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Page 18

by Tl Reeve

  “Thank you, Oasis,” Royce whispered.

  “For what?” She tucked herself into his side.

  “Healing my family.”

  Chapter Ten

  Charisma stifled a yawn as she waited in line at Riley and Liam’s school. Yesterday and last night had been exhausting, but so worth it to get third place for the creative use of decorations. Today was going to be another long day and night. She already knew she’d never be able to go to sleep until everyone was back home. The game plan was for her and the kids to stay with her sister and Lynx at the apartment. The guys, when the mission was complete, would return to get them, and if all was well, they could go home.

  Penelope was sitting in the seat next to her in the van. Lynx was in his car seat, in the back, content for the moment. They were waiting for Riley and Liam to get done with school. Once they had the kids, she planned on picking up dinner and making their way back to Penelope’s apartment.

  The group of mothers she loathed, because in her eyes, they were perfect, milled around the entrance to the school. They never waited in their cars, instead choosing to stand there and gossip. She’d seen some of them at the little housing development get together, but didn’t approach. They weren’t mean to her, but they weren’t exactly welcoming either. Charisma didn’t care. This wasn’t her home, it was temporary. Once everything was done, they were going back to Window Rock, where people were open, friendly, and welcoming.

  Penelope rolled down her window, letting a rush of cold air into the warm van. “Good afternoon, ladies!” She gave them a little finger wave. “What glorious day, am I right?” Her sister had always been a little instigator, and it never got old.


  They glared at Penelope. Their features were twisted in disgust, as though Charisma and her sister were below them somehow. Penelope didn’t give a shit. “I don’t think they like us.” Then she said it louder so the women could hear her. “I don’t think they like us. Pity.”

  Charisma covered her mouth as she laughed.

  “What a bunch of twats,” her sister muttered, rolling the window back up.

  Charisma snorted. “PTA. And we’ve got no shot in hell in of ever being invited to participate with them.”

  Pen grinned back at her. “Thank fuck for that.”

  “Fuck,” Lynx repeated.

  Charisma giggled when her sister turned in the seat. Penelope gave him what Charisma termed the ‘mom’ look. “No, Lynx,” she scolded.

  “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.” A huge smile formed on Lynx’s adorable face, revealing his dimples. The little guy’s feet bounced back and forth, and his hands clapped together in glee.

  “Saber is going to have my ass,” her younger sister said, trying to distract her son with a toy.

  It didn’t work.

  “Fuck ass,” Lynx said, giving his mother a toothy grin as he combined both words in perfect syntax.

  Penelope groaned. “I’m dead.”

  “No, you’re not. If it was me, I’d blame your mate, he says it enough. Hell, Pen, the Dryer men aren’t saints and all of them have mouths like a truck driver. Rafertys too,” she reminded her sister, who looked worried.

  “How does he—heck, how does Keeley get all of the Raferty men to not curse around the kids?” Penelope faced her when Lynx’s attention was ensnared by the toy.

  “Fear,” Charisma said.

  “Ass,” Lynx chirped.

  The bell rang, and Charisma sighed. Seconds later the big, blue steel doors were pushed open and a swarm of teenage boys and girls rushed from the building, making their way to their waiting parents.

  It took Riley and Liam a couple minutes to make their way to them. Charisma hit the button, and the back door slid open. Her gaze was on a swivel watching everything while she waited for the kids to join them. Riley climbed in first. The young girl stopped in front of Lynx and leaned down to kiss his chunky little cheek then took a seat beside him.

  Liam followed. He ruffled Lynx’s curly hair, messing it up before taking up residence in the third row.

  “Ass,” Lynx growled.

  “Did he just call me an ass?” Liam was so different than the surly boy of the other night. Royce assured her, teenage boys had mood swings just like teenage girls.

  “Because you are. You know what they say…If the shoe fits!” Riley said in a fit of giggles.

  “You’re stupid,” Liam shot back at his sister.

  “Fuckin’ stupid,” Lynx parroted.

