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Pack -The Beginning

Page 18

by R.A Cullison

Chapter 15

  Made of Stone

  I stood outside of the warehouse, dreading going in and facing my grandpa or should I say Dad. My mind couldn’t wrap itself around that idea.

  I walked into the office, the new receptionist greeted me, I smiled and continued to walk back to Grandpa’s office.

  I stood there staring at his door, then I heard my Grandpa‘s voice, “ I can see you there Nora, come in.” I let out a big sigh and walked in. He was behind his desk, his glasses half way down his nose. It always amazed me how young my Grandpa looked, that’s when I realized, Oh my God I look like him. “I’m glad to see you, Nora, I was hoping we could talk.” I shook my head.

  “I’m not here to talk, I am here to quit.” That wasn’t so tough, I thought.

  “Quit? Nora, why?” he pulled his glasses off his face.

  “I think you know why, with all the stuff you and my Mom put me through, I don’t think I can forgive either of you. So I decided to move on with my life, do things on my own or at least with Matt.” I turned back towards the door.

  “Nora please, at least let me…” I didn’t give him a chance to finish.

  “Good-bye.” I opened the door and basically ran out. Matt was waiting in the car.

  “How did it go?” he asked.

  “Lets go please, I want to get out of here.” I clicked my seatbelt and we were gone.

  I felt like a very mean person, I knew I had the right to be mad and to be upset but how I was treating them I couldn’t really justify it to myself. I love them both dearly, I just needed time, get away from there for awhile.

  We got back to the apartment, I looked around and thought to myself, we wont be able to live here much longer. Matt looked at me, he could tell I was in deep thought. He headed over to the the door.

  “I think I am going to run across the street and pick up a newspaper.” I gave him a weak smile, “ Its ok babe, things will work out.” He left.

  I decided to take a bubble bath, I just needed to relax. I walked into the bathroom, caught my reflextion in the mirror, I couldn’t believe how sick, I looked, dark circles and blood shot eyes from crying. I started the bath water and poured in some of my favorite bubble bath. I walked over to the mirror to put my hair up. I heard the front door open, “Matt?” I called out, but no answer. I peeked out, there was Matt with his mp3 player blaring in his ears. He noticed me, he took his ear buds out.

  “Yeah?” he had a bag of stuff.

  “I’m going to take a bath.” I started to unbuttoning my shirt, he started to smile. I unbuttoned my shirt and took off my bra. Matt stared, I turned around and headed back into the bathroom.

  “Hey, tease.” he was joking. I was giggling at him. I finished undressing and slid into the hot water. It felt so good to be able to relax.

  I heard a pounding on the door, I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me, I looked through the cracked of the door to see what was going on. Matt slowly walked over to the door but it bursted open. Noah and his pack attacked Matt. I stifled a scream, two big guys with him held Matt‘s arm.

  “Where is she?” Noah asked Matt.

  Matt shook his head., “Go to hell!” Matt spat in his face. Noah took the back of his gloved hand and slapped Matt.

  Noah was had a evil grin on his face, “ Not before you!” Noah grabbed a dagger off his side and slit Matt‘s throat. I heard a gargling noise. I covered my mouth tighter. The two men let Matt go and he fell heavy to the floor. His eyes where fixed on me. I watched them turn black as the life left him, I stood there in shock.

  “Nora I know you’re here!” I seen him walk toward the kitchen, wiping off his dagger. He walked out of my view, then he popped up in front of me, “There you are!” I jumped. I splashed water everywhere, Matt knocked on the door.

  “Nora, you ok in there?” I slowed my breathing down, It was just a dream. I grabed a towel and got out of the tub, my heart still racing. I dried off and slid into a pair of jeans and sweater. I grabbed a pair of socks out of my drawer. I sat on the edge of the bed to put them on. Matt came in. I wrapped my arms around him, he hugged me back. “Oh!” he pulled back, “You want to go somewhere?” I looked at him.

  “and go where?” I asked.

  “ I don’t know, maybe by the ocean?” he looked ready and concerned.

  “Ok, I guess, but where we going to go?” I slid on my shoes.

  “Don’t know yet, I just want to get out of town for a few. Maybe go to New York and hit a broadway show.” he smiled, that up-to-something kind of smile.

  “Ok, Matt what are you up to?” I knew he was up to something, he had a sneaky grin on his face.

  “You might want to take a nice dress and a few other things.” he held up his suit.

  “Ok, I get it.” I went and packed all my nice stuff and grabbed my purse. I got my cell and charger. I called my debit card to see what my account balance was. When I heard the balance, my mouth flung open, Matt looked at me.

  “What? Is the account empty?” he stuffed the chargers in a over night bag.

  “No, listen.” I pressed the button and held it up to his ear, he raised an eyebrow.

  “How did you get that money in your bank account.” I flipped my cell closed.

