to their home. They might be on the biggest mission of their lives, but tonight was all about fun.

  As they approached the house, a group had gathered around it. Charisma squinted. A small scroll had been placed on the pillar of their porch. She looked to Hayden and Penelope, who shrugged. They picked up their pace a bit then came to a stop by the steps leading to their door.

  Third place—for creative use of decorations.

  Charisma looked to everyone then back at the pillar. “Holy crap sticks! We won!” Penelope gathered her into a hug as they bounced in a small circle. “I can’t believe it.” She released her sister then stepped up onto the porch. “The house is still open if you would like some refreshments and treats. Thank you all for including our family in your festivities this year.”

  Hours later, after the last person left and the lights were turned off, she lay in Royce’s arms and knew whatever came next for all of them would be difficult, but the memories they made in a single night would guide them through the coming mission.


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