  Penelope groaned and addressed the kids. “We should just ignore him. He clearly learned a new word or two today and wants to show off.”

  “Isn’t there some unwritten rule that if you smile or laugh, you can’t punish them?” Charisma asked, hitting the button to close the door.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Unless your husband catches wind, then paddles you for your two-year old’s language,” Penelope said.

  “Stupid ass.” Lynx squealing with laughter.

  The little guy was on a roll.

  “Lynx, no. That is a bad word,” Penelope’s voice was stern, and her face serious.

  The little guy giggled and waved at his mother with his chubby little hand before shocking them all. “Fuckin’ stupid ass.”

  Penelope sighed loudly and dropped back into her seat before snapping her seat belt. “I give up,” she muttered, defeated.

  “Ah, don’t do that. Look on the bright side. He just said his first full sentence,” Charisma said.

  “I’m so not putting that in his baby book!”

  Charisma snickered. “If you don’t. I will.”

  Penelope gave her the side eye. “You’re lucky you’re knocked up with twins, otherwise I’d take your butt down.”

  Charisma snorted. “You could try, but we both know you won’t win. You never have.”

  The line of cars in front of her began to move. Charisma followed, turning left out of the parking lot and making her way to their favorite pizza joint to get the order they’d placed before going to get the kids. Penelope was kind enough to go in and get the food with Liam’s help. Now the van smelled of pizza and spicy Buffalo wings.

  Charisma’s mouth watered, and her stomach grumbled with hunger. Thankfully her sister and Saber’s apartment wasn’t very far away. She pulled into the lot and found an empty spot close to the entrance. She barely had the car in park before Liam and Riley got out, snagging the food on their way.

  “You’d think they were hungry or something,” Penelope said, hitching Lynx up on her hip.

  “Liam is always hungry. Last time we ordered food, he ate an entire pizza himself. I can’t keep up,” Charisma said. “I hope we got enough.”

  “The guys won’t stuff themselves, they’ll eat just enough so their stomachs don’t distract them,” her sister replied, hitting the button to call the elevator back down.

  Charisma schooled her features. The reality of the situation settled over her. Tonight, it all ended. As much as she knew about Royce’s job as a deputy, this was different. They were walking into a situation that last time, almost cost Nico his life and also Hayden. The variables of what could go wrong twisted her insides. Deep down, she knew they would be fine; however, she still worried.

  The car dinged, and the doors slid open. “I’m starting to waddle.” Charisma wouldn’t transfer her fears onto her sister. All of them were in the same boat. She had to keep her shit together.

  “You are. It’s cute though.” Penelope joined her then hit the button for her floor. “Everything is going to be okay, sis. You need to relax.”


  “But, you’re not.” She shook her head. “Royce, Saber, and Mac know what they’re getting into. As much as it scares us, we have to trust them.”

  Leave it to her sister to be the voice of reason. “I know. It’s just...”

  “You don’t have to say it.” Penelope glanced at her. “Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” The elevator beeped then came to a stop. “Come on, if we
want to eat, we better hurry.”

  They exited the elevator and walked down the hall to the apartment. Penelope turned the handle and came to a dead stop. It was mass chaos. Open pizza boxes were spread out across the kitchen island and were already missing pieces. The two large silver trays containing the wings had their lids off and joined the pizza on the countertop.

  Men, dressed in black uniforms, some with yellow lettering on them designating what department they were with, were littered around the apartment eating. Charisma scanned the room, needing to see her mate. Royce leaned against the wall, balancing a plate in his hand while having a discussion with both Nico and Hayden. He wore all black, and on his shirt, bright yellow letters informed anyone he was a deputy for Apache County.

  It hit her then, seeing them all geared up, guns in their holsters, just how dangerous this mission was. And how Holly was again risking members of her family. She wasn’t stupid. Some of the people in this room could get hurt, and some could die. Including her mate. One of the babies in her belly moved, kicking her hard enough for it to hurt. Her hand rubbed at the spot. If she lost Royce, she wasn’t sure how she’d survive or function without him.