  “I think I know.” I flipped it back open and speed dialed my Grandpa’s number.

  After 3 rings he picked up.

  “Hello?” he sounded like he was eating.

  “Grandpa?” I almost started to cry.

  “Nora? How are you?” he sipped something

  “I wanted to thank you for the money.” I started to tear up more.

  “Your welcome, doll, But, its from your inheritance from your Grandma’s will.” I heard water running.

  “Thanks for making sure I get it. I know I been so unfair with this whole thing. Anyways, I love you. I gotta go, we are heading out for the weekend. I will talk to you later.” I sighed.

  “Have a safe trip. If you need anything at all, please call me.” He sounded more depressed.

  We hung up, I looked over at Matt, who was waiting to leave.

  We were just entering New York state, the traffic was getting bad. I was excited to be there and seeing all the big buildings. I noticed the Statue of Liberty so I started to snap pictures with my phone.

  We pulled up in front a hotel that had a big vacancy sign. We walked in, it was very art deco, but clean. Matt walked up to the desk and hit the little bell.

  We heard what sounded like porn from the back. I heard the tv click off and some shuffling of papers. A bald, heavy set guy came out.

  “Can I help ya?” he asked, in a thick New York accent.

  “Yeah, I would like a room?” Matt dug out his wallet, the man looked at us suspiciously.

  “That’s Fifty a night? How long would you like it for?” he sat a big book on the counter.

  “For the weekend, we are here to see the sight and do some shopping.” he looked at me, I smiled.

  “Would you like room service too?” he picked up a pen and started writing.

  “Yeah, how much extra will that be?” Matt pulled out some cash.

  “That’s another seventy-five dollars.” he looked at us both well he looked at me like I was a hooker or something, it was kind of insulting.

  “Its ok, babe, I got this. Does this ATM work?” I pointed to the ATM in the corner.

  “Sure does.” I stuck in my card and got some money and handed it too Matt.

  Matt turned and looked at the man, “ So what the total?” the man pulled out a caculator and began crunching numbers.

  “$325 total, you don’t have to pay it now, you can pay it at check out.” he looked at us both again, oddly.

  “No, I will be paying it now and I would like a recipt too please.” Matt handed me the left over cash. The man handed a hand written recipt to Matt and our key.

  “That would be room B24 on the second floor next to the ice machine, which is free, there is
an ice bucket in your room.” we smiled at the man and walked out.

  We walked into the room, which was nice, not what you expected compared to the lobby. I checked the view,

  “You can see the Empire State Building from here.” I said excitedly, Matt stood beside me and we both looked around.

  “Crap! What time is it?” he dug out his cell to look at the time, “Ok you got an hour to get ready, so go shower and get all fancy, we have tickets for 8 and its 6:30 now I want to leave by 7:30.” I didn’t give him a chance to finish, I was in the shower and scrubbing. I brushed my hair and teeth, I ran out in a towel and I got dressed, fixed my hair, put on my shoes, put on my make-up and squirted some perfume on. I saw Matt standing looking in the mirror, tying his tie, well he was trying to.

  “You look so handsome.” I turned him around and began to tie his tie. He looked at me and smiled,

  “You look and smell amazing.” he ran his hands over my bare shoulders, sending goose bumps through me.

  “Thanks babe.” I giggled, “I think we are going to make it, its 7 exactly.” I looked at his watch.

  “Alright, our ride should be here then.” I looked at him confused.

  “Ride? What ride?” he handed me my clutch and we headed downstairs, where there was a limo outside the door.

  “No way, Matt, a limo?” I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him then kissed him.

  The limo was huge, the ceiling was nothing but twinkly lights. We pulled up in front of the theater. A valet opened the door for us, “Madame?” He offered me his hand for help. I lightly took it. I stepped out, people where everywhere. Matt got out and offered me his arm.

  “Excuse me,!” the man at the door stopped up, “Do you have a ticket?”

  I seen Matt smile, “Yes, we have 2 reserved seating for Nora and Matthew Hanson?” Matt smiled at that.

  The man looked at the clipboard he was holding, “Yes, sir, this way.” we followed him to our seats which where in the balcony. I looked around.

  “This is great.” I squinted to see the stage, “don’t we get glasses?” The clerk picked them up and gave us each a pair.

  “Enjoy the show.” he smiled and left.

  I was excited, I leaned over and kissed Matt again, “Your such a great guy to do this for me.”

  “Your welcome babe, you needed this, didn’t you?” he put the glasses up.

  “Yes, more than you know.” I answered.

  The lights dimmed and the show began, it was the greatest thing I have ever seen.

  After the show, we got back to the hotel we changed into some street clothes and headed across the street to a local deli. We got back to the hotel and made love, I fell asleep. I don’t think I even dreamed.

  I woke up to the sound of something squeaking. Matt was pulling in a cart. I could smell bacon, I was starving. I slipped on my robe.

