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Pack -The Beginning

Page 19

by R.A Cullison


  I slowly opened my eyes, everything was blurry. I could hear a beeping noise. I blinked a few times, finally I could see the white ceiling.

  “Nora? Nora?” I looked towards the voice, “Nora, my name is Doctor Weston.” I blinked.

  “Matt?” my words barely heard.

  “Matt is here in the hospital.” the doctor shined a light in my eyes.

  “Can you tell me your last name?” I looked at him.

  “Treeman.” I answered him, “Where is Matt?” I asked again.

  “Matt was hurt pretty bad, right now he is in a coma he saved your life.” I started to tear up. “Your family is here.”

  “Nora?” I turned towards my Grandpa’s voice, “Thank God.” he hugged me, so did Nikki. I slowly got more awake.

  By noon I was sitting up eating jell-o, I wanted to see Matt, but they didn’t let me at first.

  I was wheeled down to ICU, where Matt was. When I entered the room, I began to cry. I stood up and sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Matt, babe, Please wake up, for me, please.” I whispered it in this ear. But nothing, no sign or any movement.

  “Why is he so still?” I asked the nurse.

  “He hit his pretty hard, we don’t know whats going on in there.” I shook my head. I looked him over, his face was swollen and bruised. I ran my fingers over his stitches and bruises. He didn’t look like the same man I was in love with. He looked so helpless. He had a neck brace on and his leg was broken. I held his hand. I leaned down and whispered, I love you.

  I wheeled back to my room, my heart was heavy. I felt useless.

  Kyle and Nikki came up to visit me and Matt. They brought my spirits back up. They played cards with me and they did everything to help me pass the time. Nikki even stayed the night with me twice.


  *****2 Weeks Later*****

  I was release a week later, but Matt was still in a coma, the doctors kept telling me not to lose hope.

  I was at my Grandpa’s house, he was helping me. I still was sore and nearly re broke my arm.

  I was in my old room, asleep when my cell rang, the number was the hospital.

  “Hello?” my voice alittle more shaky then I intended.

  “Miss. Treeman?” a womans voice.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “Matthew Hanson is awake.” she sounded so calm.

  “He’s awake?” I hung the phone up, grabbed my shoes and next thing I knew I was at the hospital.

  I was in the ICU wing. Dr. Weston was waiting for me.

  “He is awake.” Dr. Weston greeted me.

  “Is he talking?” I barely got out, running left me breathless.

  “No, as of right now his eyes are just open and scanning the room. We don’t know how much brain damage he has, so we will have to take things slowly. Ok?” the doctor picked up his clipboard and waited for me to catch my breath.

  “Ok,” I exhaled, “I’m ready.” I followed him in the room. Matt was sitting up looking around the room, then he seen me and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards him. We held each other. He didn’t talk, he knew me. The doctor excused himself and left. “Matt, do you know my name?” I asked looking at him.

  “Nora.” he whispered, “my Nora.” I hugged him tight.

  “Yes, I am your Nora.” I was so happy, I began to cry. Matt looked at me and frowned. He touched my cheek to wipe the tear off.

  “No, babe don’t cry.” he pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest, I could hear is strong and steady heartbeat. We both dozed off. I felt alittle shake so I opened my eyes.

  “Miss. Treeman, visiting hours are over with.” a voice said. I rose up and looked around. Matt was awake staring at me.

  “Ok.” I went to slide off the bed but Matt held me tight, “ I will be back tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” he kissed my cheek. I left.

  I got to the apartment, I figured I better get things situated for when Matt gets home. I cleaned all day and did laundry most of the night. I was asleep at midnight so I could get up at 7am to be at the hospital with Matt.

  6am the alarm went off, a quick shower and clean clothes, I was out the door. I went into Matt’s room and the bed was empty, my heart broke. A nurse came in,

  “He was moved to a regular room.” she looked at me, “ I know that look, lets go find out which one.” I followed her to the front desk. She started typing something on the computer. “Room 355 on the third floor.” I thanked her and headed to the elevator. When the door open there was Ken and Connie.

  “Nora? Hey, we are coming to see my brother.” he went to step off the elevator.

  “He was moved to the third floor.” I watched them step back really fast.

  “Oh, when did that happen?” he asked while reaching for Connie’s hand.

  “I don’t know, but he must be doing better to be moved to a regular room.” I stated the obvious.

  “Thank God for that.” I caught the look on his face and it was almost like a accusing look, like he was blaming me for Matt being in the hospital. I shook off the chills. Why would he blame me.

  We walked into his room, he was sitting in a chair, he seen us and smiled. “Look what the cat dragged in and look an angel from heaven.” I walked over to him and kissed him. “ Hi babe” he whispered.

  “So, Dickhead, trying to get yourself killed huh?” Ken said to him.

  “No, it was the driver of the other vehicals fault, they hit us at a red light. I threw myself on Nora so she wasn’t hurt.” Matt smiled at me. Ken and Connie glared at me.

  “Excuse me I have to call my Grandpa to let them know your ok.” I got up and went into the hall way. I could hear them talking.

  “Bro, you gotta dump her, she is going to kill you.” Ken told Matt, “I mean look, you are in the hospital because of her.” Matt growled

  “Your wrong, Ken, I was driving, she saw the truck coming for us and tried to warn me, so I threw myself over her.” Matt was getting pissed.

  “But Matt….” a short silence, “ we are heading back to Texas, you should come with us.” Connie broke in,

  “No, I love her and I hate to say this bro, if you don’t like it you can Fuck off and leave my room.” Matt was basically yelling. I walked in pretending not to know anything or hear anything.

  “Matt, why the yelling?” he looked at me.

  “No reason babe, nothing important, Ken and Connie are just leaving.” I sat on the arm of his chair.

  “Where they going?” I looked at them both.

  “We are going back to Texas, we wanted to see if Matt wanted to come.” Ken staring at Matt.

  “Matt are you going to leave me?” I turned and looked at him.

  “No, babe, See you later Ken and Connie.” He stared them down. They slowly left the room.

  I turned and looked at him, “ I heard everything, why am I the bad person now?”

  “Your not, you’re my angel.” he said pulling me down on top of him, we kissed.

  “I am so glad your doing better, its almost like your made of stone or something.” I stroked his cheek.

  “Yeah, Thank God for that.” we hugged.


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