  “Hey,” Royce said. “You okay, Oasis?”

  Charisma blinked in confusion. How had her mate gotten to her side without her seeing him move? “Yes.” She hated lying to him. “One of the babies just kicked me really hard.”

  Royce’s blue-eyed gaze studied her intently. She didn’t want him to see the fear and doubt in her eyes. “Why are you lying to me?” He tucked his fingers under her chin, bringing her tear-filled gaze back to his.

  “I’m not,” she vehemently denied.

  Royce cocked a brow, reminding her of his Uncle Kalkin. “Charisma?”

  “Just ignore me. I’m pregnant and therefore hormonal.”

  Royce snorted. “And about to watch her mate going out on a mission.” He eased a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve done more than my fair share of these things, Oasis. Nothing has ever happened to me.”

  “Something could,” she whispered, unable to hold his gaze.

  “There is always that possibility. I have one thing going for me, however. I was trained by my uncles, baby, and I’m smart. It also helps I’ve got you and these two.” He placed his hand on her belly, caressing both her and his pups. “I’ve got motivation to make sure I come back.” Both babies gave his palm a firm kick.

  “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

  “I’m a Raferty, Oasis,” he said with a cocky smirk on his lips.

  “Exactly,” she huffed. “Being one means it’s a foregone conclusion you’ll do something dumb.”

  He chuckled, and Charisma noticed he didn’t dispute her claims. “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms. “I love you.”

  She signed, closing her eyes as she awkwardly, thanks to her baby bump, laid her head against his chest. “Love you too.” This close to Royce, she could see the seams bulging around his arms. Her man looked hot in the black clothes and gear he wore. Any other time, she’d be drooling. Right now, fear pushed back any arousal she might have been feeling.

  How long they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, she had no idea, nor did she care. He finally moved her when he heard her stomach growl twice. “You need to eat. My pups are hungry. Hayden is going to go over the plan again in a second.” He guided her back into the kitchen. “Maybe hearing how prepared we are will help ease your worry.”

  She doubted it, but hey, it was worth a try.


  Royce put together a plate for her, filled it with her favorite, cheese pizza with a dash of garlic powder sprinkled on top. He’d also given her five drumettes resting on top of a mound of blue cheese.

  “Eat it.”

  Although she was hungry, she also felt slightly nauseous. It was such an odd combination and one she was used to, thanks to her pregnancy. Her stomach gave another hardy growl, but was tinged in sickness. Ugh, she hated this part. Royce returned with an opened, familiar green soda. The peppery taste of the bubbly drink always seemed to settle her stomach.

  “How’d you know?” She grabbed the frosty can from his hand and sipped it. It was so cold it actually hurt the back of her throat. Charisma didn’t mind it, she actually liked it.

  “Penny Ann told me. Better?”

  “Yeah,” she said before drinking the rest of the can.

  Royce ignored the unladylike burp and took the empty can from between her fingers. “Need another one?”

  “No, I’m good,” she said.

  His gaze locked on the pizza on the plate in her hand, and she knew without being told he wanted her to eat. She smiled, picking up the smaller pizza slice. “I know. Eat.” She took small bites, making sure to chew it slowly. When her stomach didn’t revolt at the first bite, she continued. The wings smelled heavenly, but she didn’t touch them, for fear the spiciness of them would cause her stomach to knot again.

  While she ate, Charisma took the time to scope out the room. In the one corner were a bunch of men she didn’t know, but they knew each other because they spoke with ease and comradery. The rest of the Rafertys were spread around the table, Saber mixed in with them as they joked and laughed.

  All the men looked relaxed. Hayden on the other hand was like Lynx when he ate too much sugar. Her entire body hummed energy. It was rolling off her. Nico finally wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to him, and whispered something into his mate’s ear.