  “Good Morning, hon.” He greeted me.

  “Morning.” I yawned.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked while walking over to me, to give me a kiss.

  “I slept great, I forgot where I was?” we both laughed.

  After eating breakfast I got showered and dressed. He was already dress by the time I got out. I pulled my hair in a ponytail.

  We caught a cab outside of the hotel and went to Chanel™. I was lost in there, the clothes were pricey but I got a couple of outfits for me and one for Matt. I got a small bottle of perfume, which Matt loved.

  I was looking at the nighties while Matt went to try on some outfits. A woman tapped me on the shoulder, I turned.

  “Excuse me, My name is Silvia, Would you like a make over?” I looked at her.

  “Make over? Do I look that bad?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “No, no, its just your skin looks beat.” she touched my cheek, “and your so pretty, please, its on me.” she pointed to the salon in the back of the store.

  “Ok, I guess.” I sat down and ended up falling asleep. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked in the mirror, my skin was glowing and I looked so much better.

  “Wow!” I couldn’t believe how I looked.

  She smiled, “Yes, you’re a very lovely woman.” I seen the clock on the wall.

  “OH my boyfriend is probably looking for me.” I rose up.

  “The big guy? He was here and wanted me to tell you he will be in the electronic store next door.” she helped me up.

  “Thanks so much.” I shook her hand and put a 20 in the tip jar and left.

  I went next door, Matt was looking at a game system. He seen me and his eyes got big. “I didn’t even recognized you?”

  “Wow, really, I look that different?” I checked myself out in my compact mirror. “I guess I do.” He kissed me.

  “Ready? I’m kind of hungry.” he reached for my bag to carry it. “We can go to the diner across the street, they said its pretty good.”

  “Sure, I could eat something.” I grabbed his hand and we crossed the street.

  We walked in, the place was crowded, but we managed to find a booth in the front of the place. We ordered burger and fries with soft drinks.

  We sat there sipping sodas, Matt was sitting across from me, he was smiling then something caught his eye and his face dropped.

  “Matt, what is it?” I asked as I went to turn around to see what it was, there was a woman staring at him too. “Who is that?”

  “Ummm” he was speechless.

  She walked over to us, “Matthew?”her eyes then shifted to me.

  Matt stood up and hugged her, “Donna, wow, I didn’t exspect to see you here?” he sat back down

  “I know, I live her now, how about you?” she kept looking at me, making me feel nervous.

  “Oh excuse me, this is my girlfriend, Nora. Nora this is my friend Donna White.”

  “Nice to meet you?” I shook her hand.

  “Just friend, we dated in High School.” I looked at Matt and he just smiled nervously.

  They chatted and she flirted alittle, I tried not to let it get to me, but when they started talking about their sex life together, I had to leave.

  “Excuse me.” I slid out of the booth, “ I need some fresh air.” I stepped out on the city streets. I looked inside, She was flirting and touch him, he was being polite about it and removing her hand from where ever she touched him. I walked back in. “Matt I think we should go, we have things to do while we are here.” Matt smiled and slid out.

  “Your right babe, Nice talking to you again Donna.” she hugged him and shook my hand. Matt grabbed my hand and led me out.

  “We forgot to pay?” I said while stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

  “No, I paid already.” he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the curb.

  In the cab he looked at me, “I am so sorry about that, running into her was a surprise.” I squeezed his hand.

  “Its ok, she was alittle touchy feely though.” he looked at me and smiled,

  “Jealous?” I shook my head, “I know, but I think I handled it ok.” he pulled me close to him.

  “You did, but I was going to lose it if she didn’t stop.” I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

  “Well, I am glad you kept your cool.” he lightly laughed. we kissed.

  We got inside the hotel, my cell was beeping, I picked it up, it was Grandpa. I listen to my messages.

  You have one message, “Nora, its Grandpa, I just wanted to check and see how you were. Call me when you can, just so I know your ok.” I closed it.

  “Who was it?” Matt was flipping through channels

  “My Grandpa checking in on me.” I laid back on the bed and began to doze off.

  “Tomorrow back to Portland.” Matt had this depressed tone in his voice.

  “Yeah.” I answered groggly. “ I kind of cant wait to be home.”

  I woke to the sound of someone knocking my my door. Matt jumped up. “Who is it?”

  “Front desk, a reminder check out time in an hour.” the person
sounded alittle scared.

  “Oh, thanks.” Matt stood up and stretched. I looked at him, “Ready to hit the road?” I shook my head.

  We packed everything into my car and headed home. The trip seemed fast. We chatted mostly about New York and Matt made a suggestion about moving there.

  “It’s too fast paced for me, I will stick to Portland.” I answered him.

  We were at a red light, waiting for it to change. I was looking at Matt when all I saw was this big red truck coming right for us. “MATT!” I screamed.

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