  Royce leaned into Charisma, as if he knew where her attention had been drawn. “If Nico had a half a brain, he’d drag Hayden into one of bedroom’s and fuck that nervous energy right out of her. He won’t though. He’ll wait to after.”

  “After?” she parroted, unsure how to even respond to his comment.

  Royce grinned. “Yeah. After missions, the adrenaline is flowing, the easiest way to burn it off is to fuck it off.” He growled low and splayed his hand across her belly in one of the most possessive ways a wolf could.

  “You trying to tell me something, Royce Raferty?” She cocked a brow.

  He smirked. “Maybe. When I get my dick into you tonight, Oasis, it won’t be in your sweet little pussy I love so much.” He dropped his voice so only she would hear him. “It’ll be your sweet ass. God, I can’t wait to fuck it. My dick’s already in a bind just thinking about it.”

  “Stop.” Charisma shifted in her seat as her clit throbbed in anticipation. He’d been talking about anal sex a lot lately. She was slightly afraid and excited by the possibility of it. “I know what you’re trying to do. It won’t work.”

  Royce reached over, plucking a wing from her plate. “What am I trying to do?”

  “Distract me,” she said before taking another bite.

  “If you say so,” he said around the wing he was in the process of eating. “Is it working?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. It was working. Instead of fear, she now just felt lust. “Why don’t you figure it out, wolf.”

  Royce narrowed his eyes.

  Hayden let out a shrill whistle, and the room immediately quieted.

  “Additional intel was received this morning. Holly has chartered a private jet to take her to Moldova tonight.”

  * * * *

  Charisma shifted closer to him. “What’s the issue with her going to Moldova?”

  “They’re a non-extradition country,” he said.

  “So, she’d get away?”

  Royce snorted, before dropping his voice so no one else could hear him. “You think my uncle won’t send someone after to finish the job?”

  Charisma’s pretty brown eyes widened, and a look of worry flashed across her face. “Would it be you?”

  He shrugged. Anything was a possibility with his uncle. Fuck, knowing Kalkin like he did, the bastard would go himself just to watch the life ebb from Holly’s eyes. Not wanting to stress Charisma out even more, he lied. “Most likely it’d be an undercover asset he has or an unmated

  “We can’t let that happen,” Hayden said. Her gaze flickered around the room, stopping on him.

  Fuck…he knew that look. He’d seen it more than once with his boss. It was a look of determination. None of them in that room would let Holly get away, especially after last time. She’d either be in custody tonight or dead. “So says Kalkin Raferty, who’d somehow relayed his order through his niece.” Royce gave a slight nod, letting his younger cousin know he got her message loud and clear.

  Charisma gasped. “Oh.”

  Everything else Hayden said, he tuned out; nothing was new. The plan they’d come up with the other day to breach the Zoo had been the same. He memorized the underground layout, having intimate knowledge of every escape and possible hiding spot Holly could find.

  He, instead, focused on his mate, who listened to every word Hayden spoke. It was a double-edged sword for him. Royce fought back the need to protect Charisma, to wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her without any knowledge of the upcoming mission. Withholding his undercover work with Katie during the last three years of their relationship showed him it wasn’t really a smart idea. It had all but ruined everything with his mate.

  He could smell the fear rolling off her in waves. It pissed his wolf off, making his hackles rise and a low rumbling of a growl form in his chest. The wolf always protected the mate.

  “We’re heading out in five,” Hayden informed the group.

  Standing, Royce held his hand out to Charisma. When she took it, he all but drug her out the front door and to the common area on the floor. He only needed four minutes to kiss the hell out of her.

  It wasn’t going to be a chaste kiss either.

  No, it was going to be hard and demanding. Royce claimed her lips in a searing meeting of mouths. He groaned. The bite of garlic and Charisma’s natural sweetness greeted him. His tongue brushed against the seam of her lips, demanding entrance. His choices in their sex life meant she was shy, often requiring him to coax it out of her. He didn’t have time for it, not tonight. In minutes those within Saber’s apartment would be coming out, battle ready